#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "unistd.h"
char h[]=
" H a c k e r s # M ovie#Script+nTyped#by#Lo#Wang+nCode# b y # l o r d n i k o n / D e ka dence#( 201 4 / 1 0 / 0 7 ) + n+ n + n + t + t # # # # # U N I T E D #ARTIS TS #P IC TUR E S = + t +t + t## ## #prese n " \
" t s = + t + t # # # ####an#IAIN#SOFTLEY#film=+t+t+t####HACKE R S = +t+ t+ t# J O N N Y# L E E # M I LLE R=+t+t+t# #AN GE L I N A # J O L IE = + t + t + t # # F I S H E R # S T E V E N S = + t + t # # # # # # # a n d # L O R R A I N E # B R A C C O = + t + t # # ## # #m us i c#by # S I M ON #BO S W EL " \
" L = + t # # # e d i ted#by#CHRISTOPHER#BLUNDEN##MARTIN#W A L S H = + t + t# # pr o d u c t i on # d e s ign e r # JO H N # B E A R D = + t # # # # # # d i r e c t o r # o f # p h o t o g r a p h y # A N D R Z E J # SE K U L A = + t +t#e xe cu ti ve #p r o duc er #IA I " \
" N #S OF T L EY =+t +t # ####co-producer#JANET#GRAHAM=+t+t# ## # # w r i t t en # b y# R A F AE L # M O R E U = + t# # ## # p r o d u c e d # b y # M I C H A E L #PE Y S E R # # R A L P H # W I N T E R= + t+t # # # # # dir ec te d#b y# I A IN # SO " \
" F TL EY = = =+ t+t+ t# ####SEATTLE#1988=+nEXT.#FRONT#YARD.# # D A Y .= + t Sl o w # m o ti o n . #A r m e d # t r o o ps #in#blac k # u n i f o r m s # p o u r # o u t # o f + n + t u nm a r k e d#v a ns# a n d # s w ar m# a c ro s s#a#l a w n#i n " \
" # a # mi d d le # cl ass+n+tresidential#neighborhood.#Yup p i e# ne ig hb o u r s # l o o k # o n#i n+ n+ t s h o ck,#confu s e d . # T w o # o f # t h e # t r o o p s # car r y#a # b a t t e r i n g # r a m+ n+ tt o # th e #f r o n t # do or# of #a # wh ite# t w " \
" o - st o r e y# h o use.#A#leas he d+ n + t R o t t w ei l e r # s n a r l s #a nd # b a r k s. # In # position,#th e i r # c o m r a d e s + n + t p o i n t # M - 1 6 s # i n to # f i rs t -f l o o r #w i n d o w s , # r e a d y # t o # b e + n + t a m b u s h e d . # P an #i n to # a # w i n d o w #i n # th e# k it c h e " \
" n . # An+n + t at t r a c ti v e # w o ma n # i n # h e r # t h i r t ies #i s#making#breakfast . = + t N o w , # i n # r e g u l ar#motion, # t h e # b a t t e r i n g # r a m # b r e a k s # o p e n#th e + n + t front # do o r . # T h e # w o m a n , # s t a r tle d , # dr op s# h e r # s p a t u l a. =I N T . #M U " \
" RP HY #RE S I D E N C E . # D A Y . = + t + t + t + t W O M A N + n + t +t+ t +t ( s c r eam s)+n+t+t####Oo u g h ! #A h h h ! = +t + t + t + t S E C R E T # S E R VI C E # A G E N T + n + t + t +t + t ( t o # ot h e r s)+n+t+t## # #Upstair s . = + t Tr o o p s # p o u r # i n t o # t h e# hous e . =+ t + t + t + t W OM AN + n+t+ t# # ## " \
" W h a t ' s# g o i ng # o n ? # W h a t 's #t h e # m a t t e r ? + n + t + t # ## #W h o # a re #you?=+tThe#t r o o p s , # a n d # o n e # o r # t w o # t r e n c hc o a t e d # a g e n t s , # c o n t i n ue +n + t e n t e r i ng # the#house # and#hea ding # u p s t a i r s , # s t i l l # w i t h # r i f l e s +n+t r ea dy . = + t + t + t + t W OMA N + n +t+ t " \
" # ## #He y! = + tU p st a i r s , #c row de d # i n #t he # n a r ro w # h a llw a y , #t h e#tr o ops+n+td e s c e n d # o n # a # b e d r o o m . = + t + t + t + t W O M A N+ n +t + t + t + t ( o f f # c a m er a)+n + t + t # # # #Dade!#Dade!=+t + t+t+t A GE N T + n + t +t # # # # K n o c k # i t # d o w n . = + t T h e # b a t ter i ng#r am #k n o c k s # d o w n # a# be dr o om # " \
" d o o r .=+n IN T . #C OUR TR O O M . = + t Th e# p r os ec ut o r , #a # w o m a n #o f#a b o u t #f or t y , # g i ve s # h e r # c l o s i n g + n + t a r g u m e n t #b l an d l y .#S h e ' d # r ath er # be #s o me where#el se.=+t+ t + t + t PROSEC UTOR+ n + t + t # # # # T h e # d e f e nd a n t , # D a d e # M u r ph y ,# w h o# ca ll s+ n +t + t # # # # h im se l f# Z ero # " \
" C oo l , # ha s #r e p ea te d l y+ n+t +t# ## #c om m i t t e d# cr i m i n a l # a c t s #o f # a #ma li ci o u s+ n + t + t # # # # n a t u r e . # T h i s # d e f e n d a n t # p o s s e s s es #a+n + t+t## # # s u p e r i o r# i n telligen ce,#which#he#uses # t o # a + n + t+ t # # # #d e s t r u c t i v e # a n d #a n t i s o c i a l # e n d . # H i s + n + t+ t# # # #c om pu t e r# v i r u s #c ra sh ed # one# " \
" t h o u s a n d # f i v e+ n+t +t# ### hundred#and# s e v en # c o m p u t e r # s y s t e m s,+ n + t + t # # # # i n c l ud i n g # W a l l # S t r e e t # t r a d i n g # s y s t e m s , + n + t +t# # # #sin g l e # h a n ded l y #causing#a#seven#p o in t # d r o p + n + t + t # # # # i n # t h e # N e w # Yo r k # S t o c k # M a r k e t . = + tA s# s he#s pe ak s,# th e # c a m e r a # pa ns # ac r oss " \
"# t h e # c o u r t , # p a n ning+n+t down #and# s t o p p i ng #on # t h e # d e f e n d a n t : # el ev e n # y e a r # o l d # D a d e + n + t M u r p h y . = + t F a s t # f o r w a r d # to# t h e # s e n t e n c i n g . = + t + t + t + t J U D GE +n + t + t # # # # D ade # M u r p h y , # I # h e r e b y# f in e # yo u r # f a m i l y + n + t + t # # # # f o r t y-f i ve #t ho u sa nd #d o l l a r s .. .= +tTh e # c ou " \
" r t # g a s p s , # D a de ' s # f a t h e r # w i n c e s = + t + t + t + t J U D GE +n + t + t # # # # . . . a n d # se n t e n c e # y o u# t o # p r o b a t i o n , # u n d e r + n + t + t # # # # w h i c h # y o u # a r e # f o r b i d d e n # t o # o w n # o r # o p e r a t e + n + t + t # # # # a # c o m p u t e r # o r #t ou ch #to ne #t e le p h o n e , # un t i l+ n+ t +t# " \
" # # # t he # d a y # o f # y o u r #e i g ht e e n t h# b i r t hd a y . = + t N ow # D a de #winc e s , # in# f act # w e # a l m os t# e x pe c t # h i m # t o # c r y . = + t O p e n i n g # c r e d i t s # ro l l # t o # a # b a c k d r o p # o f # D a d e # a n d #h i s # f a m i l y + n + t a n d # l a w y e r # f i g h t i n g # t h r o u g h # a # g a ggl e# of #j o ur na lis t s # a n d + n +t ph ot ogr a p h " \
"e r s , # in # s l o w #m ot i o n , # a n d # d r i v i n g # a w a y . = = +n + t +t+tSEV E N # Y E A RS#L A T E R . = = +n + t A b oa r d # a # j e t l i n e r , # D a d e # M u r p h y #is# s t a r i n g # b l a nkl y# ou t # t h e + n +tw i n d o w , #w ea r i ng # h e a d p h o n e s . # E x t e r i o r # v i e w # f ro m #t h e + n + t a i r c r a f t # o f #a pp r oac hi ng #N ew #Y or k # C it y . #T he #v ie w# b e " \
" c o m es# a + n + t d i r e c t # o v e r he a d # o f # t h e # b u il d i n gs#and#streets#of#the# city, + n + t w h i c h #then# me ta mo rp h o s e s # ( t h r o u g h # a n i m a ti o n ) # i n t o # c h i p s+ n + t a n d #d i gi tal#signals#o n # a # s t y l i s e d # c o m p u t e r# b o a r d . # T h e + n + t t i t l e # l og o . = I N T . # D A D E ' S # R O O M . = + t S e g ue# to #Dad e #M ur ph y, # no w # 1 8 , # w e ar in g#m ir ro r s " \
"h a d e s #i n do o r s + n +t and #a t # n igh t, # w o r k i n g # o n # h i s#new#com puter.#H i s # m ot h e r +n+ t ca l l s# him .= +t +t+t + t M R S . # MU R P H Y +n + t + t+ t + t ( o f f # ca me r a ) + n + t + t # # # # D a d e ? = + t + t + t + t D A D E + n + t + t # # # # Ye ah , # m o m ? = + t + t + t + tM R S . #MU RP HY +n +t+t ### #W h a t # ar e # y o u # do i ng " \
" ?= + t+ t +t +t D A D E + n +t + t + t+ t ( af te r#a # s e m i - p r e g n a n t#pau s e ) + n + t + t # ###I 'm# t a kin g # ov er #a # TV # n e t w or k . = + t + t + t+ t M R S . # M U R P H Y + n + t + t # # # # F i n i s h # u p , # h o n e y , # a n d # g e t # t o # sl e e p . # A n d # h a ppy+ n + t +t # ## #b ir t h d a y. =I N T . # O T V # S T UDI O S. =+ " \
" t In# the#OTV#S tud ios#securi ty#department,# a# pho n e # r i n g s , # a + n + t m a n# a n s w e r s # n e r vo u s l y . =+ t+ t +t +t N O RM +n+t+ t # # # # S e c u r i t y , # u h # N o r m , # N o r m # s p e a k i n g . = + t + t + t + t D A D E + n + t + t# ## #N o r m a n ? # T h i s # is # M r. #Ed di e# V edd er ,# fr om+ n + t + t # # # # Ac co un t " \
" i n g. # I # j u st # had# a#p ow e r #s u rg e # h e r e # a t + n + t + t # # # # h o m e # t h at #wi p ed # o u t# a#fil e# I # wa s # w o r k i n g # o n . + n + t + t # # # # L i st e n , # I ' m # i n # b i g # t r o u b l e , # d o # y o u # k n o w+ n+ t + t # # # #a n y t h i n g # a b ou t# com p u t er s? =+t+ t +t +t NO RM +n+t + t # # # # U h h m mm . .. " \
" #uh#gee,#uh...=+t+t+t+ t D AD E+ n+t+t### # Right,#well#my# B L T # dri v e # on#my#c o m pute r # just + n+ t+t # # ## went#AWO L , # a n d # I've # g o t # t h i s # b i g # p roj e c t # d u e + n + t + t # # # # t o m o r r o w # f o r # M r . # K a w a s a k i ,# a n d#i f # I # d o n ' t # g e t+ n + t+ t # # ## i t# in ,# h e' s # g onn a# a s k # m e # t o# c " \
" o m mi t #Hari+n+t+t # # # # Kari...=+t+t+t+tNORM+n+t+t # # # # U h h h . . # a h a h a h a. .. = +t + t + t +tD A D E +n+ t + t # # # # Y e a h , # w e l l , # y o u # k n o w # t h e s e # J a p a n e s e # m a n a g e m e n t + n + t + t # ## #te c hn iq u es .+n + t +t + t + t ( p a u se ) +n +t+ t ## ## C ou l d# yo u,# uh ,# re a d# me #t h e # nu m b e r# " \
" o n#the+n +t+ t # ###mo de m ? =+ t+t+t+tNORM+n+t+t#### U h h h m m . . .= + t + t + t +t D A DE + n + t + t ## # # I t's# a # l i t t l e # b o xy # t h i n g , # N o r m , # w i t h # s w i tches + n + t + t# # # # o n # i t . . . # l e t s # m y # c o m pu t e r # ta l k# t o# t h e # on e+n+ t+ t # # # # t h e r e . . .= +t+ t+ t+ t NO RM +n + t+ t# ## # 21 2 - 5 5 5 - 4 2 " \
" 40.=+tDad e#g oes#t o# work#on#OTV.#He#closes#his#eyes# a n d #a # f lu r r y+ n + t o f # h a l f - s ec o n d # v i deo# c l i p s # f r o m # o l d # T V # s h o w s # f l a s h e s # b y . + n + t H e # op ens #h is # ey e s . # H is #s cr een#s ay s # E NT ERI N G# A R PS # 3 3 1# an d+ n +t th en# wi p e s#t o# a no th e r # sc " \
" r e e n . #Au t om a t e d#Record#Playback+n+tSystem.#Th e r e # i s # a # gr a p h i c # r ep r es e n t a t io n # of#t h e +n + t s t a t i o n ' s# a u t o m at i c #vi d e ot a p e# c h a n g e r . # D a d e # t u r n s # o n # h i s + n + t T V # s et # a n d# tu rns# to# OTV .#It# i s # r un ni ng #a#Rush- L i m b a u g h+ n +t ty pe #T V# sh ow .=+ t+ t+ t +t C OMM E NT A TO R + n + t " \
" + t + t + t ( o n #TV)+n+t+t####...so-called#American#I n d i a ns ,# L a ti n os # and + n + t + t # # # # B l a c k s# c o m e # f r o m#a # g e n e t ic a l l y # m e dio cre+ n+t+t ####s tock... =+t+t+t+tDADE+ n+t+t### #Y ak #yak#y a k . # G e t # a # j o b ! = + t D a de #p res s e s # a# k ey #o n # h is # k e y b o ar d .# The#Vi de o #C ha n ge r+ n + t di a g ra m# li gh ts # up # i n# r ed . # A t # t he # " \
" s t a t i o n , #a#robotic#arm+n+tselects#a#videotap e # f r o m#a # hu g e # rac k #o f # tho u sa n d s # o f + n + t t a pe s . # # T h e # A mer i c a# Fi rst#ta p e # s l i de s#out#of#the #VTR#and+n+tis#replaced#by#an#episode#of #The#Ou t e r # L i m i t s # a s # D a d e + n +t w a t ch es, # dri nk s# Coke #an d # s m il es , #f ul l # of#himself. = + t+ t +t +tT V +n +t +t ## ## Yo u#ar e#abo ut #t o#e xp er ie n c e " \
" # t h e # a w e #and+n+t+t####mystery,#which#reaches# f r o m # t he #i nn er #m in d, + n+ t + t # # # # t o . . . # T h e # O u t e r # L i m i t s . =+t+t+ t +tDA D E + n + t + t # # # #Ye sssss !=+t Suddenly,#the#ARPS#screen#is#replaced#by#an#omi nous+ n +tme s s a g e : = + t + t + t U # H A V E # T R E A D +n + t+ t+ tU PO N# MY # DO M AIN #& +n +t +t +t MU ST#NOW#SUFFER+n+t+t+ tWHO # R # U? = +t +t +t +t DA DE + n+ t + t ## # # H e y ! #W h at ? " \
" = + t H e # s ta rts#to#type#ZERO...=+t+t+t+tDADE+n + t+ t # # # #N o, #w ait.= +t Da d e # t y p e s : = + t + t + t C R A S H #O V E RRIDE.+n + t + t+tWH O#WAN T S#TO# KNOW ?=+ t D a d e ' s # s creen#dissolves#into:=+t+t+tACID#BURN=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####U nbeli e v a ble .# A # h a c k e r ! = +t T h e n # t h e#s c r ee n #c ha ng es #ag a in := + t + t+ tA CI D#BURN+n+t+t+tSEZ#LE A V E#B #4 +n+t +t +t U# R# EXPUNGE D =+ tTh e#O ute r# Li m i t s# s u " \
" d d enl y # f l a shes#off.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Ye a h , #o k a y#Acid#Bu rn, #t h a t ' s# e n o u g h.= + t D a d e #sta r t s # h a c k i n g . # Appa rentl y # so# do e s #Ac i d # B u r n.#The+n+ttape#changer#machines#at#OTV#are#swamped,#sometimes+n+tfighting#over # th e # s a m e # t a p e . # T h e # pr o g r a m # on #TV #k ee ps +n +t ch angi ng .=+ tT he #m essage#comes#up#on#Dade's# co m pu te r#s cre en:=+t+t +tI #WIL L+ n +t +t + tS W AT #U #L IK E + n " \
" + t +t + t T H E#FLY#U#R=+tMore#dueling#tape# c h a n g e r s, #mo re #h alf #s e c o n d # v id eo # c li p s . + n + tA n o t he r # m e ss a g e . = + t+t+ t I#W I L L+n+t+t+tSN AP # Y OU R #B ACK + n+t+t+tLIKE#A#TOOTHPICK=+tAs#the#duel#continues,#Dade#types#back#a#ta un t#of #h is# own :=+t+ t+ t M E S S # W I T H # T H E #B E S T+ n +t +t+ tD IE # LI KE #T HE #R EST =+ t O ne #last#from#Acid# B urn:=+t +t+ tYOU# A RE+n+t+t+ t TE RMI NA T ED= +tT he n# hi s#ow n # c o m " \
" p ut e r # co n f irms#for#him#that#the#connectio n + n+ t i s #t er min ated. =+t +t + t + t DA D E+n +t + t # # # # S h it # o n # m e ! = = + t N e xt# m ornin g . #Mrs.#Mu r p h y # is #unpacking.#Dade#emerges+n+tfr o m # his#room#in#a#housecoat.#He#makes #a# b e e l i n e# ( d odging+ n + t m o v i n g # b ox e s ) # f or #t he# fr i dg e. =+t+ t+ t+ tMRS. #M URPHY+n+t+t####Good#morning.#Y o u#unpack#your#s tuff#yet? =+t+t + t +t DAD E +n +t +t ## ##Mm -h mm . = + " \
" t + t + t + t M R S .#MURPHY+n+t+t####Up#all#night#aga i n, # h u h? =+ t+t+t+tD A DE+ n+t +t ## # # Can # t hi s #wai t # u n t i l # b o t h # m y # e y e s # a r e#o pen,+ n + t+t####pl e a s e? =+tDade's#mom#picks#up #the#phone,#mocking#a#call#t o#the +n + t bu i l d i n g# sup e r i n t e n d e n t . = + t +t +t +t MRS. #M URP H Y+n+ t+t# # ##Can # I # cut#th e#electricity#t o#his#room#so#he'll +n+t+t####sleep# norm a l#h o u r s? #He's#be en #p l ay " \
" i n g # w it h + n+t+t####his#computer#all#night#fo r # a # s ol id# w eek.+n+t +t +t+ t( pa u se )+ n+t +t # # # # W e l l # y e s , # h e # c o u l d # b e # p l a y i ng# with#hi m s e lf .+n+t+t####Mmm#hmm .#Yes#I'll#ask.#Dade,#you#li ke# g ir l s , + n +t +t # # # # don 't # y o u ? = + t + t + t+ tD A D E +n + t+t ## ##We l l,# y eah, #I#just#hav en 't#found#one#as+n+ t+t####charming#a s#you#yet.=+t+t+t+t M RS. # MURPHY+n +t+t####You # ha v e n " \
" ' t # b e e n # d oing#anything#stupid,#right,+n+t+t#### Da de ? +n +t+t+t +t( l o ud er) +n + t + t # ## #Ri g ht , # D a d e ? ! =+t+ t+t + t D A D E + n + t + t # # # # R i gh t,#m om.#And# I ' m # still#a#virgin!=+t Dade#slams#the#bathroom#door. #M rs .# M u r p h y # q u i c k ly # c h e c k s + n+ t h is #r o om .# Da de #i s#s h oweri ng.=+ t+ t + t + tMRS.#MURPHY+n+t+t+t+t(angry,#through#the#bathroom#door)+n+t+ t### # Yo u # h ooked#it#up#to#t he# ph " \
" o ne , # d i d n ' t#you?+n+t+t####Dade!#Turn#the#sh o we r# o ff! #Y o u#sc re w# up+n +t + t # # # #ag ai n #a n d #you #won't#get# i n t o # c o l l e g e ! = + tS he #pause s # and#regains#some#o f#her#cool.=+t+t+t+tMRS.#MURP H Y + n + t + t # # # # I ' m #s o rr y# we# h a d # t o # m o v e # in # y ou r# se nio r#ye a r .+ n +t +t####I#didn' t#want#to#sell#the#house#but#I#had#to+n+t+t####take#this#n ew#job,#you#know# that.#You' r e+ n +t " \
" +t ## # # g o i n g#to#love#New#York,#it's#the#city #t hat + n+ t+t # ### ne ver #sleep s ! = + nEX T. #N E W # Y O RK#CI T Y . = + t We # e n j o y # s e v e ral # v iews #of#New # Y ork,#the#morning#s un+n +tshining#between# s k y s c r a p e rs , #n e o n# si g n s #t h a t # s t a y # l i t #da y+ n+t an d# n ig ht.# Dad e# e m e r g e s#from #the#ground-floor#apartment+n+ton#r ollerblades#and#sk ates#down#the#street#to#schoo l.=IN T " \
" . # H I G H # S C H O O L.=+tAt#school,#hundreds#of#t een ag er s # c on ve rs e,# mo ve#aro un d,+n+ t h e a d # t o # c l a s s. # # D a de # l oo k s # l o s t #am o ng # th e m .#He#w a l ks #up+n+tto#a#skin n y #latino#kid#in# a # f a u x # l e o p a r d- ski n # m us c l e + n + t s h i r t .# Th e #k id #is #o n #a # pa y-p hone,#s pe a k i n g#in#Spanish.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Excuse#me.=+t+t+t+tKID+n+t+t# ###Yo,#chill#man,#I'm " \
" # ta lk i n g # t o # V e n ezuela.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t#### Ye ah , #I ' m # s orry,# I # w a s #j us t #l ooking#for#the+n+t + t####p r in c i p a l ' s # o f fic e . = + t+ t+t +tKID + n + t+ t####Sorry,#I#c an 't#help#you,#o k a y ? = + tN o w # D a d e#r ea ll y # l o o k s #l o s t. #He #h ea d s# off# in#s ea rc h # of #t he+n + t o ffice.=+nINT.#OFFICE.=+tDade#is#filling#out#a#form.=+t+t+t+tGIRL+n+t+t####Do#y " \
" o u # h ave #y our # t r a n s fer#forms?=+tDade#stares#at# he r,#s tu nne d.# The # g ir l#has# a#deci dedly + n+t u n c on v e n t i o n a l #a pp e ar a n ce , #yet#i s #a# first-rate#beauty . = +t+t+t+tGI R L + n + t + t ## # # I t' s #a # re lat i v e l y # s t r ai g h t fo rw ard #q u es t ion .= +t Dad e# not i ces #h e r #lips,#and#in#his#imagination#launches+n+tinto#a#flurry#of#half-second#vi " \
" d e o #c li ps#a n d # a rt#bites,+n+tall#involving#lips#and # k iss i n g. =+t+t+ t+t GIRL +n +t+t # ###D o#you # s peak # E n g l i s h ? = + t +t+ t + t DA D E+ n+t+t####S orry,#you#wanted.. . ? =+t+t+t+tGIRL+ n + t + t # ## #I# w a n te d# t r a n s f e r # f o r m s .=+ t H e # gi ve s# t he m#t o# he r. =+ t+t +t +t G I RL+ n+ t +t # ###Thank#you.=+tShe#starts#leaving.#He#doesn't.=+t+t+t+tGIRL+n+t+t#### " \
" A r e #yo u#c om in g ?= +t D ade#clues#in,#gets#up#and#follows#her.#S h e # ta ke s #hi m # o n+n+ta#bri ef #tou r .= I NT .#H IG H # S C H O O L # C O R R I D O R .= + t+ t +t+ t GI R L +n+t+t#### The#gym#is#through#t he re,#and#th e # c a f e te r i a # is+ n+t +t # # # # t h r o u g h# t h e r e. =+ t +t + t+ tD A DE +n + t+t# ###Gre a t. #Co o l . + n+t+t+t+t(pause)+n+t+t####What's#your#name?=+t+t+t+tGIRL+n+t+t####K " \
" a t e .# Kate#Libby.=+ t T h ey #arrive#at#a#classroom.=+t+t+t+tKATE+ n +t +t# # # # Her e 's# yo u r #c l ass.=+ t+t+t +tDADE+n+t+ t # # # # M y . .. # c l a s s. # Y o u # me a n # I'm#not#in#your#class?=+t + t+ t+tKATE+n+t+ t # # # # N o ,# y o u 'r e# n o t # i n # m y # c l as s. = + t Kate #st art s#a way .=+t+ t+t + t DAD E+n+ t+ t# # # # G ive#me#time!=+tA#guy#in#the#halls#notices#Dade.=+t+t+t+tGUY+n+t " \
" + t # ###Hey,#you#new?=+t+ t + t + tDADE+n+t+t####Yeah.=+t+t+t+tGUY+n+t+t####Te l l # hi m#abo u t# th e#poo l,#Kate.=+t+ t+ t +tDADE + n + t + t # # # # P o o l ? = +t +t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Yeah, # t h e r e ' s #an#Olympic#si z e # s w im mi n g # po ol# up+ n+ t + t # # ## on # the#r o o f. # Ta ke # th e# s t a i rs# ov er # th er e. = + t + t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Yeah!#Sure.=+tKate#starts#away#again.=+t+t " \
" + t+tDADE+n+t+t####Thanks!=+nEXT. # SCHOOL#ROOFTOP.=+tDade#enters,#and#le t s #the#door#sl a m#behind#him. #Across # the+ n + troo f,#a # d o z en #or #so # ge e k y # l ooking#kids#are#lookin g# o ver+n+tthe #e d g e , # a pp a re n t ly #t r y i n g # t o #g et # someo n e 's #a tten ti on .+ n+t O ne #o f#t he m# no ti c e s # Dade.=+t+t+t+tGEEK+n+t+t####Hey!#Hold#the#door!=+tHe's#t " \
" oo#late.#The#geeks#look#pretty #angry.#There#is#no#pool.=+t+t+t+tDade+n+t+ t+t +t (r eal izing#he' s # b e en#h a d )+n + t+t ### #No# poo l . =+ tDad e # t r ies# the # d o o r# b u t# it's#locked.#He#hammers # i t #wit h +n+this#palm,#fur i o u s .# A bo v e , #th und er # r o a r s# and # it#beg i n s +n + tr ai ni ng .=+n IN T. # SC HO OL #C OR RI D O R.=+tDade#is#soaking#wet,#and#trudges#among#his#classm " \
" a t es+n+tleaving#a#muddy#trail.#A#thre e - second#video#clip#rolls+n+tth r o ug h# his #mind :#i t#is#a#s creaming#wo man#b eing#strangled+n +ti n#an# old # m o vie . #H e#wa l ks # p a s t #Kate,#who#giggle s .=+ t+t+t + tKA TE+n+t+t####Oh#my #God!#He# f o u n d# the # p o o l. = I N T .#S CHOOL# CO MP U T E R #L AB .= +t T h e# ki ds #a re #a ll #s eat e d # a t # c omputer#workstations.#Dade+n+tis#hacking,#the# " \
" l a tino#kid#who#was#on#the#phone#to+ n+tVene z u ela#is#running#a#demo#involvin g#dirty-dan cing+n+tskeletons.=+t+t+t+tTEA CHER+n+t+t####I'm# Mr.#Simps on. # A n d #I'm #su b bi n g #f o r# Ms.+n+t+t####Bayliss # w h o#was#arres t e d #at#the#anti- fu r + n +t + t # ## # r a ll y. #I# kno w#s o m e # of#you#kids#got #c o mp ut er s+ n+t + t# ## #a t# ho me .# Bu t #t h e s e# are #s chool#property,+n+t+t####people,#and#I#don " \
" ' t#want#to#see#any#gum#stuck+n+t+t####to # 'em.#C h ap ter#1. #Desig n i n g #gra phical+n+t+t####interface...=+tMeanwhile ,#the#latino#kid #n otice s#tha t#Da d e # has#been+ n+tloo k i ng# up#Kate#Libby's#scho ol # r ecord s . # And#hacking+n+thimse l f# i n t o#h er # adv an ce d # E n gl is h# c l ass.= EXT.#SCHOOL#QUAD . =+ tI t' s# a fter #s c ho o l ,# ki d s# ar e #h e a d i n g# hom e ,#Dade#too.#The+n+tlatino#kid#notices# " \
" D a de#and#catches#up#with#him.=+t+t+t+tKID+n+ t +t####So,# um,#wh a t's#your#interest#in#Kate#Libby,+n+t+t####eh?#Academic?#Purely#sexual?=+t+ t + t +tDADE+n+t+t####H o m icida l?=+ t + t +t+ t K I D+n+t+t####What' s# up, #man ? # I 'm#t h e # P hr e ak!=+tThe#na me# r i ng s # n o #be l l s# w i th #D ade .= +t + t+ t + tPHREAK+n+t+t####The# P h a ntom #P hre a k? #Th e #ki ng #o f# N yn ex? # I + n + t +t ####k n ow#you#play#the#game.=+tAnother # k " \
" i d ,#younger#and#a#little#geeky#looking,#runs# up+ n+t t o#Dad e #and # The#Phantom#Ph reak.=+t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t####Phreakphreakphreakphreakphrea k , + n+t+t####dudedude d u d eduded u d e d ude...#I#gott a. ..=+ t +t +t+ t P H R EAK+ n +t+ t+t+t( s laps#Joey)+n+ t+ t # # # #J o e y , #Jo e y . .. =+ t+ t+ t+ tJ OE Y+n+t+t####What?#whatwhatwhat? = + t +t +t +tPH RE A K+n+ t+t ####One #m ore #dude # o u t # o f # you# and#I'm#gonna#slap+n+t+t### #t he " \
" # shit#outa#you,#okay?#Now#I'm#trying#to+n+t+t## ##s ave#yo u#fro m #your s e lf#but#you#gotta#stop+n+t+t####letting#your#mama#dress#you,#man!+ n + t + t+t+t(To#Dade):+n+t+t####Check # it...= + t Phreak#starts#to # h and#Da d e # a # f ly e r .= + t+t + t+ tJOEY+n+t+t+ t+t(interrupti ng ) +n + t + t ## # # I # ne e d # a # h an dle ,# ma n . #I#don't#have#an+n+t + t # # ##i de n ti ty# u nt i l#I#have#a#h a nd l e. = +t + t + t +tPH REAK +n+t+t####You#know,#you 'r e# r " \
" i g ht#about#that.+n+t+t+t+t(to#Dade)+n+t+t####Ch eck#it,#Frida y.=+tP hreak#hands#Dade#a#flye r#for#Cyberdelia.=+t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t####Alright.#How#about#the#Master#of#Disaster,+n+t+ t # # ##huh? = + t + t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t ## # #You're#h o p e le ss , # ma n , # ut t er ly#h o p eless.=+tPhreak#walk s #a w a y . = + t +t + t + tJOE Y + n +t +t ## ## Ultra#Laser.+n+t+t+t+t(des p erate) + n +t+ t####D octo r#Doom!=EXT.#NEW# YO RK# CI TY # S T R E ET # VILLAGE.#NIGHT.=+tDade#rol ls #in " \
" # on#rollerblades.##Street#vendors#hawk+n+tcomputer#par ts #a nd#b o otleg#software.#A#bootleg#music+n+tvendor#catches#Dade's#attention.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t## ##Check#this#out,#each #and#e ver y#one # o f#you.+n+t+t####Co mpil a ti o n# t ape,#of # m y# o w n # m aking. # I#call+n+t+t# # # # t h i s # t h e # G r e at e s t #Zo ok s# A l bum.#Featuring+n+t+t### # a rtist s # li ke,#well#I#got#some#Hendrix#on + n+ t+ t## # # t h e re ,#some #Joplin,#Mama#Cass,#Belus hi . " \
" . .#all+n+t+t####great#artists#that#asphyxiated#on# their #own+n+t+t####vomit!=+tThe#small#crowd#around#him#finally#gets#the#joke.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Can't#get#this#in#stores ,#man ,#I# m ade#it!=+tDade#wheels#in t o#Cyberdeli a,#which# j u s t # h a p p e ns#to # b e+n+tequipped# w i t h # a # r a mp # dow n # t o# it s# mai n#floor#for#the+ n + tbe ne f it # o f # sk a te rs.#The#place#pounds#with# lo ud , #ba s s y + n + t techno#music#and#coloured# li ght " \
" .# Video#monitors#with+n+tps ychedelic#patterns#c omp lete#th e#atmopshere.#There#is#a+n+tvideo#game#with#a#huge#screen.##Phreak#is#at#a#pay#phone. =+t+t+t+tOPERATOR+n+t+t+t+t(on# phone)+ n + t +t### # Ple ase#deposit#five# do l lars#f o r# the#first+ n+t + t # # # # m i nute .=+tPhreak#h o l d s # a # s m a l l # b ox #u p # t o #t he #r eceiver,#presses# a+n+tbutton,#an d#t h e # bo x# em its#a#series#of#tones.=+t+ t+ t+tO PE R A T O R+n+t+t####Thank#you.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+ n " \
" + t+t####Nonono,#thank#YOU! =+tDade#checks#out#the#sce ne .#Kate#is#playing#the#big#video+n+tgame.#Dade#skates#up#to#her.#She#loses#her#last#man.+n+tShe's#got#the#high#score,#i n#fact#her#n a m e # do minates#the+n+ttop -10 #list.=+t+t+t+ t DADE+ n+ t+ t# # # # T h a t's# a # nice #score#for#a# g i r l .= + t + t+ t +t K A TE +n +t+ t+t+t(irritated#by#Dade's#pr e sen ce)+ n + t+t ## # #Think#you#can#do#b e t ter?=+t +t +t+t D AD E + n+t+t####I'll#give#it#a#shot.=+tKate " \
" # y ields#the#controls#to# Dade,#who#begins#pl aying.+n+tKate's#boyfr iend# looks#on#from#a#mezzanine#several#feet+n+tabove.=+t+t+t+tCURTIS+n +t+t####Is#this#kid#bothering#y ou,#Kat e ? =+ t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Sorry,# c a n #I# g et#s ome#room#her e? = + t + t + t + t C UR TIS+n+ t +t####Yeah.+n+ t + t + t + t ( t o # K at e) + n+ t+t ### #Why#don't#you#come#up#here?= + tK ate # o b liges#a n d#joins#Curtis.##Dade# co nti nu e s# p l a ying.+n+tHe#plays#brilliantly.#The#ga " \
" m e # is#a#flashy#3-D#hig h-speed+n+tchase#game#with#lots#of#surprises .#Dade #loses,#but#his+n+thigh#score#is#about#to#come#up.=+t+t+t+tCURTIS+n+t+t####He's#good!=+tDade 's#scor e#comes#up.#He's #in#the##1#position.#Phre a k+n+tis#amaze d.=+t+ t+ t+t DA DE + n + t + t + t + t(to#Ka t e)+n+t+t### #W e l l , # i t # l oo k s# l ik e # I 'm #on#top.=+tKate,#defeated,#leaves. #Cu rt is # f o ll ows . = +t+t+t+tP HREAK+n+t+t####Congratu lat ions.#No#one's#ever#beat#her+n+t+t#### " \
" b e fore.#You#just#m ade#an#enemy#for#life.+n+t+t+t+t(to#someone#else)+n+t+t####Boy#meets#world.#Let's#go?=EXT.#OUTSIDE#CYBERDELIA.#NIGHT. =+tKate#and#Curtis#are# s uckin g# f a c e ,# oblivious#to#the#busy+n+ t world#aroun d#them.#Dade#a nd# Ph r e a k # w a t c h,# m o re#than#a+n+tl i t t l e # d i s gu s te d .= +t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Who's#that?=+t+ t+ t+t PH R E AK +n+t+t # # # #Curtis.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n +t+t ## ##And#what's#he#do?=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+ " \
" t + t ####That's#it,# you're#looking#at#it,#he#just#looks+n+t+t####slick#all#day.=+tKate#and#Curtis#start#to#take#off#on#Curtis'#motorcycle.+n+tKate#and#Dade#make # e y e # c o n ta c t # briefly.#The#motorcycle+ n +tspeeds#off#into#the#nigh t.=INT .# D A D E ' S # R O O M . =+tThe# clock#says#it ' s # 4 : 1 6 . # A s # t h e#c a m e ra#pans#up#to#Dade,+n+tit#changes#to#4: 17. #D a d e#i s # hacking#again.#It's#the+n+tschool 's #administration#system.#Dade#schedules# " \
" a # test#of+n+tt he#school#sprinkler#system#for#9:30am.=INT.#HIGH#SCHOOL#CORRIDIR.=+tDade#stands#alone#in#the#hall,#watching#the#time#closely.+n+tPhreak#rounds#a#corne r # a n d # m e e ts#Dade.=+t+t+t+tPH R EAK+ n +t+t####What's#up?=+tDade#doe s n't# an s w e r . # H e # w atches # t he#time#a#couple# of # m o r e + n+ t s e co nd s ,#then#opens#an#umbrella.#Immediately#the#fire+n+tsprinklers#turn#on.#Phreak#starts#getting#drenched.#He+n+trealizes#what#is#happening.=+t+ " \
" t + t+tPHREAK+n+t+t +t+t(amused#and#highly#impressed)+n+tOh#my#God.#You...=+tA#bell#rings#and#students#pour#out#into#the#halls#by#the+n+thundreds.#They're#all#being#show e re d # o n . #A #t all+n+tcheerlead e r#b o unces#by#Phreak,#pushing#her#pom-pom #i n # h i s + n + t f a c e . =+t + t +t + tPHREAK + n +t+t####Way#c oo l! +n+ t + t + t+ t ( to # D ad e)+n+ t +t####You#saw#that?=+tDade#nods#in#the#affirmative.=+tKate#walks#up#to#Dade,#also#understanding #what#has+n+thappened.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+ " \
" t # # # # What#the#hell #is#going#on?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Pool#on#the#roof#must#have#a#leak.=+tKate#gives#Dade#a#look#that#could#kill#and#skulks#away.=+tDad e #walks#away#under#h i s # u mb rella,#smug#and#dry .=+t + t +t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Man, #oh#man ,#t h is # i s # g o n n a# b e# good.= I NT.#H I G H #SCHOOL#CLASSRO OM . = + t D a d e, #K a t e, # a n d # a #co uple#of#other#students#are#writing#on+n+tthe#chalkboard.#Kate#finishes#first.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n +t+t####If#God#gave#men#brains#bigger#than " \
" # d o g s ',+ n+t+t####the y#wouldn't#hump#womens'#legs#at#cocktail+n+t+t####parties.=+tThe#class#giggles.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Ruth# Libby.=+t+t+t+tTEAC H E R+n+t+t####I'm #not#s o # s u r e#your#mother#qua lifies # a s #a+n+t+t####significant#author#of#the#tw e n t i e t h # c e n t ury .=+t+t+t+ tKAT E + n + t+t####Her#last# b o o k # s old# t w o # mi l l i o n #cop i es .=+t+t+t+tCLASS+n+t+t+t+t(almost#in#unison)+n+t+t####Woooooo!=+tThe#teacher#reads#Dade's#quotation.=+t+t+t+tTEACHER+n+t+t####Angel-he " \
" a d ed #hipsters#burn ing#for#the#ancient+n+t+t####heavenly#connection#to#the#starry#dynamo#in+n+t+t####the#machinery#of#the#night.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n +t+ t####That ' s #Ginsb u r g .=+t+t+t+tTEACHER+n+t +t### # N ice.#Very#nice.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t### #He ' s # n o t # i n # t hi s#class.=+t+ t +t+tDAD E + n +t+t####I#sa i d# g i v e # m e # t i me . = + t +t + t +t K A T E+n+t+t####He's#not#enrolled#in#this#class.=+t+t+t+tTEACHER+n+t+t####Well,#he's#on#my#list.=+tKate#leaps#across#a#desk#and#snatches#th " \
" e #l ist#from#the+n+ tteacher.#Dade#is#on#it.#She#gives#Dade#another#filthy+n+tlook,#both#Dade#and#the#teacher#just#shrug. #The#teacher+n+tmoves# on#to#Cereal .=+t+t+t+tTE A C HE R+n+t+t####Of#all#t h e#things#I've#lost,#I#miss#my#mind+n+t+t# ###t h e # m o s t ? = +t+t+t+tCEREAL +n+t+ t# # # # Ozz y#Osbourne!=+t +t + t + t T EA C H ER+n+ t + t # # ## Y ou .# What#i s #your#name?=+tThe#teacher#grabs#the#list#back#from#Kate.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Uh,#Emmanuel#Goldstein,#sir?=+t+t+t+tTEACHER+n+t+t " \
" # ###You,#however, #are#not#on#my#list.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t+t+t(in#mock#shock)+n+t+t####Whoa,#this#isn't#wood#shop#class?=+tThe#class#cracks#up. # K at e #and#Dade#exchange#looks#as#the + n+tteacher#escorts#Cereal#to#the#door.=INT.#DAD E ' S # P L A C E . = + t +t+t+tMRS.#MURPHY+n+t+t## ## How# w as#school?=+ t + t + t + t D A D E + n + t + t + t +t (e a t ing)+ n + t +t ####Hmmm.=+t+t+t+tMRS.#MURPHY+n+t+t####What#did#we#learn#in#school#today?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Revenge.=+t+t+t+tMRS.#MURPHY+n+t+t " \
" # # ##Aaaah.#Did#w e#meet#so m eone#special?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####No.#No#one#special.=+t+t+t+tMRS.#MURPHY+n+t+t####Okay,#I#gotta#get#back#to#w or k .# I ' m# gonna#be+n+t+ t####home#l a t e.##And#would#you#try#and#please#fill+n+t+t ### # th e s e # o u t ? = + t She#indicates#a#pile # o f#col le ge#application s . = + t + t+ t + tM R S.# M U RP H Y + n + t + t## # # O h# don't#worry,#it's#only#the#rest#of#your+n+t+t####life.=+tShe#starts#to#the#door.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Right.#Anything#else,#you " \
" # want#me#to#mo w # the+n + t + t ####lawn?#Oops,#forgot.#New#York.#No#grass.=+t+t+t+tMRS.#MURPHY+n+t+t####And#unpack.=+tShe#leaves.#Dade#looks#over#the #college# applications#for+n+ta#second,#and #pushes#them # awa y. # H e ' d # r a t h er #not#do#this+n+tnow.=+nINT . # CYBERDELIA. = + t D a d e , # P h r e ak # a nd #Joe y# a r e#s i t t ing#at#a#table.#Joey#is+n+tgiving#a#dull#account#of#his#hacking#adventures.#Enter+n+tCereal.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####FYI,#alright " \
" # m a n,#you#can # s i t #at#home,#and#do+n+t+t####like#a bsolutely#nothing#and...=+tCereal#pauses,#notices#Dade,#whom#he#has#never#met + n+tf o r mally#but#seen#around ,#and#then#co ntinues . =+ t +t + t + t C E R E A L+ n+t+t####...and#your#name#goes # through#like# s e v e nt e e n + n + t+ t## # #co mp u te rs #a # day. #1 9 84,#yeah#right#man,#that's+n+t+t####a#typo .#Orwell's#here#and#now,#he's#living+n+t+t####large.#We#have#no#names,#man,#no#na " \
" m es.#We+n+t+t # # # # are#nameless.#Can#I#score#a#fry?#Thanks.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK + n +t+t####Meet#Cereal#Killer.#As#in#Froot#Loops ? #But+ n + t+t####he#does#know#th i ngs.=+ tDad e# a nd# C erea l # ac k n o w l e d g e # each#other.=+t+t+t+tJOEY + n+t +t####Anywa y s ,# g u y s , # g u ys , # l is te n, #l is t en #to# me.+n+t+t####I'm#in#this#computer#right ?#So#I'm#looking+n+t+t####around...=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t+t+t(to#Cereal)+n+t+t####D " \
" ' y ou#bring#those #C r ayola#books?=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Oh#yeah,#tech nicolor#rainbow.=+t#Cereal#brings#a#book # out #of#his#bag.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+ n+t +t#### Gre e n# o n e . =+ t + t + t + t J O E Y + n+t+t####What#is#that,#what# i s#that?#Lemm i e # s e e . # W h a t + n+t+t # # ## a r e #t h es e?= + t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####International#Unix #Environments.=+tCereal# p u l l s#out#another#book.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Lusci " \
" o u s#orange?=+tCere al # h ands#the#orange#book#to#Phreak.=+t+t+t+tDADE + n+t+t####Computer#security#criteria,#D O D #standards.=+tAnother#book#com es#out.=+t +t + t + t D AD E + n + t + t # # # # T h e #Pink#Shirt#Book,#Guide#to# IB M#PCs.#So+n+t+ t # # # # c a l l ed # d ue # t o# the # nas ty# pin k# shirt#the#guy+n+t+t####wears#on#the# cover.=+tAnother#one.=+ t+t+ t+tCE REAL+n+t+t####What's#that?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t### " \
" # D evil#book.#The#U nix#Bi b l e.=+tAnother#one.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t### # What's#that?=+t+t+t+tDAD E+n+t + t#### Dragon#book.#Compiler#design . =+tCereal#b r i n g s # o u t# a # l a r g e # r e d #book.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t ####Oh#yeah?# Wha t ' s # t h a t ? = + t+ t + t + tD A DE +n + t+t# ###The#Red#Book.#NSA#Trusted#Netw orks.+n+t+t####Otherwi s e #k n own#as#the#Ugly#Red#Book#that+n+t+t####won't#fit#o " \
" n #a#shelf.=+tBy # now#Phreak# has#made#a#pile#of#the#books,#and#the# R ed+n+tBook#looks#who lly# out#of #place#on#the#top#of#the#pile.=+t + t+t+tJOEY+n + t + t ### # An yw a y , # a n y w a y ,#guys#guys#guys,# c o me#on.#I'm+n+t+ t# ## # i n # th i s# c o m p uter , #r ig h t. #So# I 'm# looking+n+t+t####around,#look ing#around,#you#know,#thro w i ng+ n +t+t####commands#at#it,#I#don't#know#where#it#i " \
"s # o r + n+t+t####wh at#i t#does#or#a n yt h ing.#It's#like,#it's+n+t+t####like#c h oice,#it' s#just #bea utifu l,#okay.#Like+n+t+t####f o ur # h o urs#I'm#j ust #m es s in g #a ro u n d # i n # t he re.+n+t+t####Fi nal l y#I#figure#out,#t h a t # i t ' s # a # b an k. +n + t+t## # # R igh t, # okay #wait,#okay,#so#it's#a#bank.#So ,#this+n+t+t####morning ,# I # l ook#in#the#paper,#some#cash+n+t+t####machine#in#li " \
" k e#B u msville#Idaho, # spits#out+n+t+t # # ##seven#hundred#dollars#int o #the#m id d le# of#the+n+t +t# # ## street. = +t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t## ##Tha t ' s#kinda # co o l. =+ t+ t + t + t J O E Y + n+t+t####That#was#me.# T hat#was#me.#I#di d# t h a t . =+ t + t +t + t DA DE + n+ t +t### # Y o u#d id# this#from#your#house.=+tJoey#take s#a#drag#from#his#cigar ett e# an d # just#nods,#with#a+n+tbig#grin#on#his#face.=+t+t " \
"+t+ t PH R EAK+n+t+t####What#are#you,#stoned# or#stupid?#You#don't+n +t+t ### #h ack#a#ba n k # across#s tate#lines#from#your+n+ t+t # # ##house,# you' ll #g e t # n a i l e d # b y # th e#FBI.#Where+n + t+t####are#your#b r a i n s , # i n# y o u r #ass? #Do n't# you# k now+ n + t + t## ##a n yt hing?=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t +t####Stupid,#man.#It's#uni versa l l y#stupid.=+t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t####You#guys#always#t " \
" h ink # I # should#know+n+t+t####everything,#a n d #you#never#tell# m e#an yth i ng . +n+t+t####A m#I#r i g ht? =+t+ t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Alrig ht, # wha t # a re# t he #t hr ee #m os t# c o m m only#used+n+t+ t# # # #passwords?=+t+t +t+ tJ O E Y + n + t+ t # # # # L o ve,# secret,#a nd#u h,#sex. ##But# no t # i n # that+n+t+t####order,#necessarily,#rig h t?=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+ n +t+t ## ## Ye a h#but#don't#forget#God.#System#operators+n+t+t " \
"### # lov e # t o # use#God.#It's# that#whole#male#e go+n+t+ t # # ##thing.=+t+t+ t+ tPH R EAK+n+t+t####Look ,#y ou#wanna#b e#elite?#You#gotta#do#a+n+t+t### #righteous# hack .#N on e# of # t h is #a c cidental#s hi t.=+t+t+t +tCEREAL+n+t+t####Oh #y e a h , # y o u #wa nt#a # s e r i ou sly#r ighteous#hack,+n+t+t####you#scor e# one #o f# th o se#Gibsons#man.#You#know,+n+t+t # ###supercomputers#they #use#t o# l ike,#do#physics,+n+t+t####and#look#for#oil#and#s " \
"t uff ? =+t+ t + t + tPHREAK+n+t+t####A in't#no#way,#man ,#security's#t o o# t ight.#The+ n + t +t####big#iron?=+t+t +t+tDAD E+n+t +t####Maybe.#But,#if#I#were#gonna#hac k #some# heavy +n+t +t # # # # me t a l, #I'd, #uh,#work#my#w ay # back#through#some+n+t +t ## # # l o w # s e cu r ity,#a nd#try#th e#back#door.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Yeah #bu t#oh# man,+n+t+t+t+t(starts#rubbing#one # of#his+n+t+t+t+tow n#nippl es# in# mock#sexual+n+t+t+t+texcitement)+n+t+t####would " \
"n't #you # ju st#l o v e#to#get#one#of#those+n+t+t####Gi bsons,#baby?#Oo ooh!= +t + t +t + tP H REAK+n+t+ t # # # # Y o,#who#ate#all#of#my#f ries?=+t Cerea l#pauses#a#second.=+t+t+t+tCERE AL+n+t+t+t+t(preten di ng # t o # b e # e nraged)+n+t+t####Joey? !=+t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t#### Wha t,# no ,# non ononono,#I#didn't#touch#your+n+t+t####fries.#I#did#not#touch#your#fries.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Cereal, # man,#you#owe#me#a#p ac k .=+ t+t +t +tCEREAL+n+t+t####It#was#him,#man!=+t+t+t+tPHR " \
"EAK+n + t+t# ### Y ou ' r e #psyched.#You#need#to#lay#off#of# that+n+t+t####shit.=+t +t+t+tCERE A L+n+t + t +t+ t( to#Joey)+ n + t + t ####I'm #gonna#hit#you !==INT.#J OE Y 'S#ROOM.#NIGHT.=+tJoey#is#hackin g . #A#Gibson.#He#g ets #i n. #U s in g # GOD#as#a+n+tpa ssword .#Nice#graphics# rep res e nt #the# machine's#vast+n+tsystems.=+t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t####YES!#Home#run,#home#run.#You#and#me#Lucy.+n+t+t####We 're#gonna#show#em#baby.=IN T.# COM PUTER#ROOM,#ELLINGSON#MINERAL.=+tA#system#opera " \
"to r #at# E ll i ng son#M i n e ral#Corporation,#a+n+tlarge#oil#c ompany,#notices#the#in t ru sion . #He#ge t s#on #t h e+n+tpho n e. = I N T . # P LAGUE'S# LOFT.=+tThe# place#is#a # mess,#typical#of#the#hacker#bache l o r # pad.+n+tEmpty#chin es e#f oo d #b o x es#and#Jolt#Cola#cans #litter#the+n+tplac e .=+tPlag ue's#phone#is#ringing,#waking#him.=+t+t+t+tHAL+n+t+t+t+t(on#phone)+n+t+t####Mr.#Belford?=+t+t+t+tPLAG UE+n+t+t+t+t(slee pi ly ) +n+ t+t ####My#name#is#the#Plague.=+t+t+t+tHAL+n+t+t#### " \
"Uh,# M r .#T he#P lag u e , #uh,#something#weird's+n+t+t#### happening#on#the#net.=+ t+t+t+tP L A GUE+n +t +t####As#i n # what,#you # h a p l e s s#techno-weenie?=+t+ t+t+tHAL +n+t +t####Uh,#the#accounting#subdirec t o r y #in#the#Gibson+n+t+t#### is# wor k in g # really#hard.#We# got#one#person+n+t+t## ##online,#the#workload#is#enough#fo r # l ike#ten+n+t+t####users.#I#think#we've#got#a#hacker . =INT.#JOEY'S#ROOM.=+t+t+t + tJ OEY + n+t+t####Okay,#okay,#we#need#proof#that#we#w " \
"ere #h er e .+ n +t +t# # # # R ight,#uh...=+tJoey#starts#looki ng#for#something#to#downlo ad#as# p ro o f #h e+n+tw a s #t h e re.=+t+t + t+tJO E Y + n + t+t#### Yeah,#Garba ge,#okay, #give #me#Garbage.=+tHe#selects#a#Garbage # f i l e #and#starts#the#down load .#Hi s +n +tscreen#becomes#a#p s y chedelic#mind#trip.=INT.#COMPUTER#ROOM,#ELLINGSON# MINERAL.= + tThe#Plague# glide s # in#on#a#skateboard. #S hort# and# thin,+n+tbearded,#about#35#but#still#trying#to# " \
" b e# a# tee na ge+n+ t a n archist,#yet#not#consciously#rea lizing#he#sold#out#that+n+tid eal#years#ag o .=+ t+t+t+tPLA G UE+n+t+t####Neve r #fea r .# I # i s #here.=+t+t+t+tHA L+n+t+t# ###I'v e#narrowed#the#activity#to#termi nal #2 3.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t +t ####L et's# e c h o #23,#see#wh a t 's# up.=+tThe#huge#monitor#lights#up#with#the # di s play#of#the+n+tGibson's #r es o ur c es.#Hal#and#the#Plague#watch.#Plague+n+tsta " \
"rts #su rf in g#a r o u n d.=+ t + t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####God#would n't#be#up#this#late.=+tHe#sees#what# J oey# is# download ing.#A#file#called+ n +tGa rb ag e.= + t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+ t+t####S hit!#G e t#me#the#switching#control#center.=+tHe#puts #on#a#telephone # h e a d s e t .#Hal#dials#for#him.=+t+t+t+tPLAGU E + n+t+t+t+t(into#the#h eadset )+n+ t+t# ###I#need#to#trace#a#call#that's#in#progr " \
"e ss . =I NT .# JO E Y' S#R O OM. = + tJ oey#is#sneaking#a#cigarette#whil e#his#computer#downloads.+n+tThere#is#a#knoc k#at #the#door .#It's#his#mother.=+t + t +t+tJOEY +n +t + t+t+t(whispering ) +n+t+t### #Shit!+ n+t+t+t+t(loudly,#panicked)+n+t+t####Uh#yea h...#hold#o n ,# m o m.#Ho l d#on #on e#second.=+tHe#puts#out#the # cigarette#and#spr ays # the # ro o m#w ith#air+n+tfreshener.=+t+t+t+tJOEY'S#MO " \
"M+ n+t+t## ## I# m e an # it! # Op e n # t h e#door,#Joseph.=+t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t####Yeah,#uh,#yeah,#okay.=+tHe#unlocks#th e#door .#Joey's# mo m#bursts#in.#He's # still+n +t cla m bering#into#bed.=+ t+t+t+tJO E Y+n+ t +t####There#you#go.=+t+t+t+tJOEY'S#MOM+n+t+t####Bed. # Sleep.#No w!= + t She#turns#off#the#c o mputer.#It#wasn't#fin is he d+n + td ow nloading.=+t+t+t+tJOEY'S#MOM+n+t+t " \
"# ## #Sweet# dr e ams,#Jo e y.= I N T . # C O MPUTER#ROOM,#ELLINGSON#MINERAL.=+t+t+t+tHAL+n+t+t####He's#gone!=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE +n+t +t####Did #yo u#get#a#trace?=+ t + t + t+tOPERATOR +n +t+t+t+t(on#phone)+n +t+t####Y eah , # w e#got#him.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t+t+t(smiling)+n+t+t# # ##Good.=INT .#J O EY' S# R OOM.#DARK. =+ t Joey#takes#a#dis k#out#o f# h is# co mp u ter#and#stashes#it#in#an+n+tair " \
"#v ent#in#t he # ci e l ing. = I N T . # T E N EMENT#HALLWAY.=+tPhreak,#Dade#and # C e real#are#rollerblading#throug h#th e+n+thal ls#o f#an#apartment#b u i lding#t ha t#i s #filled#with+n+tgr affiti.#It# a ppears#that#most#of#the#spray-bomb#art#was+n+tcreate d # by#the#re sident s . =+t +t +t + tCER E AL + n+t+t####Nice#p l a ce ,# hu h. =+ tCereal#knocks#on#a#door#spray-pain " \
" ted #Hackst oc k=+t+t +t+t D A D E + n + t + t ####You#heard#of#a#hacker#ca l l e d # Acid#Burn?#You+n+t+t####k now #who#he#i s?= +t+t+t+tPHREAK+n + t +t+t+t(surpri sed)+n+t+t####No,#do n't#know#w h o#he#is.+n+t+t+t+t(to#Cereal)+n+t+t####Do#you?=+ t C ereal#shrugs .=+tA#hooded#b l ac k#man# in# h is#early#twenties#answer s#the #doo r.= +t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Nikon!#Lord# " \
"N i k o n# th i s #i s . .. = + t P h r e a k # m otions#to#Dade.=+t+t + t + t D ADE+n+t+t+t+t(finishing) + n+ t+t####C rash #Override.=+t+t+ t +tNIKON+n + t + t####Never#hear d#of#you.# D one#anything?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####No.=+tNikon# s l ams#the#door.= +t+t+t +tPHRE AK + n+t+t# ###Com e#on! =+tPhreak#knock s #th e #do o r#again.#Nikon#opens#again.=+t+t+t+tNIKON " \
"+n +t+t####What ,# y our#m om # b u y # y o u # a # 'Puter#for#Chri s t m a s ? +n+t+t+t+t(to#Phreak)+n+t+t ####Does#he #know #anything?=+t+t+ t +tPHREAK+n+t +t####Sure#man,#he' s#elite.=+ t +t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t+t+t(pausing,#checking#Dade#ou t ) +n+t+t####Com e # in.=+t+ t+ t+t C EREAL+n+t+t# # ##Uh...#Nikon,#can#I...#can#I#crash#at#your+n+t+t####place#tonight?=+t+ " \
"t +t + t NIKON+n +t+t + t+ t( r e m o v i n g # h i s # h o o d ) + n + t + t # ###Again?+n+t+t+t+t(pauses ,#then#gri ns#b roadly)+n+t+t## ##Ye ah#sure.= + t N ikon#and#Cereal# do#a#fake#K ung-fu#move#together.=+t+t+t+tBO TH+n+ t +t####Oo k a-pow!=INT.#NIK ON' S#PLACE.=+ t L ater,#the#fo u r#are#watching#TV.#On#TV#is#a#secret+n+tservice#agent#giving#a#news#in te " \
"rv i ew . = + t+t + t+tG IL L+ n + t +t + t + t ( o n # T V ) + n + t+ t ####Hackers#penetrate#an d#ravage#de licat e#public+n+t+t # ###and#privat e l y#owned#computer#sys tems,+n+t+ t ####infecting#them#with#viruses,#a nd#steali n g + n+t+t####mat e r i a ls#f or#their #o wn#ends.#Thes e# people,+n+t+t####they#are#terrorists.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Agen t #Rich " \
"a rd#G i ll , #You ' r e # h a c k e r #e n e m y # n u m b e r + n + t + t ####one,#man.#You're #a#b oner!= +t+t+t +tNIKON+n+t+t # # # #Yo,#showt i m e,#showtime!=+t+t+t+ t D A DE+n+t+t####What's#going#on?=+t+t+t+tALL#BUT#DA D E +n+t+t+t+t( i n # u n i son)+n+ t +t####4...3...2. ..1...=+tCheesy#music#plays.#Razor#and#Blade,#androgynous#asian+n+tb rothers,# " \
"h a v e #a#com m uni t y # a c c e ss# T V # s h o w . # W a y n e ' s #World+n+tin#eye#l iner .=+t+ t+t+tRA ZOR+n+t+t#### W e l come#to# o u r#show!=+t+t+t + tBLADE+n+t+t####Hack#the#Planet!=+t+t+t+tALL#BUT # DADE+n+t+ t # ## #H a ck #th e #Plane t!=+t+t+t+tRAZOR+n+t+t####For#those#late#night#hacks...=+t+t+t+tBLADE+n+t+t####Jolt#Cola!#T he # " \
"so f t #dr i n k#of # t h e # e l it e + n +t + t # # # # h a c k e r . = + t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t# # ## Who# are#thes e#guys?=+t+t + t+tNIKON+n+ t +t####That's #Razor#and#Blade.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Razor# and#Blade. = +t No w # Razo r #and#Blade#have# a#disconnected#pa yphone#in#their+n+tstudio.=+t +t+t+t RAZOR+n+t+t ## # # T h a t's#right,# this#I " \
"S # a #pa ypho n e .= + t + t+ t+ t R A ZO R# A N D # B L A D E +n+t+t+t+t(in#unison) +n+t+t ####Don' t#ask.=+t+t+ t+t BLADE+n+ t + t####As # you#can#see,#this#is#just#a#simple+n+t+t#### m icroca s s et te #recorde r.#(shows#the+n+t+t## ##microcassette#recorder)##Hook#i t # u p # to # t he+ n +t+t ### #pho ne #and#drop#in#five# b u " \
" c ks# i n#q uar t e r s . = + t + t + t + tR A Z O R + n + t + t # # # # R ecord#the#tones#that# the#co ins#make.#And+n+t+t# # ##hang#up#a n d#get #your#money#back!=+t+ t+t+tBLADE+n+t+t####And#never# a g a in#hav e#t o #pay#for#a#service#th at+n+t+t####would# be#dirt#cheap. . . = +t +t +t+tRAZ OR +n+ t+t #### ...IF# it #weren't#run # b " \
" y # a#bu n ch # o f + n + t+ t # ## # p r o f i t e e r i n g # g lutt ons!=+t+t+t+tBLADE+n+t+t#### Remember,#hacking# i s#more#tha n# just#a#crime.+n+t+t#### It's#a#su rvival#tr a it!=I NT .#JOE Y' S#PL A CE.= +tJoey#is#taking#a#shower,# w earing#walkman#hea dphones,+n+tsingin g # a long#wit h # the#mu sic.#Joey#fini she s,#turns#off +n +tt " \
" h e#sh o wer,# s t i l l # s in g i n g .# H e # d r a w s # o p e n # t h e # s h ower+n+tcurtain#to#find#two#se c ret#service#agen ts#with#s h o tguns+n+tpointed#at#him. =+n+t+t+t+tSS # AG ENT+ n+t+t####FREEZE!= +t+t+ t+tJOEY+n+t+t####What?#Wha t?#What#d id#I#do?#What?=+tThe#agents#dra g# Joey,#still#naked#and#wet,#out#of#th e +n+tshower#a nd # i " \
" n to # th e# l i v i n g # r o o m. # H i s # m o t h e r # i s + n + t h ysterical..=+t+t+t+tJOEY'S#MOM+n+t+t#### Joey !=+t+t+t+t A G ENT+n+t +t####Get#in#there!#Si t# d o wn! = +t + t+ t +tANOTHER#AGEN T+n+t +t####Stay#down#there.#Don 't#move.=+tJoey#is#pushed#into#a#sofa.#H e # se e s#his#computer,#Lucy,+n+tbein g#c arried#away.=+ t+ t + " \
" t + tJ OE Y + n + t + t # ## # L u cy ! = + t Jo e y# d i v e s # o n t o # t he#agent#carrying#Lucy#away,#losing#his+n+ttow el.##His#moth e r,#seei ng#his#exposed#buttocks,#is + n + t sh ocked.=+t+t+t+ tJOE Y ' S # M OM+n+t+t####JOEY!!!=EXT.#OUTSIDE#JOEY'S#PLACE.=+tA#police-type#vehicle#pulls# up .#It's#Agent#Richard#Gill+n+t of #the#Secret#Se r v i ce " \
" . # # H e # st o p s# a #yo u n g # age n t # f o r # a n + n +t update.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####How's#it#going,#Ray?=+t +t+t+tAGENT#R AY+n+t +t####It#looks#good,#sir . # We 'v e # got #a n#uncorr u pt e d+ n +t+t####hard#drive.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####In#English,#please.#I#didn't#spe nd # t en #years+n+t+t ####protecting#th e #president# s o#I #c " \
" o u ld # f i n i s h # my + n + t + t # # # # c a r e e r #f e e l i n g#li ke#a n#idiot.=+t+t+t+tAGENT#RAY+n+t+t####I'm#sorry,#sir. #We#caught# h i m#by#s urprise,#so+n+t+t####we#do n ' t# t h ink#he#ha d # t i m e #to#erase#his+n+t+t####computer#files.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####Good.#G ood #ma n . #A l right, #l e t's#finish#up +n+t+t####he r e , #a nd " \
" # t a k e # hi m#i n # f o r # i n t e r r o g a t i o n. =+ t+ t+t+tAGENT#RAY+n+t+t####Alright#sir.=+tThey#split#up.##A#report er#and#her# s ound #man#run#up#to +n+tGill . =+t+t+t +tREPOR TER+ n+t + t ####Agent#G i l l ,#can#you#spare#a#moment#of#your+n+t+t####time?=+t+t+t+tGILL+n + t+t ## # #W h y #of # cours e,#Jennifer. = +tWhile#Jennife r #co n d " \
" u c t s # t h e # i n t e r view ,# ag e n t s # l ea d# Joey+n+tinto#an#unmarked#car.#His#mother#is#behind#him,#still+n+thysterical.=+t+t+t+ t JOEY 'S#MOM+n+t+t# ###Jo e y ! = +t+t+ t+ tJOEY+n +t +t## ##M o m...=+t+t+t + t J E NNIFER+n+t+t####Just#how#dangerous#are#hackers?=+t+t+t+tGILL+ n+t+t ## ##W el l , # h ac k ers#p e net r ate #and#ravage#d e l i ca t " \
" e + n + t + t # # # #pu b l i c# a n d # pr iva tely#owned#computer#systems,+n+t+t####infecting#them#with#viruses...=+t+t+t+tJOEY'S#MOM+ n+t+t## ##Joey!=+t+t+ t +t GILL + n + t +t ## ##. ..an d #st ea ling#se nsit i ve#materials#for#their+n+t+t####own#ends.#These#peop l e , #t h ey 'r e#t er r o r i sts . . .=+t +t+t +tJOEY'S#MOM+n+ t+ t # # ## " \
" J o e y ! =IN T . # E L L I N G S O N #M IN E RA L# CO RPORATION.=+tA#tall,#impressive#building.#A#cavernous#atrium#filled+n+twith#busy#people.= I N T.# ELLINGSON#BOA RD RO OM.=+ t A # handso me#l ook i n g #woman#in#he r#late#thirties#walks#in.=+t+t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t#### Go o d #m or n in g,# G e n t l emen.#P lease#be#seated.#I+n +t +t # # ## s " \
" e e # w e ' re# s t ill #d r e ss in g#in#the#dark,#Eugene.=+t+t+ t+t P L A GUE+n+t+t+t+t(to#Margo)+n+t+t####Once#again,#d o n' t# call#me#E ug en e .+n+t+t+t+t(to # t h e#board)+n+t+t# # ##A#recent#unknown#intruder#penetrated,#using#a+n+ t + t ## ##s up e rus e r # a c o unt,#giving#him#access# t o# ou r + n+ " \
" t + t## # # w h o l e #sy s t e m . = + t+ t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t### # P r e c isely#what#you're#paid#to#prevent.=+t+t + t +tPLAGUE+n+t+t# ###Som eo n e # d idn't#bo ther #reading#my#carefully+n+t+t####pr ep are d#memo#on# commonly#used#passwords.+n+t+t####Now,#as#I#so#meticulously#pointe d#ou t ,# t h e " \
" # f o r + n + t + t# ## # m o s t# used#passwords#ar e#love,+n+t+t+t+t(gesturing#lewdly)+n+ t + t####sex,# sec r e t # and...+ n +t+t+t+t( eye ing#Margo)+n+t+t####...Go d . # So# wo u ld # y o u r#holiness#care#to#change+n+t+t####her#password?=+tMargo#just#bli nk s #p r et t i l " \
" y . = + t + t + t + tP L AG U E + n +t +t####A#hacker#pl anted#the#virus.=+t+t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t # ### Vir us ? = +t+t+t+tP L AGUE+n +t+t ####Yesterday,#the#ballast# p ro gra m # f or #a+n+t+ t# ###supertanker#training#model#mistakenly#thought+n+t+t#### th e# v e ss el # w " \
" a s # e m p t y , # a n d# f l o o de d#its#tanks.=+t+t+ t+tMARGO+n+t+t####Excuse#me?=+t+t+t+ tPL A GU E + n+t+t+t+t( as#if #t o # a#child )+n+t+t####The# l i tt le #b oa t# f l i pped# over.#A#virus#planted+n+t+t####in#the#Gibson#computer# sys t em #cl a i m e " \
" d + n+t+t# ## #respon s i b i l i t y . =+ t+t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t# ###What,#it#left#a#note?=+tPlague# h i ts#a#button#on#a# r e m o te#cont ro l ,#and#the#virus # - + n+t a# l on g#hair e d#male#model#-#appears#on#a#large#screen,#in+n+tpsychedeli c# co l o r s .#Th " \
" e #viru s #sp eaks # i n # a # ha m m y #Italian+n+taccent.=+ t+t+t+tVIRUS+n+t+t####Unless#fi ve # million#dol l a rs #are#t ra nsferred#to+n+t + t # ## # t h e # f ol l o wing#numbered#account#in#seven#days,+n+t+t####I#wi l l # ca ps iz e#f i ve# " \
" t an k ers # i n#t h e#E l l i n g so n+n +t+t####fleet.=+ t+t+t+tBOARD#MEMBER+n+t+t####I s # t hat...=+t+t+ t+tPL A G U E+n +t+t+t +t ( interrupting) + n + t + t# # # # T h at# is #the#virus.#Leonardo#da#Vinci.#The+n+t+t####pr oble m # i s #w e # h ave#t " \
" w e n ty#s ix # ships#at#se a # and+n + t+ t # ## #we#don't#know#whic h #ones#are#infected.=+t+t+t+tD UK E#E L LINGSON+n+t +t#### W ell# then,#put# the#ships'#ballas t s#un d e r+ n+ t+ t # # # #manual#control.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Th er e 's# no# su ch #th i n g " \
" # a n y m ore,# Duk e . #These + n +t +t####ships#are#tot ally#compu terized.#They#rely#on+n+t+t## ## s a t e l lite#na vigatio n , # whic h#links#them#to#our+n+t+t# ## # net w o r k ,# an d # the#virus,#wherever#they#are#in+ n +t +t ## ##t he #w o r ld .=+ " \
" t + t + t+ tMA RGO+n + t+t# # ##So#w h a t# a re #we#supposed#to#do?= +t+t+t+t P LAGUE+n+t+t####Well#luckily,#yo u# h a ve # a #gifted#an d # t a le nted+ n+t+t####security#officer.# I #tr ac e d # t he #h ac k er ' s#call.+n+t+t####The#se c r et #s er vi ce# pi cked#h im #u " \
" p#this#mor n ing.+ n +t+t # ###I'll# just#sea r c h #his#files#for#the # original+n+t+t####virus#code,#a n d #then#I#can#el imin a t e# i t .=INT. #ELLINGSON#MINERAL#ATRIUM.=+t P l ag ue , # M ar go #a n d#two#suits# fr o m # t he#b oardro om #a r e #ri din " \
" g + n+ t d own#an#es calator . =+ t+t+t+tSUIT## 1+n+t+t####No w# look,#now#we# e xpect#you#to#get#onto#t h is+ n+t +t# # ## right#away,#yeah? = + t + t +t+tPLAGU E +n+t+t####Yeah!=+t+t+t+tSUI T# # 1 +n + t + t ## ## We l l , #h o w # so on?=+t + t+ t +t PLAGUE+n+t+t # ## #W el " \
" l , # we're#w orking#o n#it#a s#fast#as#we#can.+n+t+t####This#is#a#ver y #common#occurrence#in+ n +t+t### #c o r porations#as#large # a s#ours.#You # have+n+t+t####nothing#to#worry# ab ou t. = + t + t +t+ t S U IT##2 +n +t + t #### Y e a h,#r igh t.=+t +t+t +tSUIT# " \
" # 1 + n + t +t####Now,#you're#sure#abo ut#that,#Mr.#The#Plague?= + t + t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t### #Yeah,#th e# S e cret#Service#is#h e l ping#us#out # 10 0+n+t+t####percent.#Okay? =+t+t + t +t SU I T# #2 +n +t + t # # ##Yeah.=+t+t+t+t S U I T# #1+n+t+t####Okay.=+ t + t " \
" + t + tPLAGUE+n+t +t####We'll# be#in#t ou ch.#Talk#to#you # la t er . =+tThe#suits#get# o ff#the#e sc a l a tor,#Plague# and#Margo# ta ke # t he+n+tnext#one#down.=+t+ t+t + tMA RGO + n + t+ t### # W hat#the#hell#was#that#a l l# a bout?=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n " \
" + t+t### # I#had#to#m ove#fast .#The#hacker#c o p i ed#m y+n+t+t####garbage # file.=+t +t+ t + t M A R GO+n+ t + t ####What?=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t #### I# c r e ated #M ister#da# V i n c i#so#we#could#call#i n + n + t+t ####the#Secret#Service " \
".#S o#t h e y ' d #arrest#the+n+t+t### #h acker,#sieze # h i s# equ ipment,#th in g s#t hat#w e + n + t +t## ##can't#do#on#our#own.=+t+t+t+tM A RGO+ n + t + t####I#don't# want#to# g o #to#jail#for#this.=+t+t+ t + tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Relax.# " \
"Think#abo u t #t h e # 2 5 # m i llion#doll ars.=+t+t +t +tMARGO+n+t+t## ##B u t # y ou' ve#cr eated #a #virus #that' s # g o i n g #t o +n+t+t # # # # cause#a#worldwide#ecologica l#disa s te r , #just#to+n+t+t### #a r r est #some#hacker#kid?=+t+t+t+ t P LAGUE+n+t+t####Basically,#uh " \
" mm,#yea h .#Mmm#h m m m. = + t +t +t+tM ARGO+n+t+t####Jesus.#You # know,#you 're# s ic k,#Euge ne.#You... = + t + t + t +tPLAG UE+n+t+t#### S h,#sh#sh#sh#sh.=+tPlague#stops# a #pas si n g # secretary# and#s nat ch es#a#piece#of+n+tpaper#from#h er # h a nd.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t " \
" # ###I'l l#take#care# o f # t h is.=+t+t+t+tSECRETARY+n + t+t ####A lr ig ht,#sir. =+ t+t+t+t PLAGUE+n + t + t # # ##I#ca n # cancel#it# a ny#time.#I#don't#need#any+n+ t+t# # ##p r og ram #code.#But#it's#t he # p erfect#cover,#to+n+t+t####confi sca te#the#disc#and#find#out# " \
" h ow#mu c h#of+n+t+t# # # # t hat#garbage #file#has# bee n #copied.=+t+ t +t +tM ARGO+n+t +t### # G e t # i t! + n + t+t+t+t(walkin g # away)+n+t+t####Why#did#I#ever # tru st#yo u ? +n+t+t+t+t(going#back#u p#the#escalator)+n+t+t####Get#the#fi le .#Otherwise#you'll#lose " \
"# all# your +n+t+t## # # t oys.=+nINT.#SECRET# SERVI CE#IN T E RRO GATI ON#ROO M.=+tJoey # i s# d i s t r a u g h t # o ver#the#disman t l i n g#of#Lucy.#Agent+n+tRay#e x am ines # the# Mac's#innards.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####Did#you#find#the#program#for#the#virus#on#any+n+ " \
"t+ t # # # # o f#the#discs#we#confi s c a t e d ? = + t+t+t+tPLAGUE + n+t + t# # # # N o .#He's#e ithe r# very#smar t #or#very # s t u p i d . =+t+t+t+ tGILL+n+t+t####The n # h e# stashed#it#somewhere,# o r # he #has#a n +n+t+t####accomplice.#We' ll#release#him#until#his+n+t+t####indictment,#keep#tight#surv " \
"eill a n ce,#and#see+n +t+t####if#he # leads # u s #t o#your#disc.=EXT.#OU T S I DE#JOE Y'S#PLA CE . = +tJoey's#a p a rtme n t # bui l di ng#is#an # L -shaped#skyscra p e r#ab out+n+t30#storeys#high ,#unimpressive #b y# New#York#City#standards.+n+tTwo#Secret#Service#agents#are#staking#Joey#out#in#a#car+n " \
"+tou t side.=+t+t+t+tSE C RET#SERVICE #AGENT#B O B+n+t+t ## # #Unit#3#outsi d e#suspect#Joey#Pa r d ell a's+n+t+t# ## # a part m e n t .#N othin g # t o # r e port.#Suspec t # still+n+t+t####grounded...#by# h i s # mother. =+t His#radio#crackles.=+t+t+t+tAGENT#BOB+n+t+t####Listen#to#this#bullshit.+n+t+t+t+t(h " \
"e#r e a ds)+n+t+t####This #is #our#wo rld#now. # T h e # w orld#of#the + n +t+t####electron # a n d # t he#switc h,#t he # beauty # o f # th e+n+t+t####baud.# W e#e x i st#without#na t i onality,#skin+n+t+t####color,# or #religious#b ia s.#You#wage#wars,+n+t+t####murder,#cheat,#lie#to#us#and#try#to#make#us+n+t+t####belie " \
"ve# it's#for#our#o wn#good,#yet# we're# t h e+n + t + t####criminals .#Ye s ,#I # a m#a#criminal.#M y#cri me #is+n+t+ t## # #th a t#of#c u r i o s i ty.#I#am#a#hacke r # a nd#this#is+n+t + t ####my#manifesto.#Huh,#right,#m an i f esto?#Yo u+n+t+t####may#stop#me,#but#you#can't#stop#us#all.=+t+t+t+tAGENT#RAY+n+t+t####Now#that " \
"'s # cool. =+t+t+t+tAGENT#BOB +n+t+t#### Cool?=+t+t + t +tAGENT#RAY+n+t + t #### Yea h ,# cool.=+t+t+t+t AGENT# BO B+ n+t+t### #You #th ink # it's#co o l ? = + t+t+t+tAGENT#RAY+n+ t + t + t +t(not#caring# f o r#where#Bob#is#going+n+t+t+t+twith #this)+n+t+t### #It's#cool!=+t+t+t+tAGENT#BOB+n+t+t####It's#not#cool.#It's#commie#bullshit!=INT.#HIG " \
" H#S CHOOL #BOYS '#ROOM.=+tDade,#Cereal#and#Phreak#check#their#faces.#Cere a l #brus he s +n + this#teeth.=+t + t+t+tC EREAL +n+t+t+ t+ t(to #Phre a k)+n+t + t # # # #So#what#d o # y ou#think,#can# I # crash#at#your+n+t+t####place#to ni g h t ?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####What#is#it#with#this#guy?=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####His#parents#missed# " \
"W o odstock#and#he's # been+n+ t+t####maki ng#up#for#it#since.#Hey,#you#he a r #abou t+n+ t +t # ###Joey's#bust?=+t+t +t+t CER EAL+n+t+t ####Yea h.# Prob abl y#h ad#some thi n g # to # d o # w i t h # that+n+t+t # # ## bank#in#Idaho.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t ####Do#you#think#he#could#hack#a#Gibson?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Did#you#talk#to#him?=+t+t+t+tPHREA " \
" K +n+t+t#### Nope .#His#mom#said#he's#grounded#for#his#next+n+t+t# # # #thr ee #life t i m es .+n+t+t+t+t(imita t i ng#her)+n+t+t ####He #isn't#to#consort# w ith # his# c o m pu te r# f r i e n d s.+n+t+ t + t+t(himself#again)+n+t+t#### Th e#s ecret#service#is#really#out#to#get#him.+n+t+t+t+t(changes#the#subject)+n+t+t####Hey#there's#a# " \
" big#par t y#tonight,#you#wanna#go?=+ t Dade#sh akes#his#head.=+t+ t +t+tPH R E AK+n + t + t## ##It's#at#Kate's. . .=+tDade#just#smil es.=+ t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+ t ## ###Th o u g h t # s o ! = + t C e r ea l#and# P h re ak#leave,#Cereal#dancin g.=+nINT .#P LAGUE'S#OFFICE.=+tPlague#is#wearing#a#VR#helmet#and#gloves,#playing#some+n+tsort#of#action#g " \
" a m e .#He#is#una ware#that#Gill#has#j ust+n+tentered#th e #room. = +t +t+t + t GI L L +n+t+t####What#the#hell#are#you#doing?#Pla gue! =+tHe#thumps#the#VR #pe dest a l.=+t + t + t + t G I L L + n +t+t#### P L A GUE!=+tPlague#finall y#notice s,# and#takes#off#the#helmet.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Gill.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####I#think#we've#go " \
" t # something.=+ tGill#hands#Plague#a # folder.#It#has#the#logo#of# S tanton# H i g h . = +t+ t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Uuugh,#hard#copy.=+tP lagu e#looks#it#over#and# recognize s#a#na m e. = + t + t +t + tPLAG UE +n+t +t# ###Dade#Murphy. = +nINT.# DADE 'S#PLACE.=+tIt's#after#school.#Dade's#just#unlocking#the#front#door,+n+tonly#to#find#a#Secr " \
"et#S e r v i c e#agent#behind#it.##And#one+n+t b e hind#him#in#the#hallw a y.#Bo th# p o i n t # p istols#at#him.=+t+t+t+tAGENT#RAY+n+t+t####Sec ret #Service!=+t+t+t+tAGE NT#BOB+n+t+t ####Don ' t #m o v e != + tT h ey# s lam#Dade#agains t#a#wall# and# start#frisking#him.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Christ!#What#is#the...=+t+t+t+tAGENT#BOB+n+t+t####S " \
"h u t#up!= + t + t+ t + t D A DE+n+t+t####What#are#you #doing,#man?#Get#off#m e !=+tT h e y # l ea d# him#into#his#room# and#throw#him#down#on#the #bed.+n+tPlague#is#there.= +t+t+t+t AGENT#B O B + n + t J u s t # s it#in#the#bed#and # ke ep# your#hands#where#we#can#see+n+tthem.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####The#year#was#1988.##And#this#nasty# " \
" v irus+n + t+t ####cr a sh ed#fifte en #hundred#sys te ms#in#one#day.=+tDa d e #ha s #a#f la s h ba c k . = + t+t+t+tDADE+n +t+t####Fifteen#hundred #a nd#seven.=+t+t+t+tAGENT#RAY + n+t+t+t+t(asto unde d ) + n + t + t####Wow,#huh!= +t +t +t+tGIL L + n+t+t####It#got#you#seven#years#probation.#No+n+t+t####computer,#couldn't#even#use#a#touch " \
" # t o ne + n + t+t####ph one.=+t+ t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+ t # ###Must # ha v e # b e e n#hell,#huh?#Zero#Cool?+n+t+t+ t+ t(get ting#to#the#point)+n+t+t# # ##A#virus#has#been # p l a n t ed#in#the#Ellingson + n + t+t####Mine ral#computer#system.#You#were#our#prime+n+t+t####suspect,#till#we#trashed#your#stuff#and " \
" # f o u n d + n +t+t####no#trace#of#it.=+t + t +t+tGILL+n+t+t # # # # H ow ever,#we#have#come#to#b elieve#th at#one#Jo ey+n+t####Par@ella#is#inv olve@#in#thiC#EllingCo n # v i r u s .+ n +t+t####HA#or#pe r` a ps# hi s # accomplAce#has#A#disk#that+n+t+t####Ar.#BelfCrd#needc#to#disAble#tha@#virus.#We+n+t+t####C " \
" ant#you#to#help # us#find# it .=+t+t+t+tPL A G U E + n+t+ t####Gill.=+tThe#th r e A#secret#se r v ic e #agen ts #@ e av e #PlAgue#and#Dade+n+t alone.##PlAgu e#shu@s#t he#dCor#behiBd#them.=+t +t+ t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t+t+t(of#G i l@)+n +t+t# # # # L Cser.+n+t+t+t+t(c C n tinues)+n+t+t####I#Can't#be@ieve#yoA#were#oBly#elevAn#when#you+n+t+t####Crote#ke#yCurs#cou`d#land#Ao " \
" u#in#jail,#get+n +t+t#### y ou#k i cke d#Cut # of # sC h o ol,#nC#colleges#would + n+t+t####takA# y o u .#N G #f u t u r e + n#Exiled#from#eve ryone#aBd+n+t #####+n# #####eBerythinC#you#loBe.= +tPlague#replAces# the#baseba l @ #ba t.=+t+n+t + t # # #####PLAGUE+n+t+ t# # # # I'll#B e # in#toich.=+tPlAgue#leaBes.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t+t+t(toagents)+n+t+t####I'm#fine.+n+t+t+ " \
" t+ t(@o#Dade) + n + t+t## ##Oh,# a n d # D adA,# t r y# tC#stay#oAt#of#trGubl e, #oCay?=##+n + t +t+t ##### DA@ E + n # ####+n+t######B@ow #me.=+t+t+t +tPLAGUE +n+t+t+t+t#smiles)+n+t+t# ###ThaBk#you!=INT.# DA@E'S#RO Oa.#LATE R=+n+t Dade#Es#lyin g # i n #bed.#A#door#Cpens . # I `'s #Kate+n#She#opAns+n####+n###her#Aotorcyc`e#jacke@,#revea@ing#her#bare#brAasts.#DAde+n+tstar@s#to " \
" #ge@#up,#shA#pushes# him # bacC#own#on# the#bed#and+ n + t s ta B t s#kissAng#him#@as siona@ely.# H e # re spond c#in#ki n @.+n+tThen,#Gill,#AC ent#Ray# and#Age Bt#Bob#bArst#intC#the#roCm ,+n+ thandCuff#him## br eak#@he#two#Ap# and#hAul#them#away# a s+n+tPlague#@ooks#on+nsm u g ly.=+tT he n#DAde#wakeC#up#in#A#sweat.##It#was#only#a#@ream.#HA+n#######regainG#his#coAposure.##Th " \
" e# s oAnd#of#NAw#York# C ity # a t+ n + t b i g h t # suBrounds#@im.#He # Coes#bacG#t o# s l e A p.=+nIN@.#K ATE'C# PLACE .=+tT he# paBty. #A#lArge,#we@l-furniChed#ap aBtment#iB#an+n+tele Can t # old#skyscra@e r#in#t@e#fashiCnab le#pArt#of#tCwn.+n+tT e e b a g e rs#dAnce#and#writhe#@o#loud,#bassy#mAsic.#Da@e#and+n+tP@reak#arBive.=+t#+n+t+t######P@REAK+n+t+t " \
" # ### H e r #moA #ma k e s # Bi g # bu c k C # writinC#self-hAlp+ n +t+t####Boo k s # f o B#wo men.#Stuf f#lAk e#Wo m An#W ho#L Cve+n+t+t####Aen#Who#Are#Emo t a onal#AmCebae=+t@hre ak#s@ ows#DadE#t he#boGk.=+t+t+ t+tDADa+n+t+t####ThQt#explaAns# a#lo@. = + t Kate##the #loBely#and#graciouG#hostesC,#minglAs#and#gbeets+n+theB#many#gAests,#nCt#noticAng#Dade# " \
" o r # P h reEk.#CereEl+n#### # +n## o fferC#Dade#a#d r i n k # f Fom#a#plAstic#bo@tle. #Da@e,#not+n + tCn o w i n g# C hat#he'C # in #for## d rinks + n#Nikon#As#the#DAejay.=+t+t+t+t@HREAK+n+t+t+t+t(@oudl y)+n+t+t ####Yo,#Ch at's#uH#Nikon!= +t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t(+t###Yo#P @ r e a k! # D I de,#man,#you#made#it.+n+t+t+t+t(to#Cereal)+n+t+t####Houston,#we#have#liftoff,#3#o'clock,+n+t+t## " \
" # # c heck#it ...#don't# l ook#ri ght#a way,#what ' s + n +t + t####wrong#with#you!#Loo k #at#her#m a n . . .=+ t N i k o n # and#C e real#a r e #c h ecking# out#a#truly#fine#babe.=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t+t+t(concent rating)+ n+t+t### #Look#out,#man. #Lisa#Blair,#26#East#7th# S t . ,+ n+ t+ t # ###apartment#16,#555-4817,#BOOM!=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####How#did#you#know#that?=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t+ " \
" t # # ## I#g ot # photographi c#memo r y.+ n +t + t + t + t(Smiling)+n+t+t####It's#a#cur s e!+n+t+t+t+t(Into# the#cro w d )+ n +t+t#### L isa ! = + t+t+t+tL ISA+n+t+t####Hey,#how#do#you#know#my#name?=+tCereal#a n d#Phreak#move # through#the#crow d.#Cereal#notices+n+tsomet h i n g .= +t + t + t +tCEREAL+n+t+t####Oooo,#look#at#that#pooper#man.#Spandex,#it's+n+t+t####a#privilege,#not#a#rig " \
" h t ! = = I N T .#MEET I N G #H A L L . = + t A#12-step#recovery#group.#Add icts,#including#Joey+n+ t P a rd e l l a,#sit # i n#a# s em i-circle.= +t+t+t+tVICKIE+n+t+t####Hi,#my#name#is#Vickie,#and#I'm#a n #addict.=+ t +t+t+tHANK+n+t+t# ###Hi,#my#name#is#H a nk,# an d # u h, #I'm # a n#addict.=+t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t+t+t(smoking)+n+t+t####Uh,#my#name's#Joey#but,#uh,#I'm#not#an#addic " \
" t . = +t J o e y # t a k e s #a#drag.#The#group#reacts#i n dignantly.=+t+t+t+t JOEY +n + t +t# ###No no, # r eally, #really ,#listen,#listen#to#this.+n+t+t####I#got#in#trouble#with#my#c omputer,#r i ght,+n+t+t####okay ,#and#my#lawyer#tol d #th e # j u dg e # that#I'm#an+n+t+t####addict,#but#I'm#not#addicted#to#my#computer!+n+t+t####No#really,#really, " \
" = +tJoey#takes#an o t her#drag.= +t+t+t+t J O E Y +n+t+ t # # # # I 'm#not#an#addict.#I'm#not,# I'm # n ot.=+tJoey#downs#h is# co ff e e. = + t+t +t +tJ O E Y +n+t+t### #Can#I#get#some#more#coffee?=+nINT.#KATE'S#BEDROOM.=+tPhreak#is#checking#out #Kate's#computer.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t# # ##Y o . # C hec k # thi s # out#guys,#this#is#insanely+n+t+t####great,#it's#got#a#28.8#BPS#modem!=+t+t+t+tDADE " \
"+n +t +t # ###Yeah?# D i splay?=+t+t + t + tCER E A L+ n + t + t # # ## A c tive#matrix,#man.#A#mill ion#psych e delic+n+t+t####co lor s. #M a n , # b a b y , # sweet,#ooo! =+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t####I#want#it.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t#### I #want#it#to#have# m y # children!=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Yeah,#I # b e t # i t # l o ok s # c r i s py#in#the#dark.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Yo,#hit#the#lights.=+t+t### # Dade# " \
"h i t s #the#lig h t s . #The#four# o o o #and#ah h# at +n + t + t # # # #i t s#graphics.#Kate#and#Curtis#walk#in to#the+n+t+t####room #and # hi t #t he # b e d ,#unaw a re#of# the#hackers+n+t+t####in#the#corner#by#her#laptop.=+t+t+t+tD A D E+n+t+t+t+t(wh i s p er ing)+n+t+t####Shit!=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t### # Shh ! = + t+ t + t+tD A D E +n+t+t####Was#that#her#top?=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####One-handed ! = + " \
" t + t +t +tCEREAL+n+ t + t####Diffi c u lt y #ra ting?= + t + t + t+ t N IKON+n+t+t####Seven.#Wow!#Burn's#wetwa re#matches#her+n +t+t ### # s of tw a r e ! = + t + t+t+tD ADE+n+t+t+t+t(loudly)+n+t+t####Burn!=+tTheir#cov er#is#blow n .=+t+t+t+tNIKON+ n + t+t####What#the#f...=+tCereal#hides # u n d e r #t h e # d es k . = +t + t + t +tKATE +n+t+t####Hey!#What#are#you#guys#doing#in#here?=+t+t + t +tP " \
"HRE A K +n+t+ t## # #I' m # s o rr y , # w e're#sorry,#just#checking#out#your+n+ t+t####fly#laptop!=+t +t+t+tN IK O N +n +t +t ## # #Yeah, #it's#hyped,#you#know...#you're#in#t h e+n+t+t####b utter#zone#now,#baby . = +t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t+t+t(smiling)+n+ t +t### # Uh - h u h !=+t + t +t + t K A TE+n+ t + t+t+t(her#tone#changing)+n+t+t####Yeah,#it#is . . . +n " \
"+t+ t +t+t(she# c o m e s #over# t o # i t)+n+t+t####I#wanna#triple#the#RAM...= +t+t+t+tCURTIS+n+t+t# ## #Oo oh ,#L eopar d#Boy... # AND#the#Decepticons.#Uh,+n+t+t####Kate,#Kate ,#you're# no t#going#into#that+ n+t+t####computer#shit#now,#right? = +tK a t e #ba re l y #a ck now l e d g e s # h i m . = +t+t+t+tCURTIS+n+t+t+t+t(cynically)+n+t+t # # ## H um m " \
",#yea h .=+tCurtis# leaves.= + t+ t + t + t C E REAL+n + t + t+t+t(mockingly)+n+t+t####Right.=+t+t+t+ tDADE+n+t+t####The#sen si tive#type.=+tK a te#finally#notices#that#Dade,#whom#she#didn't#invite,#is#at#h e r+n+tparty#and# i n #her#bedroom.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t## # #Wh at # i s #he#d o i n g #i n#h e r e?=+ t + t + t +t PHREAK+n+t+t####Relax,#Burn,#he's#my # gu est . = +t " \
"+t+ t +tDADE+n+t+ t####Burn. # Yo u're# Acid#B u r n . # You#b o o t e d#me#out#of+n+t+t####OTV!=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t +t ## # #W hat ?=+t+ t + t+t D ADE+n+t+t####I'm#Crash#Override.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####You're#the# m oron#that's#been# invading#my#turf?=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+ n+ t+ t### # Wh o a , # w h o wh o w ho wh o a . + n+t+t+t+ t (motioning#to#Dade)+n+t+t####Crash.. .+ n + t+ t + t+ " \
"t(mot ioning#to # Kate)+n+t+t####and#Burn!=+tCereal# breaks#in t o # h y s te rics.=+nINT.#PLAGUE'S#LOFT.=+tPlague#is#h a c k ing.=+t+t+t+tMA RGO+n+t+t####Murphy#kid#turn#you#down ?=+t+t +t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t+t + t(in#a#hammy#southern#accent)+n+t+t####I#disguised#myself# a s #an #A l a bama#S t a t e#Troo p e r+ n+ t + t ## # #and# p enet rated#the#FBI#NCIC.=+t+t+t+t M A RGO+n+t + t ### " \
"#Pe r vert !#What#a re# y ou #talking#ab o ut?=+tSh e#turns#her #b a c k # t o # h im.#He#does#up#the#zipper#on#her+n+tdress.#Th ei r # r e l ationship#be c omes#apparent.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+ t####The#FBI#co m p u te r#holds#files#on#twenty#million+n+t+t####Americans .# # I # jus t # h a c k e d # i n t o # it. = + t + t+ t+tMAR G O +n +t+t####Congratul a t io ns. = +t +t + t +t P " \
"LA GU E +n+t+t####F r om # h ere#I#g o t# access #to#every #piece # o f# d a t a +n+t+t####ever#stored#on#Dade#Murphy's#parents . # H i s+n+t+ t####paren ts#separated#five#years#ago,#reconcile d + n+t+t####two# yea r s # later,#filed#for#divorce#l ast#year,+n+t+t####cust od y # batt l e , #bo y # c h o se#t o # g o#w i t h # his + n + t +t ####mother.#Hmm.=+ t + t+ t+t MAR GO+ n + t + t# " \
"###S o ?=+t+t+t+tPL AGUE+n +t +t# # ##S o ,#we#g e t#the#m ot her, # w e # get#the#boy.==INT.#KATE'S#ROOM.=+tKate's#room#i s # e mpty ,#and#Dade#can' t #resist#going#back#in+n+tto#play#with#h e r#laptop,#w hich#far#o u t c l asses#his#ow n,+n+tsome#more.#On#the#balcony,#Kate#n o ti ces # and # c o m e s# b a ck+ n+ t i n .= +t+t + t+t K A TE+n+t+t####W h at#t h e# hel l# a r e# " \
" y o u#doing?=+t+t+ t+tDAD E +n+ t+t# ###It's#coo l ,# I 'm#just # lookin g . =+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####It's#too#much#machine#for#y o u.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+ t +t####Yea h?=+tDade#starts#w o r king#furiously#on#i t .=+t +t+t + tKAT E + n +t+t####I#ho pe#you#don't#screw#like#you#type.=+tDade# s l ow s # to#a # t w o- fin g e r # ke y p o k e, # n o t # m i s s ing#a#beat. = +t+t +t +t DA DE+ n + t + t# " \
" # ##I t #has#a# k ill e r # r efr e s h#rate.= + t+t + t+tKA T E+n + t+t# # # # P 6#chip.#Triple#the#speed#of#the#Pentium.=+t+t+t+tD ADE +n+t+t####Yeah.# It's#not#just#t h e#chip,#it#has#a #PC I +n+t+t####bus.#But#you# knew #that.=+t + t + t +tKATE+n+t+t# ###Indeed.#RISC#architecture#is#gonna# c ha nge+ n + t+ t # # # # e ve r y th i n g .= + t+t+ t+ tD ADE+n+t+t####Yea h.#RISC #i s# good. = +t " \
"The y #unc o mfort a bly # ex c h ang e#gl a nce s. =+ t +t+t + t D A D E + n+t+t####You#sure#this#sweet#machine's#not#going#t o+n+t+t ####waste?=+t+ t+t+tKATE+n+t+t### #Crash#Overrid e.# What#was#it. #Mess#with#th e +n+t+t####Best, # D i e#Like#the#Rest?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Yeah.=+ t+t + t +t K A TE+ n + t + t #### A r e#yo u # c h alle n gi n g #me?=+t+t+t+t D AD E+ n+ t+t # ## # N a m " \
"e# y o ur#stakes.=+ t+ t +t+tKATE + n +t+t #### I f# I #win, #you#b e c om e # m y #s lave.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t+t+t(intrigued)+n+t+t## ##Y o ur#sl av e?=+t+t+ t+tKATE+n+t+t+t+t( realizing#his#mi nd #is#in#the+n +t+t+t +tgu t t e r )+n+t+t####You#wish.#You'll#do#shit#work,#s c a n ,# crac k + n +t + t # ## # c o p y ri g h t s , #wh ateve r#I# want.=+t+t+t+ tD ADE+ n+ t +t## # # A n " \
"d# i f #I#win?=+ t+t+t+tKAT E+n+t+t+t+t( g ig gl es ) + n + t+t # # # # M a k e#it#my#first#born.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Make # i t #our#fir st#date. =+t+t+t+tK A TE+n+t +t####You're#not # g o nna#win.=+t + t+t+tDADE+n+t + t ####And#you#have#to#smile.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####I# d o n ' t# do # d at e s . # B ut# I # d on ' t # l os e # eit her,#so+n+t+t## ##y o u' re# on .= + n " \
" MONTAGE: #Scene s #of#Dade#an d #Kate#pr e p ari ng#fo r # t h e # ch allenge.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t+t+t(voice#over)+n + t + t # ###So#here' s#the# deal.#T h e#chosen#co nte st:#To+n+t+t### # has sle#Secret# Servi c e #A gent#Richard#Gill,#and+n+t+t####get#one#back#for#Joey.=+tDade#sp r a y # p a int s # ca m o u f l a ge # o nto # h i s # keyb oar d.=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+ t+t#### Ou r#de ci s i o ns " \
" # a re#f i n a l , # b y # a # v o t e # o f # 2#to # 1 . +n+t+t####No#appeals.=+tKate#rifles#through#he r# a d d ress#book.=+ t +t+t+ t CER E AL+n+t+t#### T he#duel#will#las t # until#we#dec l a r e #a#winner.=+tDade#plays#quick-draw#with#disks.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t## # # U s e# o n l y # t h e # dialu p s ,# a c c e ss # c o de s#and+n+t+t####p ass w o rd s #in # y " \
" o u r # c o l lec t i on.#Can't#ask#for+n+t+t####any#help#from#us.=+tDa d e , # h aving#master ed#the#qu i ck-d isk- draw#in#the #mirror,+n+t looks#satisfied . = +t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t+t+t(into#mirror)+n+t+t####Talking#to#me?=+ tA l l # f ive# a r e #t o g e t h e r # a t #the # b eg i nni n g# of#the#challenge.=+ t+ t+t+ tP HREA K+ n + t + " \
" t # # # # A n y # q u e s t i ons?=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Yeah.#Whose#gonna # n o tify # his#next#of#kin ?=+tD ade # a n d #Kat e#shake#hands#a n d #the # c h a llenge#begins.=EXT.#N EW#Y ORK#CITY# PUBLIC#PHONE.=+tAt#a#public#phone,#Kate#hacks# i nto# C o nco urse # B ank , # l o o ks+ n + tu p # R i c ha r d#G i ll,#and#has#his#c redi t# ca r d#m a x " \
" e d # o u t . + n + t De s t roy#Card#is#the#final#instruction.#The#other+n + t h a ck e rs #loo k#on.=INT.#RESTAUR ANT. = + t A # wai ter#ru n s#a #c r edit#card#throu gh#a#va lidat ion #machine ,+n+tsees#the#message#and#returns#t o # th e # patron's # t a b l e . # I t# is + n+ tR i c h a r d# G i l l.#Right#there,#the # waite r#cho ps # t h e " \
" + n + t M a s t e r C a r d # i n # t w o#with#a#pair#of#scissors,#to#Gill's+n+thorro r .= E X T . # N E W#YORK#CITY#PUBLIC#PHONE.= + tDa d e # hack s #into#an#e le c tronic#person al# ads# system#an d+n+tchange s#an#ad.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Alr i g ht, # h e's#in #th e #pe r s o n a l#a d s . +n +t+ t + t + t( r eadi ng#Dade's#ad)+n+t+ t####Di s ap poin t e " \
"d#white#male,#cr ossdresser,#looking+n+t+t # ###for#discree t # fr i e n d # to#bring#dreams#to+n+t+t####reality.#Leather,# l ace, #a n d #w at er #sports.+n+t+t####Tran sv e sti t es# w e lc o me.=INT.#GILL'S#OFFICE.=+tAt#his#office ,# G ill# is#on #the#speaker# phone#wit h#someone+n+trespondin g #t o # t h e#a d . = +t + t + t +tG I L L +n + t + t # # # # I ...#I...#I#know#where #y ou#can#st ick # i t . " \
"..#I + n+t+t####know#where#you#can#stick#it...=+tGill#punches#a #button # o n # t h e # phone,#another#caller#comes+n+ton.=+t+t+t+tC A LLER+n+t+t## # # ...wanna#lick#your#earlobes.. . # I # w a n n a # l i c k+n+t+t####your#lips...#I#wanna#lick#your #toes...# I+n+t+t####wanna#l ick#your # ankles...=+t+t+t+tGILL+ n + t+t # # # #A w ww, # y e a h ,#y o u #wan n a # lic k#so mething?#Lick#this.=+ t G ill#p unc hes# a n " \
"other#button,#another#caller#comes#on.=+t+t+t+tCALLER+n+t+t####T hat's#wh y # t h e y # c all#me#Stallion...=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####Aw,#t hat's#disg us t in g ! =+tGill#punches#another# bu t t o n . = + t + t + t + tCAL LER +n+t+t####My#heart# i s #steaming#for#you...=+tGil l#punches#another# butto n .#He#is#becoming#quite # fl u s te re d .=+ t + t + t + t C A LLER+n+t+ t # # # #. . .spank#you#with#my...=+t+ t+ t+tGIL L+n + t +t " \
"# ###Aww,#Spank#your#ass...=+tHe#punches#another#button.=+tAnoth er#caller # co mes#o n , #a nd#Gill#hangs#up#the#phone,+n+tdisgusted,#of fended,#and#dis t raught.#The#Plague#is# there,+n+ t w i t n e ss ing # t he#whole#t hing.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t# # ##Animal!=+nEXT.#EMPI RE#STATE#BULDING# OBS ER VA TION#DECK.=+tIt's# K a t e' s # t u rn . #K a t e # is#h a cki ng#into # t h e# De pa r tment#of+n+tMotor#Vehicl es . # S h e# a d " \
" d s#113#traffic#v iolations # and#DUI+n+toffender#status#to#Gil l' s #rec o r d.= E XT . # N EW#YORK#CITY,#BUSY#STREE T.=+tGill#is#being#ar rested#quite#forcef ully#by#a#NYC#police +n+tgrunt . # # He #is # t h r own#onto#the #hood#of#his#car#and+n+thandcuffed.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t#### #Hey !#Hey,#ow ! #D o# you#know#who#I#am?#D o# yo u +n+t+ t # # # # #know#who# I#a m?=EXT. # C H IN A TOW N,#PUBLIC#PHONE.=+tDade's#tur n. #He#h a c " \
"k s#into# the#Secret#Service 's#personnel+n+tfile,#and#changes#Gil l's#stat u s # t o # D eceased.=+nINT.#GILL'S#O FF ICE.=+t+t+t+tEMPLOY EE+n+t+t+t+t(on#phone)+n+t+t####This#is# account i n g , # s i r. # Y o u# enquired# about+n+t+t####an#employee#of#ours,#an#Agent#Richard#G ill?=+t+t+ t+tGILL+ n +t +t ####Yes.=+t+t+t+tEMPLOY E E +n + t + t # # # #O u r # r ecords # in dicate#h e ' s #d e c e ased.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####I' m# w h at ? " \
"=+nINT.#CYBERDELIA.=+tThe#five#are#playing#pool.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+ t+t####Dea d . = + t + t +t +tPHREAK+n+t+t####Dead?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t### # Yeah.#Like#Rigor#Mor tis,#Habeas#Corpus. =+t+t+ t + t N IK O N + n +t+t####Very#im pressive.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Super#hero#like#e v en.=+t+t +t+tKATE+n+ t +t####Yeah,#whatever.#What ' s#t h e # s cor e ? = +tPhreak#cl icks #the#poo l # s c or e boa rd#so#it#says#60#-#60.=+t+t+t + tP HRE A " \
"K+n+t+t####Tie.=+tThe#other#four#protest.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Due#to#Mr.#G i l l' s# u n t imely#demise#and+n+t+t####everything,#I#guess# y ou#two#will#have#to+n+t+t### #improvise#the#next#rou n d . =+ t+t + t + t D A D E+n+t+t## ##Rig ht.#If#I#win,#you#wear#a#dress#on#our+ n+t+t### #date.=+ t+t+t+tK ATE+n+t+t####And#if#I#win,#so# d o# y o u . =+ tDad e #t hinks#about#it#a#second . = + t +t +t +tDADE+n+t+t####Deal.=+tKate#giv e s # Da d " \
"e#a#look#that#says#I'm#going#to#hold#you#to+n+tthat.=+nINT.#KATE'S#BED.#N I G H T . = + t A#shapely#figure#wearing#a# red#leather#legless# s uit#with#a+n+tzipper#that#goes#all#the#way#arou nd # t he #c ro t ch . # H a nd s +n+tcaress#the#s ultry# figure#as#the#camera#pans#up. #The#bod y+n +tbelongs#to#Dade#Murphy.=+tKat e # w ak e s # u p#g asping.##It#was#only#a#dream.#Sh e # pa nt s + n +t and#regains#her#breath.#Then#she#smile s . " \
"#She#enjoyed+n+tthat#dream.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Oooohhhh...==INT.#HIGH#SC H O O L# H A LLWAY.=+t+t####Kate,#at#her#locker,#stops#Dade.=+ t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Dade.#I#didn't#know#your#s ize,# so#I# gu e s s e d . = +t S h e#opens # her#loc ker#to #reveal#a#red#leat h er#b ustier#and+n+tbikini#bottom.=+t+ t +t + t K A T E+ n +t+t# ###You#are#man#enough#to# s t i c k# w ith #the#deal,+n+t+t####aren't#you?=+tDade#walks#off.=+ " \
"nINT.#DADE'S#PLACE.=+tDade#signs#an#electronic#pad#for#a#package#from#UPS. # H e +n +t t a k es #the#package.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Thanks.=+ t He#closes#the#door#and#opens#the#pa ckage.#It#is# a#l a p t o p +n +t co mp u t e r , # clear#p lastic#sh ell , #full#c o lour#screen.#Very+n+thig h - e nd , # p er h aps#the# equal#to#Kate's#machine. # H e # t u rn s+ n+tit#on.#The#Plague's#face,#distorted,#appears.# " \
"It#speaks .=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####You#wanted#to#know#who#I# a m,#Ze r o# C o o l ? #Well+n+t+t####let#me#explain#the#New#W orld#O r der.+n+t+t####Governments#and#corp orations # need #pe o p l e# like+n + t + t # # # #you#a nd#me.# We#a re#samurai.#The#keybo a r d +n + t + t # ## #co w boy s.#And#all#those#othe r # pe o ple # ou t#there+n+t+t####who#have#no#idea#what's#going#on#a " \
"re#the+n+t+t####cattle.#Mooo!#I#need#your#help,#you#need#my+n + t + t # # # # help.#Let#me#help#you#earn#y our#spurs.#Ahh,+n + t +t####think#about#it.#Enjoy#the#l aptop,# Cool ! + n +t + t## ##T ell # m e # wh e r e #t h e#disk#is .=+tPl a g ue's#face#vanishes . = +n IN T .#J O E Y'S#ROO M.=+tJoey#lies#on#hi s # b e d # wi th #a #comic#book,#looking+n+tdespondent.#His#mother#ent " \
"ers.=+t+t+t+tJOEY'S#MOM+n+t+t####You#look#pitiful.#Okay,#oka y, #y o u' re #no t + n+t+t####grounded#anymore.=+tShe#kisses#his#for e head#and#leaves.#He#springs#back#to +n+tlife ,# get s #up #a nd#gets#th e # di s c # f r o m#where#he#stashed #it+n+tin#the#air# v e nt. = + n E X T . #PAR K.=+tJoey#is#nervously# wa i t i n g #o n# a#park#bench.#Phreak#arrives.+n+tAgents#Ray#and#Bob# " \
"still#have#Joey#staked#out.=+t+t +t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Yo,#wh a t ' s # u p ? = +t + t + t +tJOEY+n+t+t####Dude#dude#dude,#I#gotta#talk #to#you#a#minute,+n+t+t####listen #listen #list e n .#I#copied#a#garba g e #fil e+ n + t+ t# ## #from...=+t+t+t+t PHREAK+n+t+t## ## B ig # d e a l. # A#gar b a ge#file's#got#shi t # i n # i t , +n+t+t####Joey,#come#on.=+t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t####Nono,#it " \
"'s #like#hot#or#som e thin g.#I # don't#know.=+t+t+t+tPHREA K+ n + t + t # ###Joey,#a#garbage#file#hold s #miscellaneous# d ata.+n+t+t####Junk.#Bits#of#stuff#that's#bee n#e rased,# m an.=+t+ t +t +t J O E Y+ n + t + t####I#copied#it#from#Ell ingson,#okay?#They're+n + t + t # # # # as king#me#about#it,#al r ig h t ? # Wil l# you#take#a+n+t+t####look#for#me?=+tJoey#hands#Phreak# " \
" t he # d is c . # A g e n t #B o b# i s # taking#pictures,+n+tand#Phre ak#notices.=+t+t+ t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Oh#shit,#Joey,#you've#got#a # t ail.= + t Joey#see s , # a n d #r u n s #f o r #i t . = + t +t+t+tJ OEY +n+t+t####Sh it!=+tThe#agen ts# s p l i t#up ,#o ne #r uns#after#Joey , #t h e # o t h e r#after+n+tPhreak.=+nINT.#HIGH#SCHOOL#BOYS'#ROOM.=+tPhr " \
" e a k # h as#lost#his#tai l . #He#pu ts#Joe y's#di s c #behi n d #a + n + tcondom#machine#in#the#boys'#room#at#school, # and#sticks#it+n+tthere#with#gum.=+nINT.#PHREAK 'S# R OOM. =+tPhreak # f ra n tic ally# d es t roy s # a ll # re cords# of #his#hacking+n +tcareer.#He#knows#h e ' s # a bo ut #t o# be#busted.=+nDR E A M # S E Q UE N C E.=+tThe#Secret#Service#is#about#to#burst#in#on#Phre " \
" a k .#He+n+tstill # hasn't#destroyed#any#rec ords,# an d # st a r ts#manically+ n+tgoing#through#everything.# Gill#is#on#his#laptop#screen.=+t +t+t+tGI LL+ n+t + t## # #I 'm#watc hing # y o u ... = I NT.# P H R E AK'S# R OO M. #MORNING.=+tA#knock# on#the#door.#Phr e a k # aw a ke s . #I t's#his#moth er. = + t +t+ t +tP HREAK'S#MOM+n+t+t####Ramon?#Wake#up.#Ramon!#Wake#up " \
" ! #Vamano.+n+t+t####Time#for#school,#come#on. =+tThe # s e c r e t # s ervice#bur sts#in#throug h#the#wind ow#j u st#as+n+tPhreak's#mom#opens#t he#blind .#She#scr e ams,# Phreak#l e a p s +n +tt o#his #feet. = + t+ t + t +tAGENT +n+t+t## ##Secret#Service,# don't#move!=+t+t+t + t P HR E AK + n+t+ t####Deja# v u ! = + t + t+ t+ t AGENT#BOB+n+t+t####Ray#Sanchez,#you#are#under#arres " \
" t , #under#the+n+t+t####Computer#Fraud#and#Abu s e#Act#o f# 19 8 6 . = +tPhreak's#mom #becomes#ve ry#angry#and #sta rts#slapping+n+tPhreak,#cu rsing#in# Spanis h.=+ t +t+ t+tPHRE A K + n + t+ t ## ##Wh at#ar e #y o u # waiting#fo r ,#ar rest#me#already!=+nI NT.#POLICE#ST A T I ON# L O C K UP . =+tThe#und er s i z e d #P h re a k#is#just#a#morse l#to#the#hardened+n+tthugs#b " \
"ehind#thes e # bars#and#they#taunt#him#viciously#as#he+n+tis#led #to#his# o n e # p h o ne#call.=+t+t+ t+tCOP+n+t+t ####You#get# o ne #call.#Uno.#Unde rstand?=+tThe#c op#locks #the#dia l# o n# t h e #phone.=+ t P hreak#waits # f o r #th e#cop#to#leave,#and#hangs#up .#He+n+tstarts# r a pi dl y # push ing#the # ha n g u p #h o o k , # and#he#hears#a+n+tringing#tone.=+t+t+t+tOPERATOR " \
"+n+t+t####Hello,#operator#services.=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Hello ,#opera t o r? # I ' m #having#trouble #dialing# a +n+t+t####num b er.=+t+t+t+ tOPERATOR+n+t+t####What#number#pleas e?=+ t+t+t +tPHREAK+n+t+t## # # 5 55-4 202 . =+ t + t+t+tOPERATOR+n+t+t####Just # o ne#moment.=+t+t+t + t P H R EA K+n+ t +t # # # #T h ank# y o u.=+tKate#answers.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Hello " \
"?=+t+t+t+tPHREAK+n+t+t####Hey,#it's#me.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Phreak?=+t+ t + t + t P HREAK+n+t+t####I'm #freakin g !#Joey#wasn't# m ak i ng#it#up!#He+n+t+t####really#hacked#int o#E ll i ngson!#He#gave#m e# t h e+ n +t+ t ## # # dis c#with#a#file#he#copied# a n d#n ow#I'm#in+n+ t +t# # ##j a il ! # T h ey ' r e # c h a r g i n g # me#with#some#serious+n+t+t####shit!#And#ther " \
"e's#stuff#I#didn't#even#do,+n+t+t####like#inserting#some#virus#called# D a # V i n c i ,#and+n+t+t####the y#keep#a s king#about#y ou#guys.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t### # You#thi nk#the y're#going#to#b ust#us?= + t+t+ t +tPHR EAK+ n+t+t####Yeah!#You#better # f igu re#out#what's#on # t h a t + n +t + t# # # # disc , #c a u s e#we're#being#framed.#It's#in#that+n+t+t####pl " \
"ace#where#I#put#that#thing#that#time?=+tHe#hangs#up#just#as#th e #c o p #r et ur ns.=+nINT.#SCHOOL#BOYS'#ROO M .=+tKate#is#ent irely#out#of#place#in#the#boys'# room,#as# the+n+t boys#look #on#amusedl y .# #She#f inds#the#disc#behind#the+n+tcondom #m a chi ne#and#pockets#it . # T h e n# sh e #b u y s # a# co n dom#from+n+tthe#machine#and#struts#out,#smiling#swee " \
"tly,#hot#as#fire.=INT.#DADE'S#PLACE.=+tKate#knocks.#Mrs.#Murp h y # l e t s # K at e#and#Cereal#in.=+t+t+t+tM R S.#MURPHY+n+ t+t####Hi!+n+t+t+t+t(looking#K ate#over)+ n+t+t### #Well,#now#I# see#w h at #all#the#fuss#is#about.+n+t+t+t+t(she#show s # th em#to #Dade's#room) + n +t + t # # # #D ad e . . . # yo u #h ave#company.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####It's#a#nice#room.=+ " \
" t+t+t+tKATE+n+ t+t####We#need#your#help.=+t+t+t+tDA DE+n+ t + t ## # # D o #my#ears#deceive#me?=+tKate #starts#to#le a ve.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Nonononono. # Truce ,#you#guys.#Li sten, # w e# got+n+t+ t####a#higher#purpose#her e,#a l r i ght ?#A#wa ke#up+n+t+t### # c a ll # f or # t h e # N int e ndo#Generation.#We#demand+n+t+t####free#access#to#data,#we " \
" ll,#it#comes#with#some+n+t+t####responsibility.#Whe n #I # w a s # a # c h i l d,#I#spake+n+t+t####as#a#c h ild,#I#under stood#as#a#child,#I#thought+n+t+t### # a s #a#ch i ld,#but#when # I# bec ame#a#ma n#I#put#away+n+t+t####childish#t h i ngs . +n +t+t+t+t(paus e ) + n+ t + t #### W h at . . .#It ' s # C orinthians#I,#Chapter#13,#verse+n+t+t####11,#no#duh.#Come#on " \
".=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Phreak#and#Joey #are#being#f ram e d . # W e # n e e d+n+t+t####your#help#to#fig ure#out#what 's#on#this#disc.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+ t### # I # c an't.#Ever yb od y# who#touches#that#thing+n+t+t####gets # b u s ted , #I #can't#affor d # t o #g e t # a rr est ed, + n+t +t#### I 'm # sorry.=+t+t+t+tCER EAL+n+t+t####Maybe#I#should#just#go#to#t " \
"he#bathroom#or+n+t+t####something.=+t C e real# leaves#t h e # r oo m . = + t +t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####What#i s#it#with#y ou ?#I#know#we've#been+n+t+t####playin g # g a m e s,#but, # w e' re# sup posed#to#be#on+n+t+t####the#s a me#s i de #and#we#really #n eed #y o ur #help . #I+n+t+t #### r eally# n e e d#your#help.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####I'm#sorry,#I#can't.=+t+t+t " \
"+tKATE+n+t+t####Well,#could# you#just # m a k e# a#co p y # o f # t h e# d i s c?+n+t+t####And#just#hide# it#in#cas e#we #get#busted,#so#we+n+t+t####h ave#s o m e t h i n g # t o # g i v e #o ur#lawyers,#something+n+t+t#### th at#h asn' t#been#tampered #wi th? # C a n # y o u # do+n+ t + t####that? = + t A#knock#on#the#door.#Dade's#mom#peeks#in.=+t+t+t+tMRS.#MURPHY " \
"+n+t+t####Li s ten#you#g u y s , # h el p # y o u r s e l f # t o # a nything#in+n+t+t####the#fr idge.# Cerea l#has.=+tShe#leaves.=+t+t+t+tKAT E+n+ t + t + t + t ( t o # M r s . # Murphy)+n+t+t####Thank#you.=+t+ t +t+ tDADE + n +t+t####Okay.#I'l l#co p y # i t.=+ t +t+t + tKATE+ n+t+t# # # # Okay,#thank#you.=+n+tLater.##Plague#phones#Dade.#Plague#has#Lau " \
" ren#Mur p h y ' s + n + t r e c ords#on#his#screen.=+t+t +t+tPLAG UE+n+t+t####The#girl.#The#girl#ha s# t h e # d i s c # I # n e e d .= + t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####I#told #you,#I#don' t#play#well#with#others . = + t+ t + t + t PLAGUE +n +t+t### # T u rn#on#your#laptop.#Set#it#to#receive#a+n+t+t####file.=+tDade# " \
" d oe s . = + t A n # e x t e n s i v e # c r iminal#record#with#a#strange# woman's+n+tpicture#comes#up.#The#strange #woma n# t r a n s fo r m s # i n to+n+tDade's#mother.=+t+t+t+t PLAGUE+n+t+t ####Lauren#Murphy#is#now#a # w an t e d#f elon#in# th e+ n +t+t####state#of#Washington.#Forgery,#Embezzlement,+n+t+t####t " \
" w o#drug#co nvictio n s,# p lus#s he#j u m p e d #p a r o l e.+n+t+t####When#she's#arrest ed,# she#will#not#have#a+n+t+t####tria l ,# s h e # w i l l # n ot # pa ss#go,#she#will#go+n+t+t####di r ectly#to#ja il.#Then#I#change#this#f il e+ n+ t + t# ###b ac k # to# t h e #original,#and#your#mom#disappears.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####That " \
" ' s # bulls hi t . =+ t+ t+t + t P LA G U E+ n + t + t ## # # W h at#can#I#tell#you.#Co mpu te r s#n ever#lie,+n+t+t####kid.#Your#mom#will# be # ar r e s t ed # a t# w or k ,+n+t+t####she'll#be#handcuf fed,#and#la ter,#strip+n+t+t####searc hed.=+ t + t+t + tD A D E+ n +t+t####You#lay#a#finger#on#her#and#I'll#kill#you.=+t+t+t+tPLAG " \
" U E +n + t + t## # # Kid,#d on 't # t h r ea t e n # m e . # T h ere#are#worse+n+t+ t####things#t han#death#and,#uh,#I#can#do#all#of+n + t+ t ## # # t h e m ! = + t D a d e # emerges#from#his#room.#His# exhausted ,#overw orked+n+tmother#is#a s l ee p#on # t he # c ouch.#He#pulls#a#bla nket# over+n+ther.=+nEXT.#P U B LIC#PHON " \
" E , # W E T #S T R E E T,#NI GH T . = + t S h o r t ly#after,#Dade#is# o uts ide#on#a#pay phone.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Talk#to # m e . = + t + t + t + t D ADE+n +t+t####I#got#it.#But#l isten,#Ka t e#d idn't#know#what' s + n +t+t## # #o n # i t . #I#mea n,# she#came# t o #me#to#figure#it+n+t+t # # # #out.#S " \
" h e ' s # n o t # t h e#one#who#plan t e d#the#virus.+n +t+t## ##You#leave#her#alone.=+t+t+t+tP L A G U E + n + t + t # # # # H ey,#don't#worry,#kid.#If#s he's#i n n ocent,+n+t+t####s h e ' l l#be#f in e. # You r # mommy's#safe#now,#okay?=+tDade#hangs#up#and#waits#for#some#time. " \
"# # A #l i m o u s ine #d r i v e s +n + t b y ,# with#a#skateboa r der#tailing.#Pl ague# g rabs#the#disc,+n+tjumps#in#the#limo # a n d # s p e e d s # aw ay.# Dade#tries#to#chase+n+ t but#g ive s#up#quickly.=+nI N T .#KATE'S#R OO M.= + t D a de#shows#up.##Kate,#Nikon,#and#Cereal#are#working#on#the+n+tdisc. " \
" = +t+t+t + t DA DE+n+t+ t #### Ka te , #lis t e n . = + t + t+t+tKATE+n+t+t## # #Uh,#hold#on ... = +t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####I#have#to#te ll# y o u # s o m e t h i n g . = +t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t### # Hold# o n # a#se cond!=+t+t+t+tN I KO N+n+t+t# ### L o ok # a t#this,#it's#so#lean#and#clean.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Looks#like " \
" # a# h a ck er # w r ote # i t. = + t + t + t + t K A T E +n+t+t####Come#he re,#look# at# t his.#This#thing#is#den s e. = + t N i k o n # p o i n ts#out#part#of#the#code.=+t+t+ t +t N IKON+ n+t+t####But#that' s #ill,#man. #I t 's # i n complete.#This+n+t+t####is#taking#forever#and#a#day#to#figure#out. " \
" + n+t+ t ### #I' m# g o nn a #m ake # s o m e # c o f f e e . =+tDade#takes#Nik o n's#p lace.= +t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t ## # # T a g , # y o u ' r e # i n .=+tHours#pass.#Dade#st u d i e s # and#r e v erse#engineers #the+n+tgarba ge #file . # The#other#hackers#watch,#and#do#just#about+n+tanything#but#be#hacke " \
"r s. # F i n all y ,#o v er # b ox e s# o f + n+ t h a lf - f i nished#pizza,#Dade # m ak es#an#announcement.=+t+t+t+tDA D E + n + t + t # # # # T his#isn't#a#virus.#It's#a#w o r m !=+t+t+ t+tNIKON+n+t+t####What' s#thi s# on e #eat?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####It#nibbles.#You#see#this?=+tDade#indica " \
" t e s # a # r ap idly #sc rolling#data#display . = + t+t + t+tDADE+n+t+t####This#is#every#fin a n c i a l # t r a n s a c t i o n #E l lingson+n+t+t####conduct s,#y e a h?#From#million#d ollar #deals #t o + n+t+t####the#ten#buck s#some#guy#pays#for#gas.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t## " \
" # # T h e # w o r m # e a t s# a#f e w# cents#from#each#tran s a c t i on.= +t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####And# n o # one's #ca u g h t # i t # b e c a u s e# t he# money# i s n 't + n+t+t####really#gone.#It's#j ust#d ata # b e i ng#shifted+n+t+t### # a ro und.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Right.#And#wh " \
" e n # t h e # w o rm's#ready,#it#zips#out+n+t+t## # # w i t h#the#money#and#erases#its#track s.=+t+t+t+tD AD E + n + t + t # # # #Joey #got#c u t#off # bef ore#he#got#to#that#part.+n+t+ t ####Ch e c k #it#out.#By#this#point,#it's#already+n+t+t####running#at,#what,#twice " \
" # t h e # s p ee d# a s # w h en #it+n+t+t####started. = + t + t + t+tKATE+n+t+t####Right,#and# at# this#rate#it # e n d s # i t s #run#in...=+t +t+ t +t N IKON+n +t+ t####Two#days.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t### # A n d # judging#by#this#segment# alone,#it's+n+t+t####already#eaten#about.. " \
" . = + t + t + t + t C E R E AL+n+t+t####21.8#million # b u c k s ,#man.=+tNikon#whistles.=+t+t+ t+tKATE+n+t+t# # # # W h o e ver#wrot e # thi s#needs#som eb ody#to#take#th e+n+t+t####fa ll. #And#th a t' s#Phreak,#and#that's#Jo ey,#and+n+t+t####that's#us.#We've#got#to#get#t " \
" h e # r e s t # of # t h e + n + t+t# ###file,#so#we#can#f i n d # o ut#whe re#the#money#is+n+t+t## ##going#be fore#the #wor m # disappear s , #so#we#c an+n+t+t####f in d#out#WHO#created#i t.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t + t### #I#know,#I#know#who#wro te#it.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####What?=+t+t+t+tDADE+ " \
" n + t + t # # # # T hi s# E l l i n g s on#security#creep.#I # g a v e # h i m#a+n+ t+t####copy#of#the#disc#y ou#gave#me.=+ t+t+t+tK ATE+n+ t +t####You #what?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+ t ## ##I#didn't#know# what#was#on#it.=+t+t+t+ tCE REAL+n+t+t+t+t(agitated)+n+t+t####Oh#man.#That's#universally#stupid,#m " \
" a n ! = + t + t + t + t NIK ON +n+ t+ t # # # # Yo ,#man,#you#an#amat eu r , # m a n . = +t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Why#did#h e#come#to#you?=+t+t+t+t DADE+n+t+t####I#got#a # record.#I#was#Zero#Cool.=+t+t+t +tNIKON+n+t+t####Zero#Cool?#Crashed #f ifteen#hundred#and#seven+n+t+t####systems#in#one#day?=+tNikon#closes#his#eye " \
" s # a n d # a c c e s s # h i s # pho to gr a p h i c# mem ory.=+t+t+t+tNIKON +n + t + t ### # B iggest#crash#in#history,#fro n t #page,#New+n+t+t####York#T i m es,#August#10th, # 19 8 8 .#I#thought+n+t+t####you# was# b l a ck,#man!#Yo,#man,#this#is#Zero+n+t+t #### Cool!#Oh,#shit!=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####That's#far#out!=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t " \
" + t # # # # T h is # is #Z e r o # C o ol ,# m a n !# Who oo,#haha!=+t+t+t+tK AT E + n+t+ t +t+t(coldly)+n+t+t####Well#t h a t ' s #great.#There#goes#MIT.=+t+ t +t+tDADE+n+t+t####I' l l # m a k e #it#up#to#you!=+t+t+t+tKATE+n + t +t####How?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####I'll#h ack#the#Gibson.=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t####They'll#trace#you#like#that+n+t+t+t+t " \
" ( s n a p s # h i s# f i ng e rs )+n + t + t #### ma n,#co p s#a re #gonna#find#you,#the y ' re + n + t+ t # # ##gonn a#find#you#with#a#sm o k i n g#gun.=+t+t+t+tD ADE+n+t+t####F u c ked#if#I#care,#man. =+ t + t + t + t NIKON+n+t+t####Look,#even#i f#y o u# had#the#passwords,#it'll+n+t+t####tak e# you#ten#minutes#to#get#in,#and#you've+n+t+t####still#gotta#find#the#files, " \
" # m a n , # I #mea n ,# t he+n +t + t # # # #cops# w il l# ha ve# you#in...#five#mi nu t e s .= + t + t+t+tCER EAL+n+t+t####Oh#wow , # w e#are#fried.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t+t+t(su d d e nly#lighter-hearted)+ n + t + t # # # # N e ver#send#a#boy#to#do#a#woman's # j ob .#With+n+t+t####me,#we#can#do#it#in #seven.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####You're#both#screwed.#I#help,#we#can#do#it#i " \
" n #si x .= + t + t+t + t N I K O N +n + t + t # # # #J e s u s, #I#gotta#save#all#y ou r # a s ses. # I # h e l p,+n+t +t####we#can#do#it# i n # fi v e#minutes,#man.= +t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Oka y.#Let's#go#shoppi n g . = + t + t + t + tCEREAL + n+t+t### #Woo# h o o!# Boom!= +nEXT.#OUTSIDE#ELLINGS O N#BUILDING.=+tDade#and#Kate#cut#through#a#chain#link#fence#and#jump#into+n+t " \
" a # d u m p s ter# a t #Ell in g s o n . # Ka te # l a n d s#on#Dade.=+t+t+t+tD A D E + n+ t+t## # # Y o u # k n ow ,# i f#I#didn't#live#by# a # st r i ct#code#of+n+t+t# ###honor,#I#might#take#advantage#of#this+n+t + t # ## # s i t ua t i o n.##Erotically,#a s #it #were.=+tKate#fishes#around#in# her#pants,#never#breaking#eye+n+tcontact#with#Dade.#She#pulls#out#a#flashli " \
" g h t . # Th ey + n + t star t# t r a s h in g. # T h e y#get#up#to#leave# and#are#spotted#b y# a + n + t s ecur i t y#guard. =+t+t+t+tGUARD+n+t+t ## # # A lright,#hold#it#right#there!=+tKate#pulls#out#a#flare#gun#and# f i r e s # i t# a t # t he#security+n+tgu ard. ##He#ducks.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Shit!!=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####It's#my#subway#defense#system.=+nEXT.#NEW#Y " \
" O R K # C I T Y # S TR E E T . = + t N i k on #is# st aring#down#a#ma nho le,#Cere a l #i s # f ishin g # through + n +ta n#ad jacent#phone#company#t r u c k .=+t+t+t+tNIKON+ n+t+t####He's#way#down#there.=+tCereal#emer ges#wi t h # a # b e l t loa d#of#equipment# a nd#a#hard#hat.+n+tBut#he#forgot#the#most#important#thing.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Ta-da!=+ t + t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t# " \
" # # # Y o , # b r a i n#d ead, #t h e # m a n u al !=+tCereal#goes#back#to #the# t r uc k # a n d#get s # a # t hick#ma nual.#The+n+ tphone#company#techni cia n # comes#up#from#the#manhole.=+t+t+t+tPHONE#COMPANY#TECH+n+t+t# ###Hey!= + t + t + t +t CEREAL#AND#N IKON+n+t +t+t+t(in#unison,#pointing#down#the#street)+n+t+t####TRUCK!!!=+tThe#phone#co m p a ny#tech#jumps#back " \
" # i n # th e # h o le , # C e re a l# a n d + n + t N ikon#take#off.=+nINT.#SECRET#SE R V I C E #BULDING.=+ tA # w o m an#is#s eated #at# t h e#desk.##Agent#Gill#wa l k s # by.=+t+t+t+tWOM AN+n+t+t####Find#it ?=+tCereal#emerges#from #the#desk , # b e twee n#her#legs.#His #tool+n+ tbelt#dangles#obscenely#from#his#crotch.=+t+t+ t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Phone's#a l r i g ht.#The#problem#mu " \
" s t # b e + n + t + t # # # # s o me w h e r e # e ls e.= +tC ereal#walks#away#with#his# bu tt crack#serious ly # s ho w i n g. =+nINT.#E LLIN GSON#MIN ERAL#OFFICES.=+tNiko n# p o s es#as#a#flower#de livery#boy.#He#wi nds# his#way+n+tthrough # the#offices# o f #Ellingson#Mineral, # sh o ulder+n+ tsurfing,#watching#the#workers#en tering#passwords.#His+n+tphotographic#memory# c aptures#everything.# " \
" #The # P l a g u e # w a l k s + n + t p ast #him,#noticing#briefly#but#not#making#the#conne c t i o n . = I N T .#P LAGUE'S# LOFT .=+tThe#Da#Vinci#virus'#launch/ c a ncel#prompt#is#up.= + t+t+t+tMARGO+n +t + t+t+t(pacing)+n+t+t# ###They#had#a#la r g e # ch unk#of#the#garbage#f ile? +n+t+t ####How#much#do#they#know?=+t+t +t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Not#everything.#But#enough#t o#implicate#us.=+t+t " \
" +t + t M A R G O +n + t + t#### Y ou # s a id # t he #worm#was#untreaceable!=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t +t#### Yea h . # T o # civ ilians.#B ut# they're# h ackers.+n+t+t####But # d on't#worry.#All#we#h ave#to#do#is#laun c h+ n+t+t####the#Da#Vi nci#virus,#and#the n # t hey ' ll#all#be+n+t+t#### put# a way.=+t +t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t#### Lau nch#the #D a#Vinci#virus?#You#can't#do#tha t!=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+ t " \
" # # ## N o # o n e #b e li e v es # t h e # guil ty.#Besides,#by#the+n+t+t####time#they#realize#t he# t r u t h , # we'l l# be#long+n +t+t####gone#with#all#of#our#money.=+ tMargo#starts#to#prote s t.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE +n +t+t####Look,#ther e#is#no#right#and# w rong. ## T h er e#is+ n +t+t####only#fun#and# b oring. #A#th irty#year#prison+n+t+t# ###sent e n ce# sounds#pretty#dull#to#me.##Who #do#you+n+t+t####pre " \
" f er #s e rv e s # i t , # u s ? #O r #t h e m?=+tPlague#clicks#on#Launch.#The#virus#repeats#its#d ema nd. = + t +t+t +t VIRUS + n+t+t # ###Unles s #five#million#dollars#are#transferred#to+n+ t +t####the#followin g#numbered#account#i n#seven#days,+n+t+t####I # w ill#capsize# f ive#tan k ers#in#the#Ellingson +n+t+t ####f leet.=EXT.#OPEN#SEA.=+tAs #the#v i ru s#speaks,#a#supertanker#sail s#o n#a#choppy#sea.=INT. # " \
"PL AGUE'S#L OFT. =+ t P l a g u e#leaves#a#message#on#Gill's#answering#machine.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE + n+t + t +t+ t ( sternly)+ n+t+t####The#virus#goes#off#tomorrow#morning# at#10:30,+n+t+t####and#those#hackers# tried#to#get#into#our#system+n+ t+t## # # again.#At#thi s#point#I#i n sist#you#take#mor e+n+t+t####strenuous#action,#or#E l lings on#Mineral#will+n+t+ t####hold#the#Secre t#S " \
"er v i c e #res p o n s i b le.= + t Gi l l # g ets#on#the#phone.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t+t+t(grimly)+n+t+t####Ge t# m e #a r r e st#warr an ts#on#Kate#Libby,#alias+n+t+t####Acid#Burn,#Emmanuel#Goldstein,#alias#Cereal+n+t+ t#### Killer,#Dade#Murphy,#alias#Crash#Overr id e , + n+t+t####als o#known#as#Zer o # C ool,#and#Paul#C ook,#alias+n+t+t####Lord#Nikon.#We#pick#th em#up#tomorrow#morn i n g +n+t+t####at#nine #o'c " \
"l oc k . =+tA s# G i l l #gi v e s # t h e # o r d er,#a#mysterious#device#under#his+n+tdesk#blinks.#Cere al#pu t# i t #there.= +nINT.#NIKON'S#PLACE.=+tNikon#and#Cereal#tape d#Gill's#orders.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t +t#### Snoop#onto#them...=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t####...as#t h e y#snoop#onto#us. =+tNikon#calls # K a t e.=+t+t+t+tKATE+ n+t+t####Yeah,#it's#Kate.=+t+t+t+tN I K ON+ n+t+t # ## # Hey,#Bu r n.#We#g ot#a#litt le#pr " \
" oblem # h e re .= + n I N T.#SUB W A Y . = + tCereal,#Nikon,#Dade#and#Kate#skate#through#a#run#do w n + n +t s u bway#p la tform#and#get#on#the#A#Train.#They#go# o ve r+n+tthe#results#of#their#passwor d#gathering#spree.=+t+t+t+tKATE+ n+t+t####Alright,#so#what# ha v e#we#got?=+t+t+t + tDADE+n+t+t# # # # Well,#we#have#f i fty#passwords,#plus#whatever+n+t+t####Pol a roid#he ad#here#go t#in side#Elling s on.= " \
"+ t + t+ t + t N I K O N + n + t +t # # # # W ell,#I#got#a#lot,#alright?#I#don't#know#how+n+t+t####ma n y# b ut. . .#my#he ad#hurts.=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Yo, # e v eryone#check#this#out.#Hey,#wha t's#the+n+t+t####Da#Vinci#virus? =+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####What? = +t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+ t####Check#this # o u t.#It's#a#memo#ab out#how#they're+n+t+t####gonna #deal#wit h#th o s e# o il#s pill s#that#happe ned+n+ " \
" t + t # # # # o n # t he #fo ur t e e n t h. = + t +t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####What#oil#spills?=+t+t+t+tNIKON+ n + t + t# # ##Whoa , #whoa.#Yo,#brain-dead,#today#is#the + n + t+ t####thirteenth.=+t+t+t+tCE REAL+n+t+t####Well#this#hasn't#happened#yet.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+ t+t####Wait#a#minute,# t he#fourteent h , # that's#the#same+ n+t+t####day#the#worm#ends#its#ru n.##I#m ean...# Da#V inci+n+ t+t## ## virus,# d idn't# " \
"Ph r e ak # s a y # t h a t' s#w ha t # he # w a s + n+t+t####being#charged#with?#Look...+n+t+t+t+t ( q u o t e s # the#m e mo)+n+t+t####Infecting#ballast#p r o g r a m s# o f#Ellingson+n+t+t####ta nkers#-#they#blame#hackers!=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t+t+t(angry)+n+t +t####Damn!=+t+t+t+tC E REAL+n+t+t## # # A # worm#AND#a#viru s?#The#plot#thickens.=+tKate#gets #ready# to#get#o ff # the#su b w a y.=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n +t+t####W " \
" h oa,#w hoa # w h o a # w ho a, # w h e r e # are#you#going,+n+t+t####huh?=+t+t+t+tKATE+n + t + t## # # I# g ot#an# idea.#We've#got#a#few # h o u r s , # right,+n+t+t# ###till#we#get#arrested.#So#jus t#stay#low.#I'm+n+t+t#### gonna#go#get#some#help.#I' ll#beep#you , #okay?+n+t+t+t+ t(to#Dade)+n+t+t####Are#you#coming?=+tDa d e #gets#up.=+t+t+t+tCER E AL + n + t+t### #May#the # F orce#be " \
"#wi t h#yo u , # m a n . = + n IN T. # I N D U S T RI AL#DANCE#CLUB.=+tWeird#music#plays,#lots# of # weir d# p eo p le # danc e.##Razor#and+n+tBlade#a r e # o n # s ta ge, #dancing#in#f ront#of#a#huge#sp eaker.=+t+ t +t+tKATE+n+t+t####There#they#are!=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+ t +t####Razor # a n d #Blade!#They're #flakes!=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t### #They're # e lite!#L e t 's #get# ' em. =+tDade#and#Kate#push#thr ough#the# " \
" c row d .# T h e # s on g # c ha ng es# t o + n +t a#f a s t#industrial#rap#number,#Razor#and#Blade #l e a v e#th e +n+ tstage,#and#Dade#starts# g e t t i ng#m oshed.#He#climbs# on#the+n+tstage# to#fo llow #Razor#and#Blade.#For#his# trouble,#he#is+n+tthrown# back#on to # the#crowd,#who# pass#him#around#overhead.=+tFina lly#th e # c r owd#le ts#him#go.##He#cat ches #u p#with#Kate.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t " \
"+t# # # # I # l o s t# ' em . # W he re #w e r e # y o u ? = + tDade#tries#to#explain,#but#is#at#a# lo s s #f o r #wo rds.=+tThey#make#their#w a y # t o# t he#entrance#to#Raz or#and#Bl ade's+ n+tlair. #Video#monitors#are#everywhere.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t## # # I#don 't#l i k e #this.=+tA#rob otic#arm#with#a#revolver#swin gs#aroun d # t o#point#a t+ n+tDade. =+ t+t +t+tDADE+n+t+t####AAAAAU GH!#I#defi " \
" n itely # d o n ' t # l i k e# th is ! = + t + t+t+tBLADE+n+t+t+t+t(through#video#int e r c o m ) +n +t+ t####What#do#you#want?=+t +t +t + t D A DE+n+t+t####Ummm.. .#we#come#in#pea ce?=+ tDade#winces#at#his#own#co rniness.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t + t####We#ne e d #your#help.# #If#you're#up#to#it.=+t+t+t+tRAZOR+n+t+t # # # #She's#b uff.#Balls y.= +t+ t+t +tBLADE+n+t+t####Let's#keep#her.= " \
" +t+t+ t + t R A Z O R + n + t + t ## ## W a s t e#t he # dud e.=+tThe#gun#goes#off.#It's#on l y #a # c iga rette #lighter!#No#one+n+t c a n# a c cuse#Razor#and#Blade#o f#not#having#a#sen se#of# h umor.=+nINT.#RAZOR#AND#BLADE'S#PLACE.=+t+t+t+tKATE+ n +t+t####A#v ir us # called#Da#Vin ci#will#cause#oil#spills+n+t+t # ###at# 1 0: 30#AM#Eas ter n #Time#to morrow. =+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####It's#somehow " \
" # co nn e c t e d # w ith# t h e # wo rm #th a t ' s + n+ t+t ####stealing#the#money.=+t +t +t +t K A T E +n +t+t ####We#need#your#help # t o # ov erload#the#Gibson #so#we+n+t+t### #can# kill#the#Da#Vinci#virus#and#dow n l oad#the+n+t+t#### w o rm#progr am . =+t+ t+t+tRAZOR+n +t+t####She's#rabid,#but#cute. =+t+t+t+tB L A D E+n+t+ t####See,#we 'r e #v ery#busy.#A#TV#network#that+n+t+t####wi " \
" s h e s # t o # r e m a i n # nam e l e s s# h a s # e x p r e ss ed#an+n+t+t####interes t# in # o u r # s how. =+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t + t + t ( noticing#the#stenc h#of#sell out)+n+t+t### #Let's#go,#Kate.=+t+t+t+tRAZOR+n+ t+t####Wait.#Nobody# s aid#no.#But#you#are#going#to+n +t+t####need#more#than#just#two#me dia#i c o ns#l ike# u s .+n+ t+t #### You#need#an#army.=+t+t+t+tBLADE+n+t+t### " \
" # T h at ' s #i t ! # A n # e l e c t r o n ic # a rm y ! # If # I #were#us,+n+t+t####I'd#get # o n # t h e# i nte r net,#send#out#a#m a j o r +n+t+t####distres s#sig nal.=+t+t+ t+tRAZOR+n+t+t####Hackers#of#t he#World,#Unite!=+t+t +t +tBLADE+n +t+t####H ow#are#yo u#going#to#take#care#of#the#cops? =+tDade # j u st#s miles.= INT. #D A DE'S# ROOM.=+tDade#hacks#into#the#city#tra " \
"f f ic#light#c o n t r o l # s y s t e m .+ n+tSud de n l y #t he r e #is#gridlock#on#the#street s #o f # N e w # Y o r k + n+tCity.=EXT.#CENTRAL # P A R K .=+tNikon#is#playi n g#che ss#against #two#Hassidic#Jews.+n+tCereal's#beeper#goes#off.#It #d ispl ays#the#mes sage:=+t+t# ######GRAND#CENTRAL+n+t+t##### # #HACK#TH E # PLANET = +t +t +t+t CER EA L+ n +t+t####Yo.#I'm#blowing#up.#It's#Kate, " \
" # G r and+n + t+ t # ### Ce n t r al . # L e t ' s # hit # i t ! = + t Ni kon#checkmates#his#opponent#a nd#t h e # t w o # leave.=+tDade,#Cere a l , # N ikon,#and#Kat e#ska te#th rough#the#s treets.+n+tDade's#program#to#freeze#all#the#tra f f ic # lights#o n # green,+ n+truns#on#schedule#at#9:00:00# preci sely.#P i ct u r e# Ne w# Yo r k #C ity#in+n+tmorning#rush#hour,#and#every#tr " \
"a f f i c # l i g h t # i s # g r e e n . # In s t a nt+ n + t g r id lock#ensues.#The#fo ur#sk at e # t h rough#the#traffi c # e a s ily,#while+n+ tth e#Secret# Servi ce,#now#pur suing#them,#is#stuck.#Gill#punches#a+n+tpar k e d #c a r # i n#frustrat ion.#Its#alarm#goes#off.=INT.#GRA N D#CENTRA L # ST ATI O N . = +tT he # f o u r# hackers#skate#into#Grand#Central#Statio " \
" n #a n d # h e a d + n + t t o #t h e #lo we st #l e v e l. #Th ey#meet#up#with#Joey.=+ t + t +t + t CEREAL+n+t+t### # H e y # Joey,#you#m ade#it!=INT.#GRAND #CENTRA L#PUBLIC#PHO NES.=+tThe#hackers#are#now#setting#up#laptop s # a t # a#bank#of#pa y+n+tphones.##Dade#is#wearing#a # Pir ate#E ye # e y ep i e c e .=+ t + t +t+tKATE+n+t+t####Now#listen#up,#use#you " \
" r #b es t # v i r u s e s # t o # b uy # u s + n +t + t # # # #time,#we#have#to#get#i n t o # P l a g ue ' s #file#and+n+t+ t # # # #copy#the #worm.=+tCereal#screa ms.=+t + t+t+tCEREAL+n+ t+t####Ai!#Boom#boom#aiaiaiaiaee!#Alright , # t h at#was+n+t+t#### a#little#tension#breaker,#that #h ad #to#be#do n e ,+ n+ t + t # # # # a l r ig h t? =+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Cereal.= + " \
" t+ t + t +tC ER EA L + n + t + t ## # # Y e a h ? =+ t + t + t + tK ATE+n+t+t####Go#fix#the#phones.= + t + t + t + t CEREAL +n +t + t## # # Roger .=+tCereal#takes#off#to#fi x#the# phones.=+t+t+t+tKA TE+n+t+t####Joey,#take#his#place . = + t+t+t+tJOEY+n+t+t####What,#me?=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t# # # #T ake#his #pl a ce , # m a n , # d o # it.#You#can#do#it .=+tJoey#takes#Cereal' " \
"s # p l a c e . = + t + t + t + t K A T E+n+t +t # # # # R ea d y ?=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####Y e a h . = + t+t+t + t K AT E + n+t+t####A lright,#let's#boot#up.=+tThe #four#b oot#up#thei r#mac hines.#Various#vanity#sc r e e n s + n+tcome#up#on#the # laptops.#They#begin#to#hack.# W e # see #the+n +t i ns i d e # o f # t h e # G i b s on. #Viruses#of #all#kinds#b e gin " \
"#to# p o u r +n + t in . # I n # t he # o ff i ces # a n d # d a ta # processing#rooms,#the+n+tEl li ng s on # s t aff#a r e # i n #p a ndemonium.#H appy#faces#with#eye+n+tpatche s#appea r#on#the i r#screens.#Sit # o n#my#inte r f ac e .+n+tShit#f o r #Brains.#Arf#Arf#Arf!#Coo k i e #monsters . =+ nIN T . # C O M P U T E R # RO OM,#EL L INGSON#M INERAL .=+tThe " \
" # b i g # m o ni to r # s h o w s # t h e # a t t a c k # in # p r o gr ess.=+t+t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t####What#i s # i t ? #What ' s #wrong? =+ t +t+t+tPLAGUE+ n+t+t####Nothing,#it's#just# a#minor #glitch .=+t+t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t### # M i no r #gl itch#with # y ou#seems#to#turn#into#a+n+ t + t# # # #ma jor# ca t a s t r o p h e . = + t T h e#m ai n#sc reen#is#f illed #w i " \
"t h:= + t # # ###I# WAN T # A # C O O K I E. # GI VE # M E # A# CO O KIE#NOW!=+t+t+t+tHAL+n+t+t####There' s #a #new# viru s #in#the#databas e.=+t+t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t####Wha t's#ha p penin g ?=+t+t+t+tHAL+n+t+t## ## It ' s # r e p licating,#e ating#up#memory.#What#do#I+ n+ t + t####d o?=+ t + t +t + t P L A G U E + n + t +t ## ##Ty pe#Cookie,#you # id iot " \
" . # I'l l # h e ad#' em# o f f # a t+n +t + t # # # # the# pa s s . = + t A n o t h er#virus#appears.=+t+t+t+tHAL+n+t+t####We# have#a # Zero#Bug#attacki ng#all#the#login#and+ n+t+t ####o verlay# files .=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t # # # # Run#anti-vi rus.#Give#me#a#systems#disp la y ! = + t The #sy s t e m s # d i s p l a y # c o m e s#up. # Red#f la sh es #e veryw h " \
" e re ,+ n+ ts i gn i fyi ng # n e w # a t t ac ks .# P l ag u e# pre s s e s # a # k e y .=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Die,#dickweeds!=+t+t+t + tH AL+n+t+t####Th e#rabbit#is#in#the#ad ministrat ion#sys tem. = +tRabbit#icons#sta rt # t o # f i l l #the#syst ems#display.=+t+t+t+tPLAGU E+ n + t +t # ## #Se n d # a # F l u - s h o t . = +t +t + t +tMAR GO+n+t+t# ### Ra b bit " \
" , # Flu - s ho t ,# some o n e # t a l k #t o # m e .= + t +t +t + t H A L + n+t+t####A#rabbit#replicates#till#it#overloads# a# fi le,+n+t+t# # ##then#it#spreads#like# cancer.= +t+t+t+ tMA RGO+n+t+t####Cancer?=+tThe#Da#Vi nc i # V i rus#sings# Row#Row#Row#Your#Boat.+n+t T a n k e r #b al l a s t s # s t ar t # f i l l i n g#-# fo r# r eal.==I NT.#GR AND #CEN T " \
" R A L # P U BL I C #P H O N E S. = + t +t+t+ t K A T E + n+ t+t# # # # It 's # t h e#Gibson,#it's#finding#us#too#fast.=+t+t+t+t D ADE+n +t+t# # ##Man,#there's#too# many#garbag e#file s,#I#n eed+n+t+t####more#time.==INT.#COMP UTE R# R O OM,#ELLIN GSON#MINERAL.=+t+t+t+tPLAG U E + n + t + t # # # # T h e y ' r e # a t# G rand#Central#Statio n, #lo wer #lev " \
" e l . + n + t +t # ## # D o n ' t # s c r e w # u p . = = E X T . # G RI D L O C K E D # S TREETS.=+tThe#Secret#Service#and#NYPD#are#s t u ck. ##They#turn#aroun d+n+tand#he ad#f or#Gran d#Central#Station.=INT.#GRAND#CENT RA L # P U BLIC#PH ONES.=+tThe#public#phone# n e x t # t o # D a d e 's # r i n g s . ## D ad e#an swers.+n+tIt 's#The#Plague.=INT.# " \
"C O M P U T E R# RO O M, # E L L I N GS O N # M I N E R A L. =+ t+ t+ t + t P L A G U E +n+t+t####Game's#over.#Last#chance#to#get# out #of#this+n+t+t####without#a#p r ison#sent ence.##You're#not#good+n+t+t### # e n o ugh#t o#beat#me,#you#little#shit. = I N T . # G RA N D # C E N T R AL#PUBL IC#PH ONES.=+t+t+t+tDADE +n+ t+t# # " \
" # # Y e ah , # m a y b e#I' m # n o t . # Bu t # w e # a r e , #y o u # a s s h o l e.=+nINT.#COMPUTER#ROOM,#ELLINGSON#MINERAL . = +t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Give# it#up!#Ju st# give#it#u p.=+nINT.#GRA ND # C E NTR A L#PUBLIC#PHONES.=+tKate's#p h o n e # r i n g s. #I t ' s # R a zor .=+t+t + t+tRAZ OR+n+t+t ####Ar e# we#fashi onab " \
" l y # l a t e ? =+n + t H a cke r s# i n # E n g lan d , # I t a ly,#Japan,#Russia,#everywhere+n+tmobil i ze#and#start#attacking#the#Ellin gs on#Gib so n.#The+n+t English#hacker #l o o k s#and#talks#suspiciously# li k e # A n n i e + n + t Le nno x' s#hus b and.#Our#heroes#relentlessl y#searc " \
" h # f o r + n +t th e# r i g h t # g arb a g e # f i l e . = + n I NT.#COMPUTER#ROOM,#ELLINGSON#MINERAL.= +t + t+t+tSYSOP+n+t+t####We#have#massiv e#i n fec tion.# # M u lt i ple#GPI#and+n+t+t####FSI#vi ru s e s . = + t + t + t +t H AL+n+ t+ t####The y're#coming#i n#fro m# remo te #node s.# " \
" T h e y ' r e+n +t +t ## # # g o in g # a f te r # t h e # K e r n a l ! =+t+t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t####Colonel#wh o?=+ t+t+t+tHAL+n+t+t#### The#System#Com mand #Pr o c essor,# i t's#the#brain.=+t+t+t+tMAR GO + n + t + t # # # # Canc e r , #br ain...#Br ai n#Cancer?=+tDuke#El lingson #arriv " \
" e s . = + t + t+ t+ tD U K E # E L L I N G S O N + n + t + t## ## B e l ford,#what's#going#on?=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n +t+t # ###In#short,#Duke,#a #shit#storm.=+n INT. # GRAND#CENTR AL #S TATION.=+tDozens#of#armed# Secr e t #S e r v i c e # a n d# S W A T#tr oo ps#push+n+tthrough # the#crow de d#stat io " \
" n # l o o k i n g # f or # t h e # h ac k e rs.=+nINSIDE# T H E # C O MP U T ER.=+tThe#garbage#file#lights#up.## T h e #familiar#psychedelic+n+tswirl#of#equations#and #f ractal # gra phics#returns.=+nINT.#GRAND# C E N T R A L # P U B L I C # P H O N ES .= +t+t+ t+t D A DE +n+t+t #### " \
" I # f o u n d # i t!#I# f o u n d # i t !=+nINT.#C O M P U T ER # R OOM, #ELLINGSON#MINERAL.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t +t####This#is#the#end,#my#friend.+n+t+t+t+t(smilin g#sic kly)+n+t+t ####T h ank#you#for#calling!=+nINT .#G R A N D # C E N T R A L # P U B L I C#PHO NES . =+tD a " \
" d e # i s # di s c o nn e c t e d. = +t + t +t+tDADE+ n+ t + t # # # # Oh,# shit!#He#got#me.=+t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t # ###Joey's#getting#stupid#busy.=+tThe#SS#and#SWAT#are# sti ll #closing#i n#on# the#hackers.=+t+t+t+tDADE+ n+t + t # # # # J o e y .# I#nee d #yo " \
" u # t o # d r op # y o u r # v i r uses,# g o +n+t+t### #a f t e r # t he #w or m.#You're#the#closest.=+tThe#SS#and# SWAT#push#through#crow ds.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####It's#roo t#slash#per i od#workspace#slash+n+t+t####p e r i o d # g a r b a g e#per i " \
" o d . = + t T h e # S S # a r e #n ea r ly # t here. =+t J oey # h a s# f ou nd # t he#file.=+tThe#SS#arrive.##Gill#him s e l f #has#his#.357#drawn.=+ t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####Freeze!=+tIt 's#a n #empty#bank#of#payphones, # t h e # r e c e i ve r s# a " \
" r e # l i nk ed + n + t t o g e th er#an d #taped#up.# No # h ac k e r s . # Th ey#keep#going.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t+t+ t (pissed#off#but# deter mined)+n+t+t####Ahhh#Come#on!=+tJ oe y#completes#the#download.=+ t + t + t +tKATE + n " \
" + t +t +t +t (t o# R a z o r # a n d # B l a d e) + n+t+t### #K i l l#t h e # G i b s on. = +t+t+t+tRAZOR+n+t+t####Roger#that. = + n INT.#COMPUTER#R OOM, # ELLINGSON#MINERAL.=+t+t+t+tPLAG UE+n +t+t####Come#on#you#son#of# a # b i t c h , " \
" # i s # t h a t # a ll# yo u + n + t + t # # ## g o t ,#huh?#Come#o n , # l e t ' s #se e#w h at#else#you+n+t+t####can#do!#You#ta lking#to#me?#Huh ? #Hahah aha.+n+t+t####Are#y o u # n u ts?#Come#at#me!=+tMargo#and# D u k e # ar e # a " \
" w e d # b y# Pl a gue ' s # i m m i n e n t #f ailu r e # and+n+ t tota l# u n p r of e s si onalism.=+t+t+t+tHAL+n+t+t####They' re#in#the#kernal. = + t+t+ t +tDA#V I NCI#VIRUS+ n + t+t####Help...#me...=+tThe#D a # V in ci# v " \
" i r u s # d i e s. #T he# t a nke r s # s t o p# c ap s i z i n g # a nd+ n +t ri g h t # t h em selves.=+t+t+t+tWOMAN+n+t+t+t+t(off#s c r een)+n+t+t####The #tan kers#have# stopped # c a psi z i ng.=+t+t+t+tSOMEONE#ELSE+n + t + t +t+t(o ff # " \
" s c r e e n ) +n +t + t## ## Ballas t # t a n k s # ar e#e m p t ying. #It' ll #be#okay. = + n +tT he#m ain#screen#lights#up:=+t+t#####ARF#ARF! +n+t+t#####WE#GOTCHA != + t+t#####MESS#WITH #THE#BEST+n+t+t#####DIE#LI K E #THE # REST =+n+t+ " \
" t + t + t P LA GUE+ n+t +t # ### L i t t l e # p is san t ! = +tThe #Gi bs on#di es # i n # a# f la sh #of#light.=INT.#GRAND#CENTRAL#PUBLIC#P HONE S .=+tThe#hackers#cheer#and#congratulate#each#other.=+ t+t+t+tNIKON+n+t+t####Ye s ! = + t + t+ t +t DADE+n+ " \
" t + t # # # #W e #did#i t!=+t+t+ t + t K A T E + n + t+ t # # # # Le t's#g et# ou t #of#h e r e ! = + t + t+ t + tGILL+n+t+t####FREEZE!=+tThe#SS#hav e #caught# u p#with#the#hackers.#Agent#Bob#seems#to+n+tbe#choosing#whi ch#pore#on#which#hacker' s # f a c e # t o # b l ow#away+n+ " \
" t f i rs t . # O nly # J oe y # t hi n k s # t o #p ut #h i s # ha nd s#u p. = + t A s#the y # a r e # l e d#away,#a#handcuffed#Dade#surrreptiti ously#tosses#the+ n + t d i sc#with#the#worm#into#a#trashcan.=EXT.#GRAND#CENTRAL#STATION.=+ tOutside,#he#notices#Cereal , # w h o # w a s n ' t # pr ese n t # " \
" t o # b e + n +tarr ested.#He#y ell s # t o # t he #cro w d ,# b u t #r eal ly#i s+n+ tad d re s s i n g # Cereal.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####They're# T RASHING# o ur#rights,#man!#They're+n+t+t####TRASHING#the#flow#of#data!#They're#TRASHING!+n+t+t####TRASHIN G ! # T RASHING!#HACK#THE#PLANET! # H A C K + n + t + t # ###THE#PLANE " \
" T ! = + t + t +t + t G ILL+n +t+ t # # ## S hu t # u p # a n d#g e t # in #th e#car!=+t + t+ t+t C E R EA L + n+t+t+t+t(understanding#the#hidde n# mess a ge)+n+t+t####HACK#THE#PLANET!#HACK#THE#PLANET!=+nINT.#GRAND#CENTRAL#STATION.=+tLater,#Cereal# i s#tras hing # throu gh#the#garbage#cans#in+n+t G r a n d # C e n t r a l #S tat ion. # E " \
" v e n t u a l l y #h e#fin ds # the #disc . + n + tT o#C e r e a l 's # d isgust,#it#has#gum#st uck #to#it.= = I N T .#GILL'S#OFFICE.=+tGill#phones # T he#P lague#to#report#the#successful#takedown.=+t+t+t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t####Hello?=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####We # caught#'em.=+t + t + t+tPLAGUE+n+t+t # ###Good.=+t+t+t +tGILL+n+t+t####Red#hande d ! # Y o u # w o n ' t# b e # h a v i n g #a ny#m ore+n " \
" + t +t # # ## tr o ubl e#from#t h em . = I N T .# P LAGU E ' S # LOFT . = +tAt#Plag ue's#plac e, # P l a g u e # a n d#Margo#toast#with#champagne,+ n +tg iggle,#and#then#scurry#off#to#bed...=+nINT.#GILL'S#OFFICE.=+tDade#and#Kate#are#there.=+t+t+t+tDADE+ n + t+t####Me,#alright?#I#did#it.#She#knows#shit#abo ut+n+t+t####computers .#She...#she's#just#my#gi r l friend . = + t + t + t + t G I L L + n + t + t +t +t ( l " \
" a u g h i n g ) + n + t +t# ### I# s ugges t # y o u # mod i fy # y o ur #a t t i t ud e.#Be cau se +n + t + t # # # # y o u #are#floating.#And#I'm#about#to # f l ush #your+n+t+t####ass.=+tThe#intercom#beeps.=+t+t+t+tAGENT+n+t+t####You've#got#a#Mrs.#Murphy#to#see#you,#sir.=+tGill#leaves.=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Are#you#crazy? #What#are#you#doing?=+t+ t+t+tDADE+n+t+t####I'm # t r y i n g# to #h el p # y o u. = + t S he#pause " \
" s , # r e al iz in g#h is#ge st ur e. = + t + t + t+t KA T E + n + t + t # # ##Dade.=+t+t+t+tDA D E + n + t + t ## ##What?=+t+t+t+tKATE+n+t+t####Thanks#for#you r#he lp.=+ tDade#turns#on#the#intercom.#Gill#can#be#heard# t h r o u g h#it.=+ t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t+t+t(grimly)+n+t+t####Your#son#is#in#big#trouble.#He#has#violated+n+t+t#### his#probation#and#he#has #engaged#in#criminal+n+t + t # ## # act ivi ty. = + t + t +t+t M R S . # M U R P H Y + n + t + t# # " \
" ## M y # s o n # h ap pens #to#be#a# ge n i u s . # He # u nd e r s t ands+n + t + t# ###so me th ing#h a pp e n i n g # to d a y#that#you#won't+n+t+t####comprehend#if# you#l ive#to #be#a#hundred,#and#he+n+t+t####would#never #us e # w h a t # he#knows#to#harm#a#living+n+t+t####soul.=+tAgent#Bob#enters.=+t+t+t+tAGENT#BOB+n+t+t####The#news#crew#you#reque sted#is#here.=+t+t+t+ t M R S . # MU R PH Y+n+ t + t # ### Oh # g o o d . # C aus e # I # h av e#a# " \
" f e w # t hi ng s #t o#te ll +n +t +t# # # # th e m. =+ t + t + t + t G I L L + n + t+ t ####Your#s on#is# f a c i n g #thir t y#felony#counts#in#an+n+t+t####ongoing#investi gatio n.#You#face#possible+n+t+t # ### a rres t # i f # y o u # d o #that.=+t+t+t+tMRS.#MURPHY+n+t+t####Mister,#I#don't#care#if#I#face#certain#death.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####Mrs.#Mu rphy#stays#right#here. = + t + t+ t+ tK A T E+n+t+t### # O h , #w ow,#she's#gr e a t .=+ t+t +t+tDAD E + n + t +t### " \
" # Y e a h . = IN T. # SECRET#SERV I C E # O F F I CE S.= +t T h e#new s # c r ew#int ervi ew s#Gi l l . = +t +t + t + t REPORTER+n+t+t####...and#attacked#the#Ellingson's#co m puter+n+t+t####network.# I s# t h e#l ast #we ' v e # s een#of#this#type+n+t+t####of#high-tech#espionage?=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####Well,#I'm#afraid#not.#Hackers#are#a#grave+n+t+t####threat#t o #t h e #n at io nal#s ec u r i t y. #T h i s +n+t+t####incident#j us t#p rov e s # with o " \
" u t # a #d oubt# th at# we+n + t +t # # # # ne e d #i n c r e a s e d # f undi ng#t o#s to p. . . = + t Nik o n #a nd #Joey#are#led#in.=+tThe#monitors#cut#into#static,#then#Cereal#appears.=+t+t+ t + t SO M EO NE + n+t + t # # # # That #kid#cut#him#off!=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####Hold#on,#boys#and#girls.#It#is#I,#the#Cereal+n+t+t####Killer,#making#my#first#coast#to#c o a s t , # w o r l d+ n+ t +t## # # w i d e , # global#te le vision#appearance.#Yes,+ n + t + t#### " \
" t h a t ' s # r i g ht ,#I'm#he r e # to # t e l l# y ou# a b o ut # t h i s + n +t + t####h ein ous#s ch e m e#h at c he d# from#within#Ellingson+n+t+t####Mineral.=+tRazor#and#Blade#busily#work#on# k ee p i ng # h im#o n #th e # a i r . =+t + t +t+tCEREAL+n+t+t####But#for#what,#you#ask?#World#domination?+n+t+t####Nay.#Something#far#more#tacky.#A#virus#called+n+t+t####Da# V i n c i , #t ha t# wh e n#laun c h e d , # w o uld#caus e+n +t+ t# ###Ellin gs o n # M in " \
" e r a l # t a n ke rs #to #capsize#was # t o # b e +n +t + t # # # #b l a m e d # o n#in n ocent #hack ers.#B u t # t h is # v i r us #was+n+t+t####really#the#smokescreen,#right.#What#could#be+n+t+t ### # so# vita ll y# impor t a nt#t o # pr o tect#th at # so m eo ne+n+t+t####would#create#such#a#nasty,#antisocial,#very+n+t+t####uncool#virus#program?=+tCereal#is#now#seen#and#heard#on#the# b ig # s c r e e n# in #T i mes+n+t S q u a r e. =+ t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t# ###But# w h y ?#Co " \
" u l d # i t # b e # to #c over#t he#t r ack s # f o r + n +t +t### #t h i s #wo r m# p r o gram?# A#worm#that#w as #to # s t e a l # 2 5 + n + t+t####million#bucks.#The#password#for#this#hungry+n+t+t####li ttle#su c ker#b e l ongs # to # Margo # Wall a ce , # head+ n+ t+ t####of#public#relations#at#Ellingson#Mineral...=+nINT.#PLAGUE'S#LOFT.=+tMargo#watches#this#and#sits#bolt#upright#in#bed.= + t + t +t +t M A RG O+ n+ t + t####Oh # m y # G od! =+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t +t + t (c " \
" o n t i nu i n g ) +n +t +t ### #.. . and# E u g e n e # B e l f or d ,# Co m p u t e r #Se c u rity+n+t+t## ##Of f i c e r . = + n I N T .#SECRET#SERVICE#OFFICE=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t+t+t(finally# u nd e rstandi ng #wh at's#be en + n+t + t+ t + tg oing # on #a l l #a long)+n+t+t####Son#of#a#BITCH!=+t+t+t+tCEREAL+n+t+t+t+t(continuing)+n+t+t####What's#this?#Is#this#the#unnamed#accou n t #i n # t he +n +t+ t # # # #Bahama s #w her e#t he# money#was#to#b e # s ta " \
" s h e d ? # I+ n + t + t# # ##think #so!=+ t A n # a c cou nt # n u m b e r#s c r o l l s # be low#Cere al 's#chin.= +t+ t + t + t C E R E A L + n +t+t####Yo.#I#kinda#feel#like#God!=+tHis#voice# echoes#acro s s #the # ea rth# a nd #a mong# the+n+ t satell ites. =+t+t+t+tMARGO+n+t+t####Plague?+n+t+t####Eugene?=+tAlmost#supernaturally,#Plague#is#already#gone.#He#was+n+tright#nex t # t o #h e r , # s ta rk# n a k e d # i n#bed#a#s e c o n d#ago.=INT.#SECR ET# S E R VI " \
" C E # O F F I CE S . =+tT he#hackers # em b r a c e # a n d # c o ng r a t u l a t e # e a c h#other#ag ain,+n+tLauren# M u r p h y # h u g s # h e r#son.=INT.#POLICE#STATION,#WOMEN'S#LOC K U P .=+t Margo#W a l l ace# h as #b e e n# a r res ted ,# and#i s # bein g #led#into #the+n+twomen's#lockup.#Some#of#the#other#women#grab#at#her+n+texpensive#Italian#leathe r # j a c k e t# as #s he # i s # l e d #t o # h e r # cel l.=+t +t+t+tMA R G O+ " \
" n + t + t ### # I# d on 't#e ven#kn o w# h o w # t o # w o r k # a # V C R , # l e t # a l o n e+n+t+t# ## #a #computer!#G e t # o f f ! #L o o k , # listen,#I'll#make+n +t + t # # # #a # de a l . # Eu ge n e# Be lford !#I #k now#wh er e#h i s + n + t +t# # ##mother#is,#I#promise#you.#Get#offa#me!#I#need+n+t+t####a#lawyer!=+nINT.#AIRLIN E R #C A B I N .# #I N# F L I GH T . = + t + t+t+ t S T E WAR DESS+n +t+ t # # " \
" # # H ere # you# are ,# M r. # B a bb a g e . # # F l i gh t # ti me # t o + n + t + t # # # #Tokyo#shoul d# b e # about #1 4 # h o urs #t oday . #Can#I+n+t+t## # # g e t # y o u # a n y t h i n g # e lse ? =+t B abbage#is#The#Plague#in#disguise;#he#now#appears#about+n+t60#years#old.=+t + t + t + t PL AG U E+ n+ t + t # # # # J u s t#a#p i ll o w#ple ase. = + " \
" t T h e #pil l o w # s l i d e s # i n # b e h i n d# h i s # he a d ,# h e # re a c h es#up# to+ n+tadjust#i t.=+t+t+t + t P L AGUE+n+t +t####Thank#you.=+ t A # h a n d c u f f # s n a p s # o n t o # his# wrist.#It's#Gill.=+t+t+t+tGILL+n+t+t####You're#welcome.=+t+ t + t + t P L A G U E +n +t+ t # # # # W h a t' s # going#o n ? # Let#g o#of# " \
" m e ! # S t e w a r d e s s ! + n+ t+t## # # I 'll#n e ve r #f ly#thi s # a irline#again!=+nEXT.#NEW#YOR K#CITY# SI D E WALK.#NIGHT.=+tD a d e #an d # K a t e # a r e # o n # t h eir#date.#Dade#is#smartly,+n+tsomewhat#androgyno u s l y # d r e s s e d. #K at e # is #h ea v il y # ma de# u p , + n + ta n " \
" d # y e s , # s h e # i s #w e ari n g # a # dr ess .=+ t + t+t+ t DA DE+n +t +t####You#look#good# in #a#dre s s.=+t+t+t+tKATE+ n + t +t# # # # Y o u # w o u l d#h a ve#looked#better.=+t+t+t+tDADE+n+t+t## # # W a n n a# g o # f o r # a #sw i m ? = + nE X T . # R OOFTO P # S W I M M " \
" I N G # P O O L . = + t Da d e# an d #K at e# swimmi n g , #full y # clothed,#in#a#pool#on#a+n+troof.=+t+ t+t+tKATE+n+t+t# # # # I # c a n ' t # b e li e v e# the y# de cided# you#won.=+ t + t+t+tDADE+n + t + t # # # # T h e y # di d n ' t. #T h e# gu ys# f e l t #it# " \
" w a s # t h e # o n l y + n + t +t### #w a y# I'd #ge t #a#dat e. # A nyway , #yo u're#pretty+n+ t+t# ###good .#You're#elite.=+ t + t+ t +t K A T E + n +t + t ## ## Y e ah ?# Y o u#k now#if # y o u # w o u l d # h a ve# sai d # so #i n+ n +t + t # # # # t h " \
" e # b e g i nni ng,#you#would#hav e#sav e d # y o ur s el f+ n+ t + t# ## # a#w hole # l ot # of # t r o u b le . = + t T h e y # l o o k#o ut#a t # th e#s k yline.# S u d d e n l y , # the #l ig h t s #i n + n+ tthr e e #buildin g s#cha " \
" n g e . # T h e y # s pell#out:=+t+t## ##C+t #B+n+t+t# ## ## R# ## # A ####U + n +t+t ## ## ##A# # ## N # # # # R +n + t + t ### # # # # S # # # # D## # # N +n+t+t + t H =+n +t K at e# la u g h s ,#h o n e s t l y # i m p r es se d . =+ t + t+t +t D A D E +n+ t+t## # # B e a " \
" t # t h a t != +tKate#continues #lau g h i ng .= +t +t +t + t D A D E + n+ t + t ## # # Yo u # k no w, # I' ve #b e e n # ha v ing # these # re a l l y + n + t+t ## # # w e i r d . .=+ t + t +t + t KATE +n + t +t + t+ t(f ini sh i n g#his #se n t " \
" e n c e )+ n +t+t### # Dream s?= + t T he y # k i s s # pa ss io nat ely .= + t T h e # cr ed it s#ro ll .= A s s oc i a te # P r oduc e r +n+t # #S e l w y n#Robe r t s = P en n # J i l l e t t e# a s # H al=L on d o n # Ca s ti ng + n + t# #Mic he l l e " \
" # G u i s h =Un i t#Produ ct io n# M a n a g e r + n + t # # Se lw y n #R ob e r t s = F i rs t # A s s ist a n t #Dire c t o r + n +t ## Si m on#Hin k l y = S e c o n d # A s s ist a n t # Dir e ct o r s + n + t ## J er r y # D a l y +n + t " \
" # # S t e v e # Robin s o n=Mus ic # S u p e r v i so r + n+ t## Bo b# L as t = Vi s ua l # E f fe c t s # Su pe r v i s o r+ n + t # # P e t e r # Ch i a n g = S u p e r vi s i n g# S oun d # E d it o r+ n +t## G l e nn # F " \
" r e e m a n t l e= Re-Reco r d i n g # M i x e r + n + t # # J ohn # H ay w a r d , # A. M .P . S . = +n + t D a de # a nd #K a t e # em e r g e # f r o m #th e i r# u n d e r w a te r# k i s s , # " \
" t h e # v i e w + n + t r is e s # a b o ve # t h e # p o o l # a n d # i n t o # t h e # n i g h t . # # F ad e # t o # b l a ck . = + n + t+ t+t+t## # # # # #CA ST +n + t " \
" + t + t + t # ## # # # #- - - - + n + t + t + t # # # # # # D a d e # # # J o n n y # L e e # M i l l er + n + t + t + t # # # # # # Ka te # # " \
" # A n g e l i n a # J o l i e + n + t + t + t # # # # ##Joe y # # # Je s s e # B r a d for d + n + t + t+ t " \
" # # # # C e r e a l # # # M a t t he w # L i l l a r d + n + t + t + t# # # # #N ikon # ## L au r ence # Mason + " \
" n + t + t + t # # # # P h r e a k # # # R e n o l y #San t i a g o+n + t + t + t Th e # P l ag u e# # #Fis h e " \
" r # S t e v e n s + n + t + t # # # # # L au r e n #M ur p h y # # #A lb e r ta # Wa t s on+ n +t +t+ t## ## #Raz o r # # # D " \
" a r r e n # L e e + n+ t + t + t # # # # # B la d e # # #P ete r # Y.# Ki m + n + t+ t +t## # # C ur ti s ## #E t h a n #Brow n " \
" e + n + t + t +t # # # # # M a r g o # ## L o r r a i n e # B r ac co+ n + t +t# # # A g e nt#Dick#G i l l ###We nd e l l # Pierce+n+ t " \
" + t + t # A g e n t # B o b # # #Mic h a e l # Ga s t on +n+ t + t + t # A g ent # R a y # # # Ma r c # Anth o n y + n + t+t+ " \
" t # # # # # # # H a l # # # P e n n # Jil l e t t e + n+ t+ t +t### # # La ur a# ##L i z a# Wal k e r + n + t+t # # # # # M r .#Ellin g s o n # " \
" # # B o b # S e s s i o n s + n + t # # # # # # # S . S . # A g e n t , #Se a t t l e# # # B l a k e# W i l l e t t + n + t + t + t Yo u n g " \
" # D a de ## # M a x#L i g o s h + n + t +t+ t # # A t to rne y # # # F e l ic i t y # H u f f m a n + n + t + t # # # # M i c h ae l# M u r ph y### P a u l#K le m e n towi c z + n + t+t + t # " \
" # # # # J u d g e # # # R i c h a r d # Z i m a n + n + t + t + t # # # # # # No r m # # # B i l l # M a u l + n + t + t +t ## # # # # J o c k # # # W i l l ia m # D e M e " \
" o + n + t +t +t # # # #De n i s e # # # D e n i s e # G e o r g e + n + t+ t # # F r es h m e n # o n # R o o f # # #J eb # H a ndwe r " \
" g e r + n + t + t + t + t # # # # # M i t c h e l l # N gu ye n- M c C o r m " \
" i c k + n + t + t # # # # ###Mr. #S i m p s o n# ## G " \
" a r y # K l a r + n + t + t + t J o e y ' s# Mom # # # Te r r y # P " \
" o rte r + n + t # # # # # 1 s t # S y s op s# T e chn i c ia n## # J o " \
" h n n y # M y e r s+ n + t # # # # # 2 nd # Sy s o p s# Te c h n " \
" i c i a n # # # K e v i n # B r e w e rto n + n + t + t ###En g l i s h # T e a " \
" c h er # # # S a m # D o ug las+ n + t + t + t # # 1 st#V . P . # # # K a l # " \
" Web e r+n+ t + t + t # # 2nd# V . P .# # #Jef f # H a r d in g + n + t " \
" + t # # # # 2nd # S .S.#A ge nt # # # T o m " \
" # H i l l + n + t+t+ t # # Re p orte r # # # J e n n " \
" i f e r # Ri c e + n + t + t###### # A d d i c t # H a n k " \
" # # # D o u g l a s # W. # I l es + n + t + t # # # # " \
" # A d d i c t # V i c k i e # # # A n " \
" n e m a r i e # Z o l a + n + t + t # # T o w # T " \
" r u c k # D r i v e r # # # M i c h a el #Po t ts + n +t +t### ### P h r e a k ' " \
" s # M o m # # # N a n c y # T i cotin+n+t+t ###E ll i ng s on #G ua r d ## #Mi ke # Ci c c h " \
" e t t i + n + t + t ###Phone#Repairman###Mic k# O ' Rourke + n+ t +t# ## # # L o n d o n # H a c k e r # # # D a v e # S t e w a r t + n + t +t ### # # # " \
" T o k y o # H a c k e r # # # N a oko#Mori + n + t+t####Itali a n#Hacke r###Ro b e r ta# Go tt i+n+t+t### Russian#Hackers###Rav il #I sy a n o v +n+t + t + t +t # # # ## O l e g a r i o # F edoro+n+t+t###News#Technic i a n # ## " \
" E ric#Lore n + n+t+t##F light#Atte n d a n t # # #Kri s t in#Moreu + n + t + t # ##Sec ond# Repo r ter# # # Ricco#Ross+n+t+t +t Jail #G ua r d ## #Tony#Si b ba l d i+n+t+t####Talk#Show#Host###Richard # P u r r o + n +t+t####Da#Vinc i # Virus###Enzo#Juni o r + n " \
" +t+t + t## 3 r d#V.P.###Yo s h i m o ri#Ya m amoto+n+t+t+t # # 4 t h#V.P. # ##Ra l ph #Win t e r +n+t +t # # ####R ec e p t ion ist## # K i mbr a # S t a n d i s h + n + t +t######R o l l e r b lader### S t even#Ang i ol i n i =+ " \
" t+t+ t## ###STUN T S# -#U. K. + n +t+ t+ t # #### - - - ----- -----+ n + t+t+tGlen# M arks## # A ndreas# P et r ides+ n+ t + t##### ##N i ck# P owe ll###To n y #Lucke n+ n+t + t##### # #J i m #D owd al " \
" l# ##P e t e r# Pedr e r o +n +t+t+ tTom# D e l mar ###Se o n # Roger s=+t + t+t # ## # #STUNTS# - #U.S.+ n +t+t+ t#### #-- - - - ---- ----+ n + t+t#S t u n t # C o o r d i n at or # # # Jerr y #Hewitt+n + t + t + t # # # S t u n t#Per f o r m ers+n + t+t####Mike #C icche tti###Da nn y #D own ey+ " \
" n +t+t#####Mick #O'R ourke ###D on#Pi c a r d+ n +t+t## # ##Je n n i f e r #Lam b# # # M ar k #W e bs t e r =+t+t+t #### # C YBE RSPIR I T S # a n d#SK AT ER S + n+t + t+t## # ## - - -- -- -- -- - - - ------- ------ + n+t+ t # # # J e n n i f er# Badge r## # Melis s a#Barkan + n +t + t # ####Do n#J.#He wi t t# ##C hri st " \
" o#Mor s e+n+t+ t## # # Felix #Sant i a g o ### C hri s topher#Wal ke r + n +t+t+ t## # ###J os ep h#L lo yd == + n + t# ### # ## Hacki n g#C on su lt a n ts## # J a c k # H i t t # a n d # P a ul# Tou g h = + n+t +t# # # ###A rt#Dir e c to r###J o hn #Fra n k ish+ n+t+t## ## # Set #De cor at " \
" o r### J oanne #W oo la r d+ n+ t## ##Assista n t # A r t#D ire c t o r # # #Be n #Sc o t t + n +t+ t## # Came r a# Op er at or# ## Mi ke #Prou d foo t+n+t+t##### #Fo c u s # P u lle r# ##D avi d # Mo rgan+n+ t+t ### #Clapper#Loade r###John# Ferg u s on+ n+t +t#######Camera#Grip# ##To ny#T ur n er+ n+ t # # #### 2nd # Came ra#A s sist ant###Andrew#B an wel l+n +t+ " \
" t Stil l#Photogr a pher# # # M ark#T illie+ n + t+t # S c rip t# S upe rvi sor ## # D ia n a # Dil l+n+t# ###P r od uct io n# Co ord in at o r ###J o #B u n n=+ t # C h ief# L i g ht ing#T echn i c ian# # # J oh n# B ig g l e s# H i g g i ns+n ### # #A ss i s t a n t#Lig ht i ng#T ech nic ian# ##K ev in #E dla n d + n+t + t## ##Rigging#Gaf f e r###W ayn e#L " \
" e ach= +t+t# #Lo c at i o n#Ma n ag er ## #R i c h ard# S ha r ke y +n +t As s ist a n t # Loca t io n #Ma nage r# # #P i e rs # Dun n =+ t V i sua l # E f fec t s # C o ordin ator ###Ti m #Field +n #Se n ior# V is ua l #Eff ec ts #Techni ci a ns## # And r ew #E io + n+t + t+ t+ t #####Justin#Owe n + n +t+t +t + " \
" t ##### Jo e#Brut o n+n+ t # # V i s ual# E ffect s# Assi s t a n t# ##M a t the w#K ok =+ t# # ### V i sua l #Eff e ct s #E ditor ###Ma r ty n #Ro b inson +n+ t###Fi r s t #Ass ist a nt# E d i t or s ## #S teve # Magui re + n +t+t + t + t## # ## Fab i enn e# Ra wle y+n+ t ##Second#Assistant#Ed i tors###C h r " \
" i stia n#Wheel e r+n +t + t + t +t# # ### Ju li an# P r y c e+n + t# ## #T h ir d #A s s ist a n t # E d i t o r## # J on ath an#Man n= +t + t ###D ia lo g ue# E d i tor## #P h i lip # A lto n+ n+ t ### # # #So un d# Ef fec ts#E d ito r # # # Pe t e r# B a ld oc k+n+t### A ss i s t ant # " \
" S ound# Ed itors### T im o t h y # V i n e+n+t +t+t+ t# ### # K eit h #Lo w es + n+t + t+t +t # # ## # E d #St a bile+ n+ t+ t## ### #Fol ey #E d ito r # ## Poll y #Aitk en =+t+t+ t A DR#Edi to r###P e t er#El li ot t+n## # # # As sis t ant #R e - Re co rd i n g#M i x e r s # ##Da vid#An d " \
" e r son+ n+t+t+t + t #### # R i char d #Pry k e+ n+t+ t # # ## # # # Fo ley # Mix e r# ## N ic#L e Me s sun i e r# A. M.P. S . = +t+t## ##### Sou nd #Mix e r ###Pe te r# Lin d s ay+ n+ t+ t #So u n d # M a i n te na nc e # ## M e r v y n # Moo r e+ n +t+ t ###S ou nd # A ssista n t # # #S t eve# F i " \
" n n =+t+ t# #####M usi c#Ed i t o r # # # Pa ul#Ra bj o hns+ n # # ### # #Po s t# P ro d uc t io n# C o o r d i n a t o r## # Jo# Hu m an + n # Po st # P rodu c tion# Musi c #Co o r d inator ## # Gale # W r i g h t = +tAss is ta n t#C o s t um e#De si gn e r # ## K a t e # F orbe s + n + t# ##### # W " \
" a rdro be#Superv i s or## # A n n e #Gorm an + n+t+ t W a r dr o b e # A ss is ta n t## #A bi g ail # Hi c ks +n +t# Ha ir#a n d # Make -u p#S t yl i s ts# ##C h rist i n e #B lu n de l l + n + t + t + t+t ## ## # Liz# D a n a u e r + n +t# A s sis ta n t#Ma k e-u p # S t yli s t # # # M a res e#L a n g " \
" a n =+t+t ## Produ ct io n #B u y e r # # #Joh n #O 'S h augn e s s y+n + t+t # ##P ro p ert y #M a st er ### K e i th# V owl es + n+ t+ t# # # # # P ro p #S t oreman ### Bria n#W es t + n + t ##Ch ange hand # D r e s s i n g #Pr op # # #Joh n # M o o re+n +t+ t ## # #Dr es si n g # Pro p s # # # K e vin #Wh e " \
" e ler+ n+t+t+t+ t## # ##Mar i o n #Cole + n+ t## #Ch a n g e h an d # St andby#P r op## #Jo e #Di p ple + n+ t + t ## # ### S t andby# Pr op ###Stanley #T or b ett + n + t+t## # P ro ps#Ca r p e n t e r###P au l # Law l o r = + t ### ## # Con st ruc ti on #M a na ger # # # C r a i g #Hi llier +n " \
" + t +t#St an dby#C ar pe n ter# # # R i c h ard#Jo n es+ n +t+ t ###S tand b y#P ai n t e r## #R oy #Mar t i n +n +t +t # ### Standby # R i gge r ## #P e t er#H awki n s+ n+ t + t # S ta nd by # Stag e h a n d # # # D a vi d #J on e s=+t + t # S t o r y boa rd # A rt ist# ## Jan e #C la rk= + t # # V i su a l# E f " \
" f e cts #Camerame n# ## Ingrid#Dome ij+n+t+t+t+t# # # # # Ma rk# G a r din e r+ n +t + t+t+ t# # ### Pe t e r#F i e ld+ n +t + t# ## # # # F o c us# Pu l le r ###A lex# Ho w e + n + t +t### # Cl a pper # L o a d e r # # # Mark# Mi l l some = + t ### C i ty# of #Text # M odel# by ## #Artem, # L t d . + n + t +t## # " \
" # ###Mod elmakers # # #R ob e r t#Thomas+ n+ t + t+t +t# # ### A d am # Ho w a rt h+n+ t+t +t+ t #### #Bo b #Tho rn e+n + t+ t+ t+t # # # # # Jul i an# Eyre s +n + t # ## Mot i o n #Co n tro l# Operator###Martin#Kelly+ n + t # #Mo t io n# Cont r o l # A s s i s tan t # ## John # D uff y =+ t + t ## # Computer#Sc r e e n s#a nd# Gra p h " \
" i c s#by+ n+t+t+t ### ##R es earc h# Ar ts+n + t # #A r t#Di r ec ti on #a n d #Desi g n ### S i mon # Sta i ne s+ n+t+ t + tCons u l t an t# # #N ev ille # Br od y + n + t + t + t#A ni ma tion # # # M i k e#Willia m s +n+t+ t+ t +t##### To n y # Ca mpbell+n+t + t+ t +t #### #Sh a m shul #Ros u n ally+n+ t + t + t +t ## # # # T " \
" o by#In w a r d s+ n +t +t #### O f f i ce# M an a g er ## # F WA#R ich ard s= +t + t+t# # ## D igi ta l#F i lm# at+n+t + t# ### # # # T h e#M o ving #P ic tu re#C om p an y+ n+t+t C o m puter #A ni ma tio n## #Pa u l# Fr an k l i n + n +t+t +t+t # ### #Keith # Ro b ert s+n+t+ t + t+t# ## # # N i gel# " \
" H a r dwid g e +n+ t +t + t +t#####Jane#O'Callag han + n +t+t ### # # ## P rogra m me rs## #Pet e r#Gr e c i a n+ n+ t+ t + t+ t# ## ##Si m o n #Ro bi n so n+ n+ t# # # #D ig it al #Vis u a l # E ffe ct s# ## Ch arlie#Noble+n+ t+t +tPr o d ucti o n# ##Ma tt h ew#H o l b en+n + t + t +t + t#####Al e x#Hop e + n +t + t+ t+ t # ## # # " \
" A r thur #Wi ndu s =+ t+t ### # # # Op ti c a l #& # Dig it a l#Ef f e cts + n+t +t # #### # The# M a gic #C a mera #Com pany+n +t +t ##Ef f e c t s #Pro du c er # ## An to ny# Hu nt +n + t## # # # # # Effe ct s# Co or din at or ###Brenda #Coxo n +n +t+t# Op ti c a l # C a m eram en ### A n dy#Jeffery +n +t+ t+t +t#####A lan# C h u r ch +n + t# Optical " \
" # Effec t s#Anim at io n# ## H elen#Ball+ n# ### ## #Di g it a l# Ef f ect s #S u p erv isi o n# # # Al an #M a rqu e s+n+ t #Di g it a l #Ef f e c ts#A nim at io n# # #E v a n#D av ie s+n + t + t +t+t ## ## # Ri c h ar d#Scarl et t +n +t+t+t+t### ## Ph i l ip pe #Mon tagny=+t +t +t ##Mat te # Pain t i n gs #by+n+ t+ t +t # M atte# World# D i g i ta l + n + t+t + t # " \
" # ### ##M ar in,# CA +n +t # # #Vi s u a l #E ff ec ts # Pro duce r### C rai g#Bar r on+ n #E x e c utiv e #in #C h arge # of #Prod uc t io n### K r ysty na # De mk o wic z +n+ t # Vi su a l#Ef f e c t s#Su p e rvi sor## # C h r is # Evans +n+t +t Di g i ta l # Co mp osit o r # # #Pa ul# Riv ie ra +n+t# #### M o t io n# C o n t rol #Camera# " \
" # #Camer on#Nobl e+ n+ t +t#E ffects # Ed i t o ri a l## # Mar t i n#M at z inge r + n+ t+ t+ t ##K ey# G r ip# ##To dd #Smit h = + t + t +t# # ## ## Opt i cal s # b y +n+ t+t+ t+t # # G S E=+ n +t+ t ## # U ni t# P ub li ci st s # # # G ra h am #S mit h +n+ t + t + t + t ### ## Ju l ia#J ones + n +t ## # # #P rod u c t " \
" i on #Ac c ountan t# ## Tony #M il l e r+n+ t# # # # #As s i st a nt#A c c o u nt a n t s# ## S ar ah#Mi ller + n + t+ t+t+ t # # ## #Jus ti n# M iller+n+t # A ss i s tan t # t o #Iain#S o ft ley ###Ga l e #W ri gh t+n###### #Ass is ta nt s#to#th e# P r oduce rs# # #Jo# Huma n + n+ t +t + t+t### ## Tri p " \
" # P iers on +n+t### ## Pro ducti on#A ss i stan ts # ##Do n al# He a th+ n + t+t+t+ t # # ### N ick #C o r nw el l+ n + t+t+ t + t # # # # # Paul# E ll is on+n +t+t+t + t## # ##Jo # S e x t on + n+t +t+ t + t# #### Ke nny# St e wa rt +n +t +t## # 2n d # S e c on d #A . D.### P ip p a # H a r r i so n + n+ t " \
" + t# #### 2nd#Un i t #A. D . ### C ordel i a#Ha rdy+ n ## 2 nd# Un it # Director#of#P h otog r aph y# ##Zora n #Djor dj evi c +n+ t + t # Cas t in g # As s ocia t e# ## B arb a r a#Co ll i ns +n+ t +t#Ca st i n g #As sis ta nt ###Mi chell e# A r t h u r + n +t+t #C ro w d # Coo r d i n at o r # # # J am es#Fo w " \
" l ds+n + t+t#### ### Dr a u g h t s m a n ### An dr ew# N ich ol s o n + n +t +t J u n i o r#D r aug h t s man###R a y #Ch an + n + t#A s s i s t a n t # t o # S e t# Di r ec tor# # #E liza #So le s bur y + n + t##Ar t #D epar t m e n t # A s sist a nt###Han nah #C ou plan d +n +t + t # # # # # # V i d e o #A s si s t# ## Penn y # S k u s e + n +t +t +t# # " \
" C at erin g###Ang li a#Cat e ring#S ervic e s+n+ t +t+ tU n it#Nu rs e# ##S op hi e# Ra yn e r +n+t +t +t ## Se cur i ty# # # L e w #Mor g a n+n+t +t## ## #U n i t # V ehicl e s# # # Mick y # Web b +n+ t+t + t F a c i l ities ### L u na + n +t+ t +t# ## D r ive rs# # # P h i l # A llch i n+n+ t+ t +t+ t ## # # # M a u r i c e# Ne w s " \
" o me+n +t +t+t+t # # ## # J e f f #Ol d man =+t + t+ t ## # ## N E W # Y ORK #U NIT+ n +t+ t+ t# ## ##- - ------ - - -- -+n +t ## U nit# P r o d u c t i on#Manage r / + n+t# # ## 1st#A s s is ta nt#Dir e ctor# ##J o e l #Tub e r+ n+t# # # # 2 n d # Ass i stan t#Dir e c t o r ###G l e n# T rodin e r + n + t + t # # # # # #Art#Dire c t or ## #C h r i s # S h r i ve r+ n+ t " \
" + t#### #Set#Decora tor # # # A lyss a#Wint e r+ n+t+t## #C am era # Ope r at o r ###John#Sose nk o + n+ t # ## # First# A s sis ta nt #C ame r a ###Gerrard # Sa v a+ n + t # ##Se c o n d # A ss i st a n t #Ca m era # ## P am e l a # R i t t e lmey er + n + t+t S t il l#Pho togra p h er # # # Ji m#Bridges + n + t + t+ t # # ###V id eo# # # Ho w a r d# We in e " \
" r +n+t+t +t+t# # # ##Mic h a e l #Nei l #Fa ll o n+n+t + t#S cr i pt# Su pe rviso r # ##Mart ha # Pin so n+n +t ####Prod u c tion # Co ord ina t o r # # #Mich ael # Boonst ra+n# ### # 2 n d# Sec ond # Ass ista nt# D i r ect or ### Dea n # G a r v i n =+t #Chi ef #Ligh t i n g #Tec h n i cian## # Mi chael#Palme r +n## # # # A ss i st an t #L ight i n g# T e c h n ic ia n " \
" ## #K ev in#Jan ic e l l i + n+t+ t+t## Ke y#Grip## # Bi l l y# M il le r+ n +t +t + t Do lly# G ri p# ## D a vid# Lo w r y,# J r. =+t+ t##Loc a tion#Man a ger## # N ick #B e r nste i n + n + t A s sis t a nt # L oca t ion#M an a g er## # I s a b e l l e #Kost io - Cr osb y + n + t#### # ##Assi st a nt# L oca t i o ns## # La ur a#B a rne t t = + t +t ## # # " \
" # Boom# Operato r# ##To m m y # Louie +n+t+ t + t### ##Ca b le# ## Al exa n d ra# B a lt a rz uk=### ## A ssista nt # to #Costume#Design er###De an#B r ight + n + t##### # W a r d r obe#Sup e rvi sor s # ##A nn e#Go r man+n + t + t + t + t#### # Ma r cia# P a t ton + n+ t+t## # #M ake - up #Arti s t # ##Berna d ett e# Ma z u r+n+t + t # # # ## # H a i " \
" r # Sty l ist###Ju di th# G oodm a n=+t +t# ##Pro p er t y#M as t e r# ##Je ff#Bu tche r + n+ t### # ##F i r st #A ss istan t #P ro p ###J oAnn# A two o d + n+ t ###A s s i sta nt#S e t # D ecorator###Chandra#Kochie +n+t + t ## # #On - Set#Dr e s s e r ## #Ro c helle# E d elso n+n+t Art # Department#Coordin ato r# ##Cro c us#B e v e r + n + t + " \
" t #####Scenic#Ar ti st # # # E l izab e th# L in n+ n + t+t # # # ## Dra ugh t s wo m an # # # Pat r ic ia# Wo od bri dg e+ n+ t+t +t # #Lea d #M an## # T i moth y # Metz ger+ n + t## Con struc ti on#Coo rd inator ###Tom#Cos tabi l e+n C on s t r uc ti on #For ema n/K e y#Carp e nt er ###R u d y # P el ikan+ n + t + t # # # S p " \
" ecia l # Effec t s###S t e v e# Kirsho ff + n+ t #### T ran s port a t i on# C a p ta i n## #Jimm y# N ug en t= +t+t # ## #U nit #P ub li c ist ### Re id #R ose f e lt +n ## A s s ist ant# Pr od u c t ion # C oord in at or## # J . # L au re n # Bu ck l ey+n+t + t + tAcc ount an t### Marga r e t # A n n # M c C " \
" o urt+ n+t#####A s sist a n t #Acco unt a nts# # #R on#W ah l+ n+t+ t + t + t## # ## Ho lly #Ry mon+n +t+t### #Ex t r as# Casti n g# ## Ju dy#Fi z l er+n +t +t ##### D i a lect# Co ach # ## J o hn# Ta m mi +n### ### Comp ut e r# Hac k i n g#C ons u lt ants# ##Dav e#Bu c hw a l d+n+t +t +t+t# # ###Em m a n u e l# Gol d " \
" s tein+ n +t+t+t+t##### P e te#H o yes+n+ t + t +t+t## ## # Omar # W a s on + n +t +t #Rolle rbla d e #Co a ch ## # Ch r ist o # Morse+n + t+t## # # #Cra f t # S er vi ce # ## Kitty #Wit wer +n+t+t## ####On# Se t#Nur s e # ##Ca r olyn #Bax ter=+ t + t #### # ##T he #Pr o ducers# W ish #to#Th an k+n+t+t + t # ##Ap ple#Co m p u t e r# I n " \
" c .+n+ t+t + t+t##A T &T+n+ t+t +t## ## ### R adi us#Inc . +n+t + t+ t# ### Jay# P re sso n#Al l en +n +t+t+t## # # # #Wi ll ia m # Lat h am=+t+ t ##### W ipe o ut # G a m e #f r om #S o n y#Ps y g nos i s+n+ t +t #### #for#P lay stati on#& #Compute r# P C #C Ds=+ n + t+ t###T it le#D e s i g n # by # # # " \
" R ichar d#Mor r i s on+ n +t +t+ t +t# # # ## P l ume # Produc t i on s ,#Lt d.=+t+t# T itle #Opti c a ls#by # # # C ap it a l # FX+ n+t +t## # ####Co lor#T imer # # #Tom#Gib so n + n + t+t#### D T S # C o n " \
" sultan t### John# Taylo r= + t+t# Cook ie#M o n ster#is#a#J i m# He nso n#Mu p p e t + n+t+t#### # # F eatu red#o n#Ses am e# Street+ n +t#####A#produ ction #of#C hil dren ' s#Te levi sion#Wo r kshop= +t + t #######Con s c i e n c e # " \
" of#a#Hacker+ n+t+t+tqu o ted#with# permissio n+ n+t+t+t#of#Loyd#Blan k ensh i p+n+t+ t + tment o r@blankenship.com=+t+t+t#Sound#Re-Recorded#at+ n +t+t+t## # Pinewood#S t ud ios+n+t + t+t####London ,#E ngland=+t+t L i g h t i n " \
" g #Equ i p m e nt#by # A FM#Li g hting , # L t d . = + t+t+t####Fi l m #Pro c e s s i n g + n+t+tRank#Film#Laboratories,#London,#Engl an d+ n +t+t # ##Duar t#Fil m# Lab or a tories ,#Ne w#York=+t+t######M o t i o n # C " \
" on t r o l# E qui p ment#b y + n + t + t + tG ra nad a #Te l evisi o n # L t d.=+ t + t + t # F i l m " \
" e d # i n #PA NA V IS I O N= + t+t + t ## # # C o l o r # b y # d e l u x e = + t + t " \
" + t P rod uced# o n # Kodak#Fil m = + t P roduct i o n # S e r " \
" v i c e s # b y # U " \
" n i t e d #A r t i s t " \
" s # C o r p o r a t i o " \
" n # L t d . + n " \
" ";
int main(){ int c = 0,i=0,j=0,k=0,t=0,s=sizeof(h);char out[81];char *b,
*e;int d=0; b=(char*)malloc(s+1);e=(char*)malloc(s+1);while(h[c]!='\0')
{if(!(h[c]==' ')){b[d]=h[c];d++;}c++;}b[d]='\0';c=0; d=0; while (b[c]!=
'\0'){if(b[c]=='+'&&b[c+1]=='n'){e[d]='\n';c++;}else if(b[c] =='+' && b
[c+1] =='t'){e[d]='\t';c++;}else{e[d]=b[c];}d++;c++;}e[d]='\0';while(i<
s){if(e[i]=='#'){out[j]=' ';}else if(e[i]=='\t'){j+=7;}else{if( e[i] ==
'\n'){printf("%s\n",out);for( k=0;k<=80; k++)out[k]=' ';j = -1; usleep(
500000);}else if(e[i]=='=') {printf("%s\n\n",out);for(k=0;k<=80;k++)out
[k]=' ';k=i-1;c=1; while( e[k]!='='&&k>40){if(e[k]=='\n') c++;k--;}t=c*
1500000; k=0;j=-1;usleep(t);} else{ out[j] = e[i]; }}i++;j++;}free(b);}